速记!BBC 屠呦呦短片中包含了这些考点……

近日,BBC 屠呦呦的短片刷屏。


20 世纪最伟大的科学家都有哪些?下列选项正确的一项是:()

A.Maria Curie

B.Albert Einstein

C.Alan Turing

D.Tu youyou

E.Above all


屠呦呦作为 20 世纪最伟大的科学家之一,我们不仅要学其风骨与精神,更要从短片中看到与中高考相关的考点。为此,小编为大家圈出了 BBC 短片的考点,供大家学习。

BBC 短片原文


She looked back as well as forward.砥砺前行亦不忘回望过去。As part of the programme charged with finding a treatment for malaria, Tu was inspired by an ancient Chinese text which said sweet wormwood was used to tackle intermittent fevers (a hallmark of malaria) around 400 AD. 屠呦呦参与的项目旨在寻找治疗疟疾的方法。她受到一篇中国古文的启发,文中写道,公元400年左右时青蒿被用来治疗间歇性发热(疟疾的一种症状)。She saw her work cross a divided world.她的成就跨越东西。With half the world’s population at risk from malaria, Tu and artemisinin’s vast impact cannot be underestimated. As her Nobel Prize summary states her work has “led to the survival and improved health of millions of people.”由于全世界一半的人口面临疟疾的威胁,屠呦呦和青蒿素产生的巨大影响不可低估。正如她的诺贝尔奖总结所言,她的工作“为数百万人的生存和健康状况的改善做出了贡献”。Tens of thousands were left incapacitated after being bitten by the malaria-carrying insects. In one US army unit, a third of soldiers contracted the disease.成千上万的士兵,在被携带疟疾病毒的蚊虫叮咬后完全丧失行动能力。某个美国军团里,有三分之一的土兵都感染上疟疾。 Now, we have no way of estimating how many soldiers died in the North Vietnamese army,but we know the losses were colossal because the Communist Party Chairman, Ho Chi Minh reached out in desperation to China, asking for help to find a cure.虽然我们无法准确预估因为感染疟疾而导致北越士兵的死亡人数,但我们敢肯定一定是损失惨重。因为当时的越南主席胡志明在绝望之中向他的中国伸出了求救之手,希望中国能帮忙找到治疗方法。39-year-old researcher Tu Youyou decided to scour hundreds of old manuscripts in search of ancient wisdom. A traditional herbal remedy that might form the basis of a cure. With over 2,000 preparations to choose from, this was a daunting task.39岁的研究员屠呦呦查阅上百份中国古代医学典籍从中汲取创新灵感,希望能找到一味传统中草药为治疗疟疾奠定基础,两千多个关于疟疾的药方需要经过实验一一排查,这是一项异常艰巨的任务。Artemisia was a plant Tu had tested before without success. Then she had anepiphany by heating the plant to extract the compound. She might have been damaging the drug in the process. Instead, she decided to try extracting it at a lower temperature, mimicking the original formula.屠呦呦之前用青蒿提取物做过试验但却没有成功,她突然冒出一个灵感:莫非是之前实验时提取过程中的温度过高,而高温可能破坏了药物的效果?于是屠呦呦决定,改用低沸点溶剂来提取有效物,以此来模仿书中的古方。She tested it on a cluster of malaria cells, every single one was destroyed.她将青蒿提取物用于疟疾细胞进行试验,结果发现对疟疾抑制率高达100%。Tu was so convinced that the extract would work that she volunteered to test it on herself and over several days, doctors gradually increased the dose. She took the extract, she felt fine but more importantly, they were monitoring her major organs, her heart, her liver, her kidneys and they were fine too.屠呦呦坚信青蒿提取物有效且对人体无毒害,于是她主动要求在自己身上做试验。接下来那几天医生对她进行试药观察并逐渐增加剂量。她亲自试药,感觉良好。而最重要的是,医生一直在观察她内脏器官的各项指标,心脏、肝脏、肾脏全都没有任何问题。


malaria n.疟疾;瘴气

intermittent adj.间歇的

artemisinin n.青蒿素(抗疟药)

