英美烟草公司Lucky Strike,基本上未受Covid-19在全球爆发的影响

英美烟草公司的Lucky Strike,其生产,基本上没有受到Covid-19在全球爆发的影响,但其销售却受到了一定的影响,那就是在机场以及旅游零售业的销售量下降幅度较大,但英美烟草公司称,这些零售额并不高。

It is a dark irony that a respiratory pandemic could pull tobacco stocks out of their three-year funk. British American Tobacco stuck to its 2020 outlook in a capital markets day this week even as many other global companies slashed theirs. The maker of Lucky Strike cigarettes has been largely untouched by the Covid-19 outbreak so far, other than a hit to travel-retail sales in airports that contribute less than 1% of group revenue....

英美烟草公司Lucky Strike,基本上未受Covid-19在全球爆发的影响

