
原创 廖博士 廖博士国际新药快讯 昨天


As coronavirus pandemic worsens, health officials fear nationalization of drugs and supplies


MARCH 15, 2020

An allegation that the Trump administration tried to secure exclusive rights to the production of an experimental coronavirus vaccine in Germany has revived health officials’ concerns that countries worldwide might move to nationalize key supplies to respond to the growing pandemic.



The allegation, first reported in German media and later echoed by the nation’s health minister, centered on the suggestion that the Trump administration sought to strike a deal with CureVac, a drug maker that is based in the city of Tübingen but that also has operations in the United States.



Exactly what the Trump administration was offering, and how CureVac responded, was unclear. A U.S. official denied the reports, and the company’s main shareholders — including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — immediately made clear CureVac’s vaccine would not be sold to a single country.


Nevertheless, the ugly episode underlined very real concerns that the coronavirus could prompt some countries to nationalize drugs, personal protective equipment needed by health workers, or vaccines when they eventually become available. Earlier this month Germany banned the export of personal protective equipment, and India moved to block the export of some essential drugs.



“Most countries have laws that are analogous to the Defense Production Act in the U.S. that allows the government to requisition stuff manufactured within their borders if it serves the purposes of national defense or national security — which is understandable,” Richard Hatchett, said the CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations.“But what we do not want to have happen in this epidemic is to have vaccines be developed in the places where vaccines are currently developed and manufactured — which is mostly in developed countries — and then used exclusively in those countries.”

“That would be a disaster,” he said.

“大多数国家都有类似于美国《国防生产法》的法律,允许政府征用在其境内生产的用于国防或国家安全的物品,这是可以理解的,” 防疫创新联盟的首席执行官理查德·哈切特说“但我们不希望在这场流行病中发生的情况是,在目前开发和制造疫苗的地方——主要是在发达国家——开发疫苗,然后专门在这些国家使用。那将导致一场灾难”

There is precedent for such hoarding. During the 1976 swine flu scare — when it was feared a 1918-like flu pandemic was starting in the United States — President Gerald Ford declared there would be vaccine for every man, woman, and child in the country. Canada placed an order with American-based manufacturers, but shipments of the vaccine were blocked by the U.S. government. (In the end, there was no pandemic and the vaccine program was halted after a number of people who received it developed Guillain-Barré syndrome.)



The World Health Organization worked for years to ensure that developing countries would have access to H5N1 bird flu vaccine in the event the virus triggered a pandemic. Countries that produced flu vaccines or that had secured contracts for pandemic flu vaccine had to commit to donate one-tenth of their supply to the WHO to be redistributed to countries that had no means to secure their own.


But when the H1N1 pandemic hit in 2009, the vaccine was difficult to produce. Countries didn’t fulfill their commitments up front and, by the time they donated vaccine, it was clear the pandemic was a mild one and developing countries no longer wanted it.For weeks, as this new virus has spread around the world, WHO officials have insisted that global solidarity is the only way to get through this crisis.



1. nationalization.国家占有

2. exclusive right.独家权利

3. revive- To bring back to life or consciousness; resuscitate

4. nationalize.国家独享

5. strike a deal.达成协议

6. underline very real concerns.突显出人们非常真实的担忧

7. block the export.阻止出口

8. requisition.动词,征用To demand, as for military needs.

9. Precedent.先例

10. hoarding.囤积

11. Guillain-Barré syndrome.吉兰-巴雷综合征后

12. global solidarity.齐心协力

13. get through this crisis.度过危机

