

<code>1.My story actually began when I was four years old and my family moved to a new neighborhood in our hometown of Savannah, Georgia.
我的故事是從我四歲的時候開始的 當時我家搬到了一個新的街區 位於我的家鄉喬治亞州薩凡納
2.And this was the 1960s when actually all the streets in this neighborhood were named after Confederate war generals.
那時是二十世紀六十年代 這裡所有的街道 都以南部聯盟將軍的名字命名
3.We lived on Robert E. Lee Boulevard.
4.And when I was five, my parents gave me an orange Schwinn Sting-Ray bicycle.
當時我五歲 我父母給我買了一輛橘紅色的施文牌鰩魚型自行車
5.It had a swooping banana seat and those ape hanger handlebars that made the rider look like an orangutan.
它裝有俯衝式香蕉坐墊以及猿臂把手 人騎上去,看起來像只紅猩猩
6.That's why they were called ape hangers.
7.They were actually modeled on hotrod motorcycles of the 1960s, which I'm sure my mom didn't know.
這種自行車實際上是根據二十世紀六十年代風行的太子車所設計的 我敢肯定我媽媽沒聽說過
8.And one day I was exploring this cul-de-sac hidden away a few streets away.
有一天,我跑到幾條街以外的 一條隱蔽的小衚衕裡探險
9.And I came back, and I wanted to turn around and get back to that street more quickly, so I decided to turn around in this big street
我回來的時候 我想掉個頭,抄個捷徑回到那條街上 於是我決定在這條大街上掉頭
10.that intersected our neighborhood, and wham! I was hit by a passing sedan.
從這裡插回我的街區 結果“砰”的一聲!我被駛過的一輛小轎車撞了

11.My mangled body flew in one direction, my mangled bike flew in the other.
我變了形的身體朝一個方向飛了出去 而我變了形的自行車向反方向飛去。
12.And I lay on the pavement stretching over that yellow line, and one of my neighbors came running over.
我橫躺在延伸到黃線的人行道上 一位鄰居看到衝了過來
13."Andy, Andy, how are you doing?" she said, using the name of my older brother.
14.(Laughter) "I'm Bruce," I said, and promptly passed out.
(眾人笑) “我是布魯斯,”我說,接著就暈過去了
15.I broke my left femur that day -- it's the largest bone in your body -- and spent the next two months in a body cast that went from my chin to the tip of my toe
那天我的左邊股骨骨折-- 這是人全身最粗壯的骨頭-- 連續兩個月,我的身體都被石膏裹著 從下巴一直到腳趾
16.to my right knee, and a steel bar went from my right knee to my left ankle.
到右腿膝蓋 右腿膝蓋到左腳腳踝 被接上了一根鋼棒
17.And for the next 38 years, that accident was the only medically interesting thing that ever happened to me.
在接下來的38年裡 那次意外是我的病歷上 唯一一件有醫學價值的記錄
18.In fact, I made a living by walking.
19.I traveled around the world, entered different cultures, wrote a series of books about my travels, including "Walking the Bible."
我周遊世界,感受不同文化 並把我的旅途寫成了一系列書 其中包括《聖地蹤跡》
20.I hosted a television show by that name on PBS.
我主持了PBS臺的一個電視節目 節目與這本書同名
21.I was, for all the world, the "walking guy."

