你知道There be句型有非谓语动词形式吗?

There be句型是初中就已掌握的基本句型,非谓语是高中的重点语法知识,因为高考中

There be的非谓语动词形式不是重点,所以大多数学生不熟悉,但是在阅读中会遇到这样的结构,同学们掌握了这个知识点,对阅读理解很有帮助。

你知道There be句型有非谓语动词形式吗?

There be的非谓语动词形式

基本结构有两种,即there to be和there being。它的句法功能可以总结为三点:

1. 用作主语。如:

It was too late for there to be any buses.

There being a shop near the building is a great advantage.

2. 用作宾语。如

介词的宾语:No one would have dreamed of there being such a good place.

We were very worried about there being so much time wasted.

动词的宾语:I should prefer there to be no discussion of my private affairs.

We students don’t want there to be another exam.

Note:作介词宾语时,若介词是for,此时后面只能是there to be形式,其它介词后面则是there being。如:

Brian was waiting for there to be complete silence. 布莱恩等候着完全安静下来。

What’s the chance of there being an election this year? 今年举行选举的可能性有多大?

Bill was relying on there being another opportunity. 比尔正指望再有一次机会。

3. 用作状语。如:

There being no rain for a long time, the ground was burned black by the sun.

It’s too late for there to be any buses.

用作状语时,主要是there being形式用于独立主格结构中。如

There being nothing else to do, we went home. 既然没有别的事儿,我们就回家

There being nobody else at hand, I had to do it by myself. 由于附近没有旁人,我只得独自干了。

用there being/ there to be选择填空:

1._____ no further business,the Chairman closed the meeting.


2.It was unusual for_____ so few people in the street.


3.I expect_____ no argument about this.


4. Jim asked for _____give-and-take on both sides.


5. _____no railway in the town is a great disadvantage.


6. _____no coffee left, we had to drink tea.



1. There being 2. there to be

3. there to be 4. there to be

5. There being 6. There being

