
同一句英語,重音不同(word stress),含義可以完全不同。


I don't think he should get the job. 我認為他不應該得到這份工作



I don't think he should get the job.(其他某人認為他應該得到這份工作)I don't think he should get the job.(我沒說過他應該得到這份工作)I don't think he should get that job.(這不是我想說的。或我不確定他能得到這份工作)I don't think he should get that job.(其他某人應該得到這份工作)I don't think he should get that job.(在我看來,他接受這份工作是個錯誤)I don't think he should
get that job.(他應該通過努力,使他值得獲得這份工作,而不是這麼輕鬆就獲得了這份工作)I don't think he should get that job.(他應該找另外一份工作)I don't think he should get that job.(或許,他應該獲得一些其他什麼的,而不是這份工作)

從上面的分析可以看出,同一句 英語 可以從很多不同的角度進行理解。重要的是大家要記住:



I said she might consider a new haircut. 我說她可能考慮理髮


I said she might consider a new haircut.I said she might consider a new haircut.I said she might consider a new haircut.I said she might consider a new haircut.I said she might consider a new haircut.I said she might consider a new haircut.I said she might consider a new haircut.


A: Not just a haircut. 不僅僅是理髮

B: It's a possibility. 這是一種可能

C: It was my idea. 這是我的想法

D: Not something else. 而不是其他東西

E: Don't you understand me? 你難道沒理解我的意思嗎?

F: Not another person. 不是另外一個人

G:She should think about it. it's a good idea. 她應該考慮理髮。這是個不錯的注意。