22.Until, in May 2008, a routine visit to my doctor and a routine blood test produced evidence in the form of an alkaline phosphatase number
直到2008年五月 一次例行的體檢 一次常規血液檢測 查出我的鹼性磷酸酶值偏高
23.that something might be wrong with my bones.
24.And my doctor, on a whim, sent me to get a full-body bone scan, which showed that there was some growth in my left leg.
我的醫生隨即決定送我去做全身骨骼檢查 結果發現我左腿里長了一些東西
25.That sent me to an X-ray, then to an MRI.
26.And one afternoon, I got a call from my doctor.
27."The tumor in your leg is not consistent with a benign tumor."
“你腿里長的腫瘤 是惡性的。”
28.I stopped walking, and it took my mind a second to convert that double negative into a much more horrifying negative.
我停下了腳步 我的腦子用了一秒鐘把那個雙重否定句 轉換成一個更另人心寒的肯定句
29.I have cancer.
30.And to think that the tumor was in the same bone, in the same place in my body as the accident 38 years earlier -- it seemed like too much of a coincidence.
這個腫瘤的位置 就是我三十八年前 意外受傷的部位 這真是太巧了
31.So that afternoon, I went back to my house, and my three year-old identical twin daughters, Eden and Tybee Feiler, came running to meet me.
於是,當天下午,我回到家 我三歲的同卵雙胞胎女兒,伊登和泰比. 菲勒 跑過來迎接我
32.They'd just turned three, and they were into all things pink and purple.
她們剛滿三歲 喜歡粉紅色和紫色的東西
33.In fact, we called them Pinkalicious and Purplicious -- although I must say, our favorite nickname occurred on their birthday, April 15th.
我們叫她們“粉紅寶寶”和“紫色寶寶”-- 儘管,我們最喜歡的暱稱 是在她們4月15日出生的那天起的

34.When they were born at 6:14 and 6:46 on April 15, 2005, our otherwise grim, humorless doctor looked at his watch, and was like, "Hmm, April 15th -- tax day.
她們出生的時間分別是6:14和6:46 2005年4月15日 我們那位看似面無表情,不苟言笑的接生醫生看了看他的表 說:“恩,4月15日--納稅日。
35.Early filer and late filer."
36.(Laughter) The next day I came to see him. I was like, "Doctor, that was a really good joke."
(眾人笑) 第二天我去見他,我說:“醫生,那個笑話真不錯。”
37.And he was like, "You're the writer, kid."
38.Anyway -- so they had just turned three, and they came and they were doing this dance they had just made up where they were twirling faster and faster until they tumbled to the ground,
先不說這個--現在她們剛滿三歲 她們一邊跳著自己剛編好的舞一邊跑過來 一圈一圈越轉越快,直到最後倒在地上
39.laughing with all the glee in the world.
40.I crumbled.
41.I kept imagining all the walks I might not take with them, the art projects I might not mess up, the boyfriends I might not scowl at,
我不禁想到,我可能再也無法跟她們一同散步 陪她們做手工作業 挑剔她們未來的男友
42.the aisles I might not walk down.
43.Would they wonder who I was, I thought.
44.Would they yearn for my approval, my love, my voice?
她們是否會徵求我的許可 渴望得到我的愛,聽到我的聲音
45.A few days later, I woke with an idea of how I might give them that voice.
幾天之後,我醒來後想到 我以後該怎麼讓她們聽到我的聲音

46.I would reach out to six men from all parts of my life and ask them to be present in the passages of my daughters' lives.
我會向我生命中 最重要的六個人求助 請他們出現在 我女兒們成長的各個階段
47."I believe my girls will have plenty of opportunities in their lives,"
48.I wrote these men.
49."They'll have loving families and welcoming homes, but they may not have me.
“她們會擁有美滿的家庭和溫暖的家, 但是我有可能不在她們身旁。
50.They may not have their dad.
51.Will you help be their dad?"
52.And I said to myself I would call this group of men "the Council of Dads."
我對自己說 我會把這些人稱為“爸爸軍團”。
53.Now as soon as I had this idea, I decided I wouldn't tell my wife. Okay.
我一想到這個主意, 就決定不告訴我妻子
54.She's a very upbeat, naturally excited person.
她是個非常樂觀 活潑開朗的人
55.There's this idea in this culture -- I don't have to tell you -- that you sort of "happy" your way through a problem.
我們的文化中有這樣一個思維--我沒必要告訴你-- 你可以樂觀地對待困難
56.We should focus on the positive.
57.My wife, as I said, she grew up outside of Boston.
58.She's got a big smile. She's got a big personality.
59.She's got big hair -- although, she told me recently, I can't say she has big hair, because if I say she has big hair, people will think she's from Texas.

