詩歌 兔子


for Tarfia and Fita

The rabbit has a funny set of tools. He jumps.

or kicks. muffled and punching up. In pose

the rabbit knows, each side of his face to whom.

he should belong. He hobbles and eyes. This

is the dumb bun allegiance. This bunny, even dry and fluff

is aware, be vicious. will bite down your finger stalk.

will nick you good in the cheery web of your palm.

Those claws are good for traction. and defense.

This bunny, forgive him. There is no ease. His lack

of neck is all the senses about a stillness.

stuck in a calm. until household numbers upend

his floor. until the family upsets the nest

and traipses off. Then stuck in a bunny panic.

We each stab at gratitude. In our nubbing, none

of us do well. We jump. We kangaroo. We soft seeming,

scatter and gnaw. Maybe the only way forward

is to sleep all day. one eye open. under the sink.

Like the rabbit, we could sit in our shit.

Chew at the leaf of others’ dinner. Make

of each tile on the floor a good spot to piss. No,

it doesn’t get much better. And like the rabbit

we do not jump well from heights. We linger the dark

until it is safe to come out. To offer a nose.

a cheek for touch. the top of a crown. Nothing

makes us happier than another rabbit.


他跳了起來。 或者踢腿。 悶著打了起來。


他應該屬於。 他蹣跚著,眼睛。

這是愚蠢的麵包在效忠。 這隻兔子,

即使是乾燥的絨毛也是意識到的,要惡毒。 咬下你的手指柄


那些爪子很適合牽引。 以及防禦。

小兔子,原諒他。 沒有絲毫的輕鬆..他的匱乏


不知所措的平靜。 直到家裡人上升到他的樓層。

直到擾亂他的巢穴,他逃跑。 陷入了兔子的恐慌。



我們跳下去。 我們是袋鼠。 我們柔軟的外表,我們分散,啃咬。

也許唯一的出路是整天睡覺。 睜一隻眼。

在水槽下面。 就像兔子一樣,我們可以坐在狗屎裡。

嚼著別人的晚餐。 地板上的每一塊瓷磚都是小便的好地方。

不,沒有什麼好的。 就像兔子一樣,

我們從高處跳得不好。 我們在黑暗中徘徊,

直到他安全出來。 提供一個鼻子。

一個撫摸的臉頰。 和皇冠的頂部。


詩歌 兔子

