

一 介绍类作文

(一 )人物介绍(写作内容:姓名 年龄 国家 爱好 能力 长相 穿着 性格….)

1. 自我介绍

My name Liu Ming ,I’m 14 years old .I’m a Chinese boy . I’m now studying in a middle school . My favorite subject is English ,because I think it’s very interesting. I also like art very much .I can draw well . I am tall and of medium build . I have short black hair ,My eyes are small and I have a big nose .I like to wear jeans and a blue jacket .I don’t think I am very handsome. At school ,I study hard and I am good at every subject .I’m also friendly to my teachers and classmates , they like me a lot . I think I am popular in my class ,it is me .Can you tell me something about yourself?

2.介绍朋友 ,my friend /I have a good friend

I have a good friend. Her name is Mary. She is fifteen years old. Mary enjoys singing and drawing ,and she can draw every well .so her dream is to be an artist one day .well ,what does she look like ? let me tell you.she is tall and of medium build. she has long straight hair and a round face. She has two big eyes. she loves to wear skirts, Mary looks very beautiful .also, She is friendly and fun , she often helps others.so everyone wants to make friends with her, I think Mary is a good girl ,I like her a lot

3..介绍老师 My teacher /my favorite teacher /A good teacher in my eyes

There are many teachers in my life ,But Miss Zhang is my favorite teacher, She teaches me English . She is about 30 years old.. she is tall and of medium build. she has long straight hair and a round face.. she loves to wear skirts, Miss Zhang works very hard ,she is strict with her work ,she teaches us very well, Her classes are interesting, I find it easy to learn English well .all the students are happy in Miss Zhang’s classes . also, Miss Zhang is friendly and fun , she often plays with us after class .she often tells some interesting stories to us . Miss Zhang is a good teacher , she is also a good friend to me. I like her very much

(二 )介绍家庭 My family / I have a happy family

My name is Jack .there are four people in my family , they are my father ,my mother ,my sister and I .’m 15 years old ,I’m studying in a middle school .when I grow up , I want to be an actor ,I think it is an interesting job . my sister Gina is in my school ,but in different classes. She likes music very much , her dream is to be a singer. My father is 35years old ,he is a good doctor(医生),he works very hard ,he make people healthy. I think it’s a great job. My mother is a teacher , She teaches Math in a high school .she is strict in her work ,my mother loves her students,she is friendly to them and helps them . my parents often play and talk with my sister and I after work .I am lucky that I have a happy family , I love my family very much .

(三 )介绍学校 My school / our school

I am students from a middle school, my school is in the center of our town .,t is big and beautiful .it is near some mountains .In the front of our school . there is a river . there are some new tall buildings in the school. The teaching building is in the middle ,Across from it ,there are students’ dormitories .on the left of the teaching building , there is a dinning hall ,Next to the dining hall ,there is a small shop .there are a big garden behind the shop, many trees and flowers are in it . my school has 18 classes ,the number of the students is about 1500. in our school , the teachers work hard and are friendly to students ,the students study hard and follow the rules .my school is like a big family ,I love it a lot ,

(四 )介绍一个地方 A good place /an interesting place /a relaxing place

I live in a neighborhood, There is a new park near the neighborhood, I often go to the park on weekends . because it is a beautiful and relaxing place .there are many trees and flowers in it ,there is also a small lake in it .the air is very clean . I exercise and take a walk there ,some times I read books .But how can you get to the park ? First , walk along Center Street and turn left at the first crossing .then go down North Street and turn right when you see a bridge . next ,Go across the bridge ,the park is on your right ,just next to a post office . you can find it easily .

(五)-介绍动物 (见Unit 5 写作)

a lovely cat /dog /my favorite animal /I have a pet

I like animals, My favorite animal is dogs .I have a pet dog Its name is Huanhuan, .It’s about two years old . it has straight and blonde hair It is a little heavy and strong .It has a long nose .Its teeth are white,. It has two big and long ears . Huanhuan likes eating meat . It’s friendly to people .It likes playing with balls and the people . Huan huan is a friend of mine , I like it very much .

My favorite animal

I like animals , but what animal do I like best ? Let me tell you now. Pandas are my favorite animal, They come from China. They are big and fat ,they are really cute , they have two big black ears and eyes. ,they ‘re usually black and white .so they look very beautiful. but they are also kind of shy . Pandas don’t eat meat, they eat bamboo every day. Do you like pandas? What’s your favorite anomal?