留著一頭蓬鬆的頭髮 儘管她最近告訴我,說我不能再說她的頭髮蓬鬆 因為如果我這麼說 人們會以為她是從德州來的。
60.And it's apparently okay to marry a boy from Georgia, but not to have hair from Texas.
很顯然,她不介意嫁個一個喬治亞州來的小夥子, 但絕不能容忍長著德州人的頭髮。
61.And actually, in her defense, if she were here right now, she would point out that, when we got married in Georgia, there were three questions
事實上,為她說句公道話,如果她今天在這裡, 她會指出,當我們在喬治亞州結婚時, 結婚證上
62.on the marriage certificate license, the third of which was, "Are you related?"
因著三個問題, 第三個問題就是:“你們是否有血緣關係?”
63.(Laughter) I said, "Look, in Georgia at least we want to know.
(眾人笑) 我說:“看啊,在喬治亞州,至少我們還問一句,
64.In Arkansas they don't even ask."
65.What I didn't tell her is, if she said, "Yes," you could jump.
66.You don't need the 30-day waiting period.
67.Because you don't need the get-to-know-you session at that point.
68.So I wasn't going to tell her about this idea, but the next day I couldn't control myself, I told her.
我沒打算把這個主意告訴她, 但是第二天,我實在忍不住,就告訴了她,
69.And she loved the idea, but she quickly started rejecting my nominees.
她很贊成這個主意, 但是,她很快就開始挑剔我的候選人,

70.She was like, "Well, I love him, but I would never ask him for advice."
71.So it turned out that starting a council of dads was a very efficient way to find out what my wife really thought of my friends.
結果,挑選“爸爸軍團”成員的過程 是探查我妻子對我朋友所持看法的 有效途徑。
72.(Laughter) So we decided that we needed a set of rules, and we came up with a number.
(眾人笑) 於是我們決定製定一系列規則, 我們定了好幾條。
73.And the first one was no family, only friends.
74.We thought our family would already be there.
75.Second, men only.
76.We were trying to fill the dad-space in the girls' lives.
77.And then third, sort of a dad for every side.
78.We kind of went through my personality and tried to get a dad who represented each different thing.
我們分析了我個性的方方面面, 並且找一個能代表我某一面個性的爸爸。
79.So what happened was I wrote a letter to each of these men.
80.And rather than send it, I decided to read it to them in person.
我並沒有把信寄給他們, 而是決定把信當面念給他們聽。
81.Linda, my wife, joked that it was like having six different marriage proposals.
82.I sort of friend-married each of these guys.

83.And the first of these guys was Jeff Schumlin.
這幾位男士中的第一位是傑夫. 沙姆林。
84.Now Jeff led this trip I took to Europe when I graduated from high school in the early 1980s.
傑夫是我去歐洲旅行時的領隊, 當時是二十世紀八十年代初,我剛剛高中畢業。
85.And on that first day we were in this youth hostel in a castle.
86.And I snuck out behind, and there was a moat, a fence and a field of cows.
我偷偷溜了出去。 那裡有一條護城河,一道圍牆和一片牧場。
87.And Jeff came up beside me and said, "So, have you ever been cow tipping?"
傑夫走到我身邊說: “你讓牛翻過跟斗嗎?”
88.I was like, "Cow tipping?
89.He was like, "Yeah. Cows sleep standing up.
90.So if you approach them from behind, down wind, you can push them over and they go thud in the mud."
如果你從它們身後順風靠近它們, 你就能把它們翻倒在泥裡。”
91.So before I had a chance to determine whether this was right or not, we had jumped the moat, we had climbed the fence, we were tiptoeing through the dung
我還沒來得及想清楚這麼做合不合適, 我們就跳下護城河,翻過了圍牆, 我們踮起腳尖,躲開牛糞,
92.and approaching some poor, dozing cow.
93.So a few weeks after my diagnosis, we went up to Vermont, and I decided to put Jeff as the first person in the Council of Dads.
於是,在我被確診之後, 我們去了佛蒙特, 我決定讓傑夫做“爸爸軍團”的第一位成員。

