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I [a] pron. 我

ice [as] n. 冰

ice-cream [as- krim] n. 冰淇淋

Iceland [aslnd] * n. 冰島

idea [ad] n. 主意,意見,打算,想法

have some/no idea + 從句/of… 知道/不知道......

I have no idea why she left.

I have no idea of his address.

identity [adentt] n. 身份, 特徵

The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.

The thief used a false identity.

identity card=ID card 身份證

identification [adentfke()n] n. 鑑定, 辨別

idiom [dm] n. 習語, 成語

if [f] conj.如果,假使,是否,是不是

ignore [ɡn(r)] v. 忽視, 對…不理會

ill [l] a. 有病的;不健康的



He was ill/sick.

a sick mother

have a bad/an ill effect on 對...…影響不好

speak/think ill of sb. 說某人的壞話

illegal [liɡ()l] a. 非法的

It is illegal to drive through a red light.

illegally adv.

He entered the country illegally.

illness [lns] n. 疾病

imagine [mdn] vt. 想像, 設想

imagine sth./doing sth.

I can’t imagine life without the children now.

I can’t imagine his becoming a teacher.

immediate [midt] a. 立即的, 馬上

He answered almost immediately.

Turn right immediately after the church.

Immediately he had gone,I remembered his name.他一走,我就想起了他的名字。

immediate adj. 立刻的,立即的,直接的

an immediate reaction/response 直接的反應

take immediate action 立即採取行動

immediately [midtl] ad. 立即

immigration [m'gren] n. 移民

import [mpt] v.& n. 進口, 輸入

the import of electrical goods 電器的進口

All the meat is imported from France.

importance [mpt()ns] n. 重要性

important [mptnt] a. 重要的

impossible [mpsb()l] a. 不可能的

impress [mpres] vt. 留下極深的印象

impress sb with sth/sb 使某人對...留下印象

He impressed us with his sincerity(真誠).

impress sth on/upon sb 使某人對某事印象深刻;使某人銘記......

He impressed on us the need for immediate action.

impression [mpre()n] n. 印象, 感覺

① get a good/bad impression of sb 對某人印象好/壞

a general/an overall impression 總體印象

② My words made no impression on her.我的話沒有給她留下印象。

His trip to India makes a strong impression on him.

③ be under the impression that 覺得,認為

I was under the impression that the work had already been completed.

improve [mpruv] vt. 改進, 更新

in [n] prep. 在…裡(內);在…;以… ad. 在家, 在內, 向內

in a word 話說

in all 總共

in modern times

be measured in tons 用噸來衡量

in that… 因為......

She was lucky in that she had friends to help her .

in the eighteenth century

in the1990s 在20世紀90年代

in one’s twenties 在某人二十幾歲的時候

in pencil/ English/ ink 用鉛筆/英語/墨水

pay sth in cash 用現金支付

The wall is 3meters in height/high.

The rope(繩子) is 3 meters in length/long.

inch [nt] n. 英寸

incident [nsd()nt] n. 事件

include [nklud] vt. 包含, 包括

Everyone laughed, including me. (me included.)

income [nkm] n. 收入, 所得

incorrect [nkrekt] a. 不正確的, 錯誤的

increase [nkris] v. & n. 增加, 繁殖

increase to/by 增加到/了

Great demands lead to a large increase in supply.

increasingly adv. 越來越多地,不斷增加地

increasingly difficult/important/popular越來越難/重要/流行

indeed [ndid] a. 確實;實在

independence [ndpendns] n. 獨立

independent [ndpendnt] a.獨立的,有主見的

India [nd] * n. 印度

Indian [ndn] a.(美洲)印地安人的; 印度人的 n. 印地安人;印度人

Indicate ['ndket] v.表明, 象徵, 暗示

A red sky at night often indicated fine weather the next day.

In his letter, he indicated to us that he was willing to cooperate(合作).

indication n.

indication of sth/doing sth

They gave no indication of how the work should be done. 他沒有指出這項工作該如何做。

industry [ndstr] n. 工業, 產業

industrial adj. 工業的,產業的

heavy/light industry

influence [nflns] n.& v. 影響

have a strong influence on/upon sb/sth

have influence over sb/sth 有左右某人的能力

His parents no longer have any influence over her.

under the influence of sb/sth 在......的影響下

He committed the crime under the influence of the drugs. 在毒品的影響下,他犯了罪。

Those friends are a bad influence on her.

His writings have influenced the lives of millions.

inform [nfm] vt. 告訴; 通知

inform sb. of/that 告知某人......

We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected.

keep sb. informed of 使某人得知......

information [nfme()n] n. 信息

information desk [nfme()n desk] 問訊處

initial [n()l] a. 開始的, 最初的

injure [nd(r)] vt. 損害, 傷害

He injured his knee playing football. 踢足球的時候,他傷了他的膝蓋。

This could seriously injure the company’s reputation(名譽,榮譽).

injury n. 傷害,損害;傷口

There were no injuries in the crash(墜毀).

