經典英語美文欣賞:to bloom your youth in your own way

Time is a wonderful thing, forgive the unforgivable, the past has been unable to pass. You may occasionally want to go back in time, but you know, people always have to learn to look forward.


We feel anxious because we are so far away from our imaginary selves. The best way to beat anxiety is to do the things that make you anxious. Don't ask. Don't wait. Don't hesitate. This is the best way to beat anxiety.


經典英語美文欣賞:to bloom your youth in your own way

The true nobility is to be superior to your past self, to be brave enough to be yourself, to be the scenery that only you can make, to bloom your youth in your own way.


The existence of dreams makes many impossible things in the world come true. If you dare to give yourself a good dream, then the dream is possible to achieve.


經典英語美文欣賞:to bloom your youth in your own way

No matter how hard it is, hold your head high and tell everyone that you are not as vulnerable as they think you are.


You stumble, get a wound, when it is for youth, draw the residual makeup.


經典英語美文欣賞:to bloom your youth in your own way

To experience, to do what you want to do, to choose what you love, rather than what others think is right, you should live your life for yourself.


There is a way back, we will be lucky and comfortable, the pace of progress will slow down; Only when there is no way out can we concentrate all our energy, move forward courageously and win the way out for ourselves.


經典英語美文欣賞:to bloom your youth in your own way



unforgivable /ʌnfə'gɪvəb(ə)l/ adj. 不可原諒的;難以饒恕的

occasionally /ə'keɪʒ(ə)n(ə)lɪ/ adv. 偶爾,間或

anxious /'æŋ(k)ʃəs/ adj. 渴望的;擔憂的;焦慮的;急切的

副 詞: anxiously 名 詞: anxiousness

anxiety /æŋ'zaɪətɪ/ n. 焦慮;掛念;渴望;令人焦慮的事


anxiety: 指對預料中的不祥之事的焦慮。

worry: 側重對未知事態演變的憂慮。

care: 強調因出於責任感或顧慮等而產生的不安。

concern: 作“關心”用時,是indifference(冷漠)的反義詞,側重對他人健康、安全等的關心,也可暗示對困難、危險或失敗等的憂慮。

hesitate /'hezɪteɪt/ 躊躇,猶豫

nobility /nə(ʊ)'bɪlɪtɪ/ n. 貴族階層 ;高貴,高尚,崇高

superior /suː'pɪərɪə/adj. 上級的;高傲的;優秀的,出眾的

n. 上級,長官;長者;優勝者,高手

名 詞: superiority 副 詞: superiorly

scenery /'siːn(ə)rɪ/ n. 風景;景色

bloom /bluːm/ n. 花 , 最佳時期, 茂盛時期;開花,綻放

existence /ɪg'zɪst(ə)ns/ n. 存在 ,生存, 生活(方式)

vulnerable /'vʌln(ə)rəb(ə)l/ adj. 易受傷的, 脆弱的, 敏感的

名 詞: vulnerability 副 詞: vulnerably

stumble /'stʌmb(ə)l/ vi. 絆腳,(說話、演奏等)出錯

wound /wuːnd/ 傷口

residual /rɪ'zɪdjʊəl/ adj. 存留下來的;剩餘的;殘餘的

makeup /'meɪkʌp/ 化妝品

progress /'prəʊgres/ 進行;前進

concentrate /'kɒns(ə)ntreɪt/ 專心於; 注意,集中

energy /'enədʒɪ/ n. 精力;能量;活力;精神

forward /'fɔːwəd/ 早的;向前的;迅速的


look forward 向前看,盼望,期待 (近義詞:expect)

look k forward to 期待 ; 盼望

so far 到目前為止,迄今為止

away from 遠離,離開;避開痛苦

superior to


come true 實現

No matter 不論怎樣;不要緊

rather than 而不是;寧可…也不願

slow down 減速,放慢速度;使……慢下來