94.And we went to this apple orchard, and I read him this letter.
95."Will you help be their dad?"
96.And I got to the end -- he was crying and I was crying -- and then he looked at me, and he said, "Yes."
我讀到最後--他哭了,我也哭了-- 接著他看著我,說:“好的。”
97.I was like, "Yes?"
98.I kind of had forgotten there was a question at the heart of my letter.
99.And frankly, although I keep getting asked this, it never occurred to me that anybody would turn me down under the circumstances.
很顯然,即使我不停問這個問題, 我從沒想過,在這樣的情況下, 有人會拒絕我的請求。
100.And then I asked him a question, which I ended up asking to all the dads and ended up really encouraging me to write this story down in a book.
接著我問了他一個問題,我問了其他爸爸同樣的問題, 最後我深受鼓舞,並把這個故事寫進書裡。
101.And that was, "What's the one piece of advice you would give to my girls?"
這問題是:“你會給我的女兒們 什麼樣的忠告?”
102.And Jeff's advice was, "Be a traveller, not a tourist.
傑夫的道理是: “做個旅行家,而不做遊客。
103.Get off the bus. Seek out what's different.
104.Approach the cow."
105."So it's 10 years from now," I said, "and my daughters are about to take their first trip abroad, and I'm not here.
“那麼十年以後,” 我說, “我的女兒們第一次出國旅行,而我不在了,

106.What would you tell them?"
107.He said, "I would approach this journey as a young child might approach a mud puddle.
他說:“我會像小孩子走近水窪那樣 踏上這段路程,
108.You can bend over and look at your reflection in the mirror and maybe run your finger and make a small ripple, or you can jump in and thrash around
你可以彎下腰看看自己的倒影, 或者用手指點出一圈微笑的漣漪, 你可以圍著它蹦蹦跳跳,弄得水花四濺,
109.and see what it feels like, what it smells like."
110.And as he talked he had that glint in his eye that I first saw back in Holland -- the glint that says, "Let's go cow tipping,"
他一邊說,眼裡一邊閃著一絲光亮, 我在荷蘭時就曾看見過-- 那絲光亮彷彿在說:“我們去翻牛跟斗吧。”
111.even though we never did tip the cow, even though no one tips the cow, even though cows don't sleep standing up.
即使我們後來並未這麼做, 即使沒有人會去推那頭奶牛, 即使奶牛不是站著睡覺的。
112.He said, "I want to see you back here girls, at the end of this experience, covered in mud."
他說:“姑娘們,我希望你們玩到渾身是泥以後 再回來。”
113.Two weeks after my diagnosis, a biopsy confirmed I had a seven-inch osteosarcoma in my left femur.
被確診兩週之後,我所做的活組織檢查證實 我左腿股骨長了一顆 長達7英寸的骨肉瘤。
114.Six hundred Americans a year get an osteosarcoma.
115.Eighty-five percent are under 21.
116.Only a hundred adults a year get one of these diseases.
每年只有一百個成年人 患上此類疾病。

117.Twenty years ago, doctors would have cut off my leg and hoped, and there was a 15 percent survival rate.
20年以前,醫生會建議我截肢, 這樣還只能指望15%生還的可能。
118.And then in the 1980's, they determined that one particular cocktail of chemo could be effective, and within weeks I had started that regimen.
到了十九世紀八十年代,醫生們認定 特定的混合化療能夠起到治療的效果。 於是,數週之後,我開始了我的療程。
119.And since we are in a medical room, I went through four and a half months of chemo.
我們在病房裡, 我接受了四個半月的化療。
120.Actually I had Cisplatin, Doxorubicin and very high-dose Methotrexate.
實際上,我使用了順氯氨鉑,鏈黴素 以及高劑量的甲氨蝶呤。
121.And then I had a 15-hour surgery in which my surgeon, Dr. John Healey at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York, took out my left femur
接著,我接受了一個長達15個小時的手術, 紐約市斯隆凱特琳醫院的 約翰. 希裡醫生主刀 取出了我左腿股骨,
122.and replaced it with titanium.
123.And if you did see the Sanjay special, you saw these enormous screws that they screwed into my pelvis.
如果你看過Sanjay特輯, 你就看過這些巨型的鑽機, 他們用這些鑽機轉進我的股盆。
124.Then he took my fibula from my calf, cut it out and then relocated it to my thigh, where it now lives.
他把我的腓骨從小腿肚裡取出, 將它切下,然後把它接到我的大腿裡, 它現在就在那裡安家了。
125.And what he actually did was he de-vascularized it from my calf and re-vascularized it in my thigh and then connected it to the good parts of my knee and my hip.
他將我腓骨與其相連接的血管分離, 然後把它和我大腿中的血管相銜接, 接著把它 和我膝蓋以及臀部完好的部位連接起來。
126.And then he took out a third of my quadriceps muscle.

