「英语治愈美文」Walk Your Own Path(附朗读音频)

「英语治愈美文」Walk Your Own Path(附朗读音频)




1. 由《英语周报》口语主播丁浩主讲,着重讲解48个国际音标中易混音标、易错音标的正确读法。

2. 音频课程,共9个课时,音融于词,词融于句。

3. 粉丝优惠价39.9元,少喝一杯奶茶就能拥有。


1. 由《英语周报》口语主播丁浩主讲,每节课5分钟,只讲一个音标,让你迅速掌握每个音标发音要领。

2. 视频课程,身临其境,口型易模仿,48个音标48节课,轻松学习无压力。

「英语治愈美文」Walk Your Own Path(附朗读音频)

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. Buddha. Our society tells you, be yourself. But what does that mean?


We want to be authentic even if we don't know what it is. That's the paradox of the modern version of be yourself. Rather than searching within, people are trying to match what authentic means to others. We've turned inner exploration into a guessing game.


Being yourself is not about standing out or being different from others. Being authentic is following your path, not comparing to others. When you try to be different, you disconnect from what you want. Authenticity is about staying true to what you believe, not about your image. To be brave to express your genuine feelings and opinions.


Who are you, really? Authenticity, in a psychological sense of the word, is connected with your identity. Oscar Wilde said, man is at least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth. When you're not authentic, the only person you fool is yourself.


「英语治愈美文」Walk Your Own Path(附朗读音频)

Stop caring about other people's expectations will set you free. You'll no longer feel afraid of who you want to be. Comparing yourself to another is an insult to who you are. Walk your path. Walk your own path.


Firstly, walking your own path means that you might be rejected by others. You will feel overwhelmed. You will take on responsibility. You will be challenged. You will feel embarrassed. You will be uncomfortable. And you will be immensely grateful you chose this path.


Sometimes those people who reject you are those closest to you. How often they tell you that you should do this with your life or you should do that with your life? I know what's happened to me a lot over the years, and I imagine it's happened to you.


Generally, the people giving the advice are well-meaning, and their motives vary. Sometimes they tell you that, that's where the money is. Sometimes they tell you that, it's the path to happiness, or it's the way to be successful, or it's the path to true spirituality and the inner peace.


「英语治愈美文」Walk Your Own Path(附朗读音频)

And that's great. The path that's working for them is wonderful for them. But it doesn't matter where they think the path leads if it's not your path. You may want success. You may want happiness. You may want wealth. You may want greater spirituality and inner peace. You may want a combination of all these. Or you may want something completely different.


But whatever you want, even if it's exactly what someone else is telling you their path leads to, your path still might be different, because you are different, unique, with your own skills and talents and dreams and desires. You are you. Your path is your path. No one else can walk it. No one else can tell you what it is.


Sure, others may guide you, but you have to discover your own path. Once you're on your true path, you'll find guides, mentors and way posts to keep you heading the right direction. And you must ignore those telling you your path isn't right. Besides, how could they possibly know whether your path is right?


「英语治愈美文」Walk Your Own Path(附朗读音频)

It's your path, not theirs. It is your mission in life to consciously discover and trek your own path in life. This path may be made up of many different tracks and routes, but it is ultimately one path, your path. Remember who you are and why you're here. Don't compare yourself to anyone else.


There has never been and will never again be anyone exactly like you. Each of us has unique gifts that we're meant to bring into the world. So, stop living small, doubting yourself and playing it safe. The world needs you, now more than ever, to wake up and be your unapologetically authentic and powerful self in every moment.


Are you ready to walk your path? If yes, go do it. Get out there and walk your own path. You are the master of your destiny. No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.


「英语治愈美文」Walk Your Own Path(附朗读音频)


审稿 | 李栋

校稿 | 吕放



「英语治愈美文」Walk Your Own Path(附朗读音频)

