



1.in terms of 從……的角度

2.a sound attitude 一種正確的態度

3.strive for 為……而努力

4.bookworm 書呆子

5.the pursuit of our ideals 對我們理想的追求

6.material well-being 物質財富

7.utilize the natural resources 利用自然資源

8.meet the future needs 滿足將來的需要

9.Competition exists everywhere and it is one of the motive forces of thedevelopment of society 競爭是社會生活中的一個司空見慣的現象

10.However,we often find competition exists together with cooperation.然而,我們經常發現競爭與合作共存的情況。

11.While we are advocating competition,we can’t forget cooperation.我們在倡導競爭是不可忽略合作。

12.Pure and exclusive competition leads to failures.純粹排他的競爭會導致一事無成。

13.Only competition together with cooperation helps us a great deal in obtaining our goals and satisfying our needs.只有既競爭又合作,我們才能實現目標,才能滿足自身需要。

14.The current education system 現行教育體制

15.(be) aimed at 致力於

16.the practical application of what they have learned 他們所學知識的實際運用

17.challenge examination-oriented education 挑戰應試教育

18.advocate quality-oriented education 倡導素質教育

19.focus on the students’ability as a whole 重視培養學生的整體能力

20.play a key role 起到關鍵作用