127.This is a surgery so rare only two human beings have survived it before me.
這是個難度極高的手術, 在我之前接受手術的人之中只有兩人存活。
128.And my reward for surviving it was to go back for four more months of chemo.
我手術成功後的第一個獎勵 就是回去再進行四個月的化療。
129.It was, as we said in my house, a lost year.
我們在家時曾說,這一年 是迷失的一年。
130.Because in those opening weeks, we all had nightmares.
131.And one night I had a nightmare that I was walking through my house, sat at my desk and saw photographs of someone else's children sitting on my desk.
一天晚上,我做了個噩夢,夢見我走過自己家房子, 坐在我的書桌前,看見桌上擺著 別人孩子的照片。
132.And I remember a particular one night that, when you told that story of -- I don't know where you are Dr. Nuland -- of William Sloane Coffin --
我記得一天晚上,當人講起- “Nuland醫生,我不知道你在哪裡”的故事- 講起 William Sloane Coffin的故事-
133.it made me think of it.
134.Because I was in the hospital after, I think it was my fourth round of chemo when my numbers went to zero, and I had basically no immune system.
因為我後來進了醫院,那是我化療的第四階段, 我所有的指數都變為零,我的免疫系統徹底罷工了。
135.And they put me in an infectious disease ward at the hospital.
136.And anybody who came to see me had to cover themselves in a mask and cover all of the extraneous parts of their body.
所有來探視的人都必須戴口罩, 並且不能露出身體任何部位。
137.And one night I got a call from my mother-in-law that my daughters, at that time three and a half, were missing me and feeling my absence.
一天晚上我接到我岳母的電話, 她說我的年僅三歲半的女兒們 因為看不到我而想我了。

138.And I hung up the phone, and I put my face in my hands, and I screamed this silent scream.
我掛了電話, 用手捂住我的臉, 發出了無聲的叫喊。
139.And what you said, Dr. Nuland -- I don't know where you are -- made me think of this today.
當你說:“Nuland 醫生-你在哪裡啊”- 讓我想起了當時的情況。
140.Because the thought that came to my mind was that the feeling that I had was like a primal scream.
因為這讓我想起了 當時的我 所發出的那原始的叫喊。
141.And what was so striking -- and one of the messages I want to leave you here with today -- is the experience.
那真是痛徹心扉- 今天我要和大家分享的幾點之一- 就是這次經歷:
142.As I became less and less human -- and at this moment in my life, I was probably 30 pounds less than I am right now.
我越來越不成人樣- 我當時的體重比現在輕了十幾斤。
143.Of course, I had no hair and no immune system.
144.They were actually putting blood inside my body.
145.At that moment I was less and less human, I was also, at the same time, maybe the most human I've ever been.
我越來越不像一個人, 但同時,我也 從來沒有活得那麼有人味。
146.And what was so striking about that time was, instead of repulsing people, I was actually proving to be a magnet for people.
最震撼人心的是, 我非但沒有令別人疏遠我, 反而跟他們更加親近了。
147.People were incredibly drawn.
148.When my wife and I had kids, we thought it would be all-hands-on-deck.
149.Instead, it was everybody running the other way.

150.And when I had cancer, we thought it'd be everybody running the other way.
151.Instead, it was all-hands-on-deck.
152.And when people came to me, rather than being incredibly turned off by what they saw -- I was like a living ghost -- they were incredibly moved
當他們來看我, 他們並沒有被我都樣子嚇倒- 我就跟一個鬼似的- 我沒想到他們都被打動了,
153.to talk about what was going on in their own lives.
154.Cancer, I found, is a passport to intimacy.
155.It is an invitation, maybe even a mandate, to enter the most vital arenas of human life, the most sensitive and the most frightening,
它像一張請柬,或一個命令, 讓我進入人生中最重要, 最為敏感,最令人不敢觸及的領域。
156.the ones that we never want to go to, but when we do go there, we feel incredibly transformed when we do.
我們總是迴避它, 但當我們敢於直面它, 我們就脫胎換骨了。
157.And this also happened to my girls as they began to see, and, we thought, maybe became an ounce more compassionate.
我的女兒們也有相似的經歷, 她們比以前更加有愛心了。
158.One day, my daughter Tybee, Tybee came to me, and she said, "I have so much love for you in my body, daddy, I can't stop giving you hugs and kisses.
一天,我女兒泰比, 來到我跟前,對我說:“爸爸,我身體裡裝滿了對你的愛, 我要不停地抱你親你,
159.And when I have no more love left, I just drink milk, because that's where love comes from."
我的愛用完了,我就喝牛奶, 因為愛從牛奶裡來。”
160.(Laughter) And one night my daughter Eden came to me.
(眾人笑) 一天晚上,我女兒伊登靠了過來。
161.And as I lifted my leg out of bed, she reached for my crutches and handed them to me.