二 谈论规则

1. My family rules,

There are too many rules in my family, I have to get up at six o’clock every morning. I can’t arrive late for school. And I can’t go out on school nights. I can’t play computer from Monday to Friday. I have to finish my homework after school , Then I have to go to bed by ten o’clock. On weekends, I have to clean my room and wash clothes on Saturday .I have to practice the piano for a long time on Sunday . I don’t like the rules , they are too strict .How about you ? Do you have lots of rules?

2. Our school rules / our class rules

We have many different kinds of rules in our school (classroom). For example (例如) students can’t arrive late for school .so we have to get up early in the morning and we must be on time .we cannot eat or sleep in class, either . my teachers always say “Don’t bring your phones to the school ,and don’t t smoke(吸烟) or fight at school ”. we have to study hard at every subject and finish too much home work every day .Also, we have to keep the classroom clean and wear uniform .l know school makes rules to help us ,I think the rules are important and useful , As a student, we must follow the school rules .

三 谈论食品/饮食 1. 写广告推荐特色菜 House of dumplings

Would you like some dumplings ? Please come to the House dumplings of . We have some great specials .there are beef and tomato dumplings ,chicken and cabbage dumplings ,mutton and potato dumplings and egg dumplings .a small bowl of dumplings is only 5 yuan a medium bowl of dumplings is only 8yuan .a large bowl of dumplings is for 10yuan .our dumplings are delicious and healthy .Welcome to the House of dumplings , I’m sure you will like them .


There are three people in my family .They are my parents and I. we are all in good health ,because we usually eat healthy food .My father and my mother like eggs and porridge for breakfast .But I like noodles .My father eats dumplings for lunch .My mother and I have beef and rice for lunch .For dinner, my parents like to eat cabbage ,fish, onion and noodles ,but I like onion dumplings . we never eat some unhealthy food ,such as ice-cream ,hamburgers and potato chips(薯条)

四 谈论日常活动

1. My day /my busy day / my healthy life /My good /healthy habits

My name is Li Hong. I’m studying at No.2 Middle School. I get up at six in the morning. Then I go to school at seven. Classes begin at seven thirty. We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. After school I play games with my classmates . We often play football. I get home at about five. My family have dinner at around half past six, After dinner , I finish my homework .in the evening. I either watch TV or practice the piano .I go to bed at about ten o’clock . it is my day ,I am busy but happy .

五 谈论上学方式 How do I get to school?

My name is Zhang Ming , I am a 15-year old school boy . I live not too far from my school ,I t is about 3kilometers from my home to school . School starts at eight

o’clock, I get up at half past six, then I leave for school at seven . Usually , I ride my

bike to school with my best friend Li Hong . it takes me 25 minutes to get to school .

I am never late for school . School finishes at five thirty in the afternoon . after school , I ride bikes home . But sometimes ,when the weather is rainy, I take the bus to school .I think riding to school a good way . it is good exercise but not too slow . I enjoy it . How do you get to school ? Ca you tell me ?

六 谈论天气情况及人物正在进行的活动

(用现在进行时am /is/are +动词-ing 形式(Unit 5 and Unit 6)


It’s Sunday morning .The weather is sunny and beautiful. There are a lot of people in the park. There are Some children flying kites over . Four women are sitting under a big tree , They are talking. Some girls are reading books near the tree , five boys are playing basketball. There is a lake in the park .Look !there. are some old men fishing next to it .and There is a boat on the water ,some people are boating. Everyone is having a good time in the park . How relaxed they are !

假设现在是星期六下午6:30. 我家都在家描述他们的活动,现在进行时文章:

It is Sunday ,it is 6:30 in the afternoon now . My family and I are at home . My father is watching basketball game on TV. My grandfather is reading a newspaper on the sofa.. my mother and grandmother r are talking in the living room .My sister Gina is listening to the music . what am I doing ? Oh , I am playing computer games ,it is interesting . we all have a great time now.