The players are out of the team because of injury. 這些運動員因為受傷退出了球隊。

injury [ndr] n. 受傷處

ink [k] n. 墨水, 油墨

inland [nlnd, nlnd] a. 內陸的;內地的

inn [n] n. 小旅店;小飯店

innocent [nsnt] a.無辜的, 清白的

insect [nsekt] n. 昆蟲

insert [nst] vt. 插入

insert sth in/into/between sth

They insert a tube(管子) in his mouth to help him breathe.

inside [nsad] prep.在…裡面 ad.在裡面

insist [nsst] vi. 堅持;堅決認為

The man insisted that he hadn’t stolen anything and that he (should) be set free.

insist on doing sth. 堅持做某事

inspect [nspekt] vt. 檢查;檢驗;審視

inspection n. 檢查,視察

inspector n. 檢查員,視察員

The teacher walked around inspecting their work.

inspire [nspa(r)] vt. 鼓舞; 激勵

instant [nst()nt] a. 瞬間;剎那

instantly adv. 立即地,立刻地

The show was an instant success.

instant coffee/noodles 速溶咖啡/方便麵

I will be back in an instant.

At the very instant, the door opened.

I recognized her the instant I saw her. 我一看到她就認出了她。

instead [nsted] ad. 代替, 頂替

Lee was ill, so I went instead.

He didn’t reply. Instead, he left.

instead of 代替,而不是

Now I can walk to work instead of going by car.

institute [nsttjut; (US) nsttut] n. (研究)所, 院, 學院

institution [nsttju()n; (US) nsttun] n. (慈善、宗教等性質的)公共機構; 學校

instruct [nstrkt] vt. 通知;指示;教

instruct sb to do

She arrived at 10 o’ clock as instructed.

The letter instructed him to report to headquarters(總部)immediately.

instruction n.指導,教授,命令

follow one’s instructions

carry out/ignore one’s instructs 執行/忽視某人的指導/命令

instruction [nstrk()n] n. 說明,須知;教導

instrument [nstrmnt] n. 樂器;工具,器械

insurance [nrns] n. 保險

insure [n(r)] vt. 給……保險

Have you insured the contents of your home?

intelligence [nteldns] n.智力,才智,智慧

intend [ntend] vt. 想要, 打算

intend (sb.)to do

I intend to spend the night there.

intend that

It is intended that these meetings will become a regular event.

be intended for sb./sth 專門為......準備/設計

The book, intended for children aged 5-7,sells well.

intention [nten()n] n. 打算,計劃,意圖

intention of doing sth/to do sth

I have no intention of going to the wedding.

I had every intention of paying her back what I owe her.

She is full of good intentions.

He left England with the intention of traveling in Africa.

interest [ntrst] n. 興趣, 趣味;利息

interest sb. 使某人感興趣

I bought the book that interested me most.

show/have/feel/express (an) interest in…

lose interest in…

I watched the game with interest.

利益(C) 常用複數形式 protect customers’ interests

a place of interest/places of interest 名勝古蹟

interesting [ntrt] a. 有趣的

international [ntnn()l] a. 國際的

internet [ntnet] n. 互聯網, 英特網

interpreter [ntprt(r)] n.翻譯

interpret v. 口譯,解釋

interpret the poem

interpret sth as sth

I didn’t know whether to interpret her silence as acceptance or refusal.

interpret for sb

interrupt [ntrpt] v. 打擾, 打斷

interval [ntv()l] n. 間歇;間隔

interview [ntvju] n.& vt.採訪,會見,面試

a television/newspaper/radio interview

Which post are you being interviewed for?

If you don’t interview well ,you are unlikely to get the job.

interviewee n. 被採訪者,被面試者

interviewer n. 採訪者,面試者

into [nt, nt] prep. 到…裡;向內;變成

introduce [ntrdjus; (US) -dus] vt. 介紹

introduction [ntrdk()n] n. 引進, 介紹

introduction n.

introduce sb. to sb./oneself

introduce sb. to sth.

It was she who first introduced me to the pleasures of sailing.

introduce new technology

an introduction to English grammar

invent [nvent] vt. 發明, 創造

invention [nven()n] n. 發明, 創造

inventor [nvent(r)] n. 發明者, 創造者

invitation [nvte()n] n. 邀請, 請帖

invite [nvat] vt. 邀請, 招待

Ireland [alnd] * n. 愛爾蘭

Irish [ar] a. 愛爾蘭的, 愛爾蘭人的

iron [an; (US) arn] n. 鐵, 熨斗 vt. 熨燙

irrigate [rɡet] vt. 灌溉

irrigation [rɡe()n] n. 灌溉

island [alnd] n. 島

it [t] pron. 它

Italian [tljn] a. 意大利(人)的;意大利語的 n. 意大利人;意大利語

Italy [tl] * n. 意大利

its [ts] pron. 它的

itself [tself] pron.