artemisia n.艾;蒿属

epiphany n.对事物真谛的顿悟

ancient adj.古代的

wormwood n.蒿

tackle v.决心处理

vast adj.广阔的;大量的;巨大的 n.广阔空间

impact n.撞击 v.撞击;冲撞;紧压

underestimate v.低估 n.估计过低;估计不足

survival n.幸存

incapacitate v.使丧失能力

contracte v.染上;感染;得;负

estimate v.估计;评价;判断 n.估计;估算;估价

colossal adj.巨大的;奇大无比的

scour v.仔细搜索;浏览

manuscript n.典籍;手写本

herbal adj.与芳草有关的;芳草的 n.芳草植物志

remedy n.治疗;药品;公差 v.补救



extract v.取出;拔出;提取

compound n.复合物;混合物

temperature n.温度

mimicking v.模仿;学…的样子 n.模仿

formula n.公式;方程式;计算式;惯用语句;配方

dose n.剂量 v.给服一剂药

monitor v.检测;监测 n.监视;监测;控制;追踪

kidney n.肾


1、look back:回头看

2、part of:部分;一部分

3、inspired by:受到…启发;灵感来自…

4、charged with:承担;参与

5、be used to:用于;用来

6、at risk:处境危险;遭受危险

7、be underestimated:被低估

8、Nobel Prize:诺贝尔奖

9、millions of:百万;数百万;几百万

10、be bitten by:被…咬

11、tens of thousands:数万;数万计

12、army unit


13、have no way:无从;无奈何;无由

14、reach out:伸出;伸手;触及

15、in desperation:绝望之下;不顾一切地;在走投无路的情况下

16、ask for help:寻求帮助

17、decide to do:决定干某事

18、in search of:搜索;寻找;搜查

19、the basis of:…的基础

20、in the process:在此过程中

21、a cluster of:一簇;一群;一丛


1、look back as well as forward.


2、She saw her work cross a divided world.


3、led to the survival and improved health of millions of people.


4、This was a daunting task.


5、If you measure greatness in terms of the number of human lives saved, then there is no doubt at all that Tu Youyou is one of the greatest scientists of all time.



convince 的用法

及物动词,后面要接宾语。当后面没有宾语的时候,用主系表结构 主+ be 动词 + convinced of/that 从句。主动表被动,应该翻译为我相信。

volunteer 作动词,常见搭配有:

volunteer to do sth. 自愿/义务/无偿/主动要求做某事

volunteer for (doing) sth. 自愿做某事

volunteer sth. 主动提供

there is no doubt that 毫无疑问

Being done 的用法

与be动词一起构成现在进行时的被动语态(am/is/are being doie和过去进行时的被动语态(was/were being done)

had done 的用法


have been doing 的用法




Tu Youyou has become the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize,for her work in helping to create an anti-malaria(疟疾)medicine.The 84-year-old's route to the honour has been anything but traditional.In China,she is being called the“three nos”winner:no medical degree,no doctorate,and she's never worked overseas.

In 1967,malaria,a then deadly disease,spread by mosquitoes was decimating Chinese soldiers fighting Americans in the jungles of northern Vietnam.A secret research unit"Mission 523 “was formed to find a cure for the illness. Two years later,Tu Youyou was instructed to become the new head of “Mission 523”.

“Mission523”read ancient books carefully for a long time to find historical methods of fighting malaria.When she started her search for an anti-malarial drug,more than 240,000 compounds(化合物)around the world had already been tested,without any success.Finally,the team found a brief reference to one substance,sweet wormwood(青蒿),which had been used to treat malaria in China around 400 AD.The team took out one active compound in wormwood,and then tested it.But nothing was effective until Tu Youyou returned to the original ancient text.After another careful reading,she changed the drug recipe one final time,heating the compound without allowing it to reach boiling point.

After the drug showed promising results in mice and monkeys,Tu Youyou volunteered to be the first human recipient of the new drug.“

In any case,Tu Youyou is consistently praised for her drive and passion.One former colleague.Lianda Li,says Ms Tu is “unsociable and quite straightforward”,adding that “if she disagrees with something,she will say it.”

Another colleague,Fuming Liao,who has worked with Tu Youyou for more than 40 years,describes her as a “tough and stubborn woman”.Stubborn enough to spend decades piecing together ancient texts,she applies them to modern scientific practices.The result has saved millions of lives.

25.According to Para.I,we can learn that()

A.Tu is the first woman to win a Nobel Prize

B.Tu has a medical degree

C.Tu's road to success is not traditional

D.Tu discovered a cure for malaria

26.The underlined word“decimating”can be replaced by()

A.encouraging B.killing C.annoying D.benefiting

27.Which of the following statements is true()

A.Tu first invented the idea of using sweet wormwood as a cure.

B.Tu was inspired by medical textbooks published in northern vietnem.

C.The compound needs to be heated to the boiling point to be effective.

D.Over 240,000 compounds were proved ineffective before Tu's seareh.

28.Tu Youyou can be best described as a person.()

A.devoted and stubborn B.straightforward and mean

C.considerate and tough D.sociable and generous