七 谈论过去事情。用动词的过去式来描述过去发生的事

叙述过去的一次野营/野餐/郊游/旅行/周末/一个假期/一天/一件事/一个生日/一次聚会”等 写作模板:

1. 开头交代时间地点及人物(where did you go ?when did you go? Who did you go with ?) 2. 详细介绍旅游经历/事件的过程1).how was the weather ? 2)how did you get there ? 3)what did you do there .first …..then …..next…after that….at last /in the end …

3.总结或评价旅行和感受或希望(all in all /in short / in a word ,it was a/an good/great/exciting/interesting/terrible /boring …..trip /day /vacation ) I was happy/ I had great fun ,,I liked the trip a lot/very much /I didn’t like the trip at all / I hope that I can go there again /I hope to go there again

佳作鉴赏1. An exciting trip/My happy trip / A trip to remember

Last summer vacation, I went to Hainan with my family ,.we got there by train ,it took us about five hours to get there . the weather was sunny and hot . fist ,we went to the beach ,the beach is so big and beautiful, I took quite a lot of photos. Then, I went

swimming in the water, after that ,we ate many kinds of sea food ( 海鲜 ) in the

restaurant near the beach ,they were delicious and I liked them very much .at last, we bought some lovely gifts in the gift shop .they were cheap and nice .

I had great fun in Hainan , It was an exciting trip . hope that I can go there again .

佳作鉴赏2. My busy weekend /A happy weekend /

I had a busy /great weekend. On Saturday morning, I did my homework, and then I played computer games. In the afternoon, I visited my grandmother. I was glad to know her in good health ,We talked for a long time.

On Sunday morning, I cleaned my room and did some reading. I read an exciting story ,I love it .Then I cooked for m parents. In the afternoon, I played tennis with my friends ,we felt a little tired ,but we really had a great time .After that ,I watched a football match on TV and listened to music. What a happy weekend I had !

佳作鉴赏 3. My weekend /A happy weekend /

I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning ,I got up early in the morning .Then I cleaned my bedroom and had breakfast quickly ,because I wanted to help my uncle to do some farm work .I worked hard all day .In the evening, I went to the movies with my friends , we saw an interesting movie .I came back home late .On Sunday morning ,I did my homework at home .And it was a little difficult .In the afternoon , I played football with my classmates . in the evening ,I watched TV for a short time ,Then I studied for the Math test .I was tired but I was happy last weekend .

佳作鉴赏4. .Mike’s summer vacation

Last summer , Mike and his parents went to Qingdao, a city in Shandong for vacation. Qingdao is a beautiful city with sea. It was about 12:00 when they arrived there on the first day. They found a hotel and had a short rest. It was really hot and they decided to go to the beach. At about 3:30 pm, they got to the beach. There were many people there. Some were lying(躺) on the beach and many children were playing in the water. Mike was playing with them and he was very happy. His parents also felt relaxed. About two hours later, they went back to the hotel. On the second day, it rained all day. Mike visited the history museum with his father and his mother went shopping. On third day. they went to Laoshan Mountain in the morning and took a bus home in the afternoon. They were tired but happy what an exciting holiday they had !

佳作鉴赏5 My Sunday / A happy day/A birthday to remember/A special gift

It was May 14th last Sunday. It was a fine day. I got up earlyand then had breakfast.

my mother cooked my favorite food---beef and cabbage dumplings . After breakfast,

I did my homework. I didn’t have too much homework, and it was easy . in the afternoon I did some reading , I read a book called Harry Potter. It was really exciting . After that, I listened to Jay’s songs. He is my favorite singer . At eight o’clock in the

evening , My parents put a big birthday cake on the table , and my grandmother cooked a bowl of noodles with eggs and tomatoes . They all say to me “It is your birthday today, Happy birthday to you ” I was excited and got a surprise ,I forgot my birthday ” My Grandma says. “Eating noodles on your birthday means long life. we hope you live a happy and healthy life.” I said to them “Thank you so much , it’s a best gift I got, I will remember it ” what a happy day !

补充 假如你叫刘华,是一个中学生。简单介绍下你喜欢的学科或其他特长,你打算将来做什么工作,你现在正在怎样学习。

My dream job

Hello !My name is Liu Hua ,I am a middle school student now .When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. Because I think being a teacher is very interesting. If I am a teacher, I want to teach children English. I can teach them how to write, how to read and how to speak. It’s really a great job, I think. I will be very busy and have no time to play. But I will talk with children when they are not happy. What a good job! I ’m looking forward to being a teacher, so I must study hard. I think it’s difficult for me but I will try my best. I hope my dream can come true one day


1.以 I have 为题 写一篇文章

2. 以 My favorite 为题 写一篇文章

3. 以 An interesting 为题 写一篇文章

4. I enjoy 为题 写一篇文章

5. My weekend /vacation /trip / healthy life /good habits …….

