

您走錯方向了。You're going in the wrong direction.

那可不是走路可以到的。It's not within walking distance.

公共汽車不直接到那個地方,你至少得換兩次車。The bus doesn't go directly to that place. You have to change buses at least twice.

你最好乘地鐵,路線不那麼複雜,還更快。You'd better take the subway. The route is less complicated, and it's much faster.

從這裡駕車需要半個小時。It's a half-hour drive from here.

沿著路走就到了。It's up the road.

離這不遠。It's a stone's throw away.

我也正要去那裡。跟我來。I'm on my way there, too. Just follow me.

就在您的左邊。It's on your left.

就在前面,馬路的左邊。It's up ahead on the left side of the road.

到了下一個拐角往右轉。Turn right at the next corner.

一直往前走,穿過十字路口。Go straight ahead through the intersection.

一直往前走,過了廣場往右轉。Keep walking till you pass the square,then turn right.

一直靠右。Stay to your right.

到了電影院後,往北走。When you get to the cinema, go north.

走過兩個紅綠燈後,到第三個往左拐。Walk past two lights and turn left at the third.

你可以走過街天橋過馬路。You may cross the street by the footbridge.

就在街拐角附近。It's just around the corner.

按標誌走就行了。Just follow the signs.