我把腿抬下床, 她便把我的柺杖遞給我。
162.In fact, if I cling to one memory of this year, it would be walking down a darkened hallway with five spongy fingers grasping the handle underneath my hand.
實際上,如果問我,這一年裡,印象最深的記憶是什麼, 那便是用我浮腫的手指 緊緊撐著柺杖 走下漆黑的走廊。
163.I didn't need the crutch anymore, I was walking on air.
我再也不需要那根柺杖了, 我彷彿漫步於雲間。
164.And one of the profound things that happened was this act of actually connecting to all these people.
其中一間意義重大的事情是, 能夠與身邊這些人走得更近。
165.And it made me think -- and I'll just note for the record -- one word that I've only heard once actually was when we were all doing Tony Robbins yoga yesterday --
這讓我想到-我順便提一下- 一個我只聽過一次的詞 那是昨天我們跟著Tony Robbins做瑜伽的時候-
166.the one word that has not been mentioned in this seminar actually is the word "friend."
這次研討會沒有提到的一個詞是 朋友。
167.And yet from everything we've been talking about -- compliance, or addiction, or weight loss -- we now know that community is important,
我們談論了許許多多話題- 順從,嗜好,減肥- 我們現在知道社區的重要性,
168.and yet it's one thing we don't actually bring in.
169.And there was something incredibly profound about sitting down with my closest friends and telling them what they meant to me.
與我的朋友促膝長談, 告訴他們,他們對於我而已有多麼重要, 這對我產生了深遠的影響。
170.And one of the things that I learned is that over time, particularly men, who used to be non-communicative, are becoming more and more communicative.
我懂得了:時間一長, 那些過去不善言辭的人, 慢慢地越來越會說話。
171.And that particularly happened -- there was one in my life -- is this Council of Dads that Linda said, what we were talking about, it's like what the moms talk about at school drop-off.
在我生活中,就有個實實在在的例子- 爸爸軍團, 琳達說:我們所談論的, 就像媽媽們在送完孩子上學後聊天的話題

172.And no one captures this modern manhood to me more than David Black.
在我看來,現代好男人的典範 非David Black莫屬了。
173.Now David is my literary agent.
174.He's about five-foot three and a half on a good day, standing fully upright in cowboy boots.
天氣好的時候,他腳上穿一雙牛仔靴, 站直了身高將近一米六五。
175.And on kind of the manly-male front, he answers the phone -- I can say this I guess because you've done it here -- he answers the phone, "Yo, motherfucker."
他接電話的時候,男人味十足- 我想我可以說這句話,因為已經有人說過了- 他一接電話:“喂,草泥馬的。”
176.He gives boring speeches about obscure bottles of wine, and on his 50th birthday he bought a convertible sports car -- although, like a lot of men, he's impatient; he bought it on his 49th.
他會就紅酒瓶發表乏味的長篇大論, 他還說他五十歲大壽時要買一輛敞篷跑車。 儘管,他和大多數男人一樣沒什麼耐性;他四十九歲的時候就忍不住買了這輛車。
177.But like a lot of modern men, he hugs, he bakes, he leaves work early to coach Little League.
但是,和許多現代男人一樣,他會給人擁抱,會做糕點, 會提早下班去做青少年棒球聯盟的教練。
178.Someone asked me if he cried when I asked him to be in the council of dads.
179.I was like, "David cries when you invite him to take a walk."
180.(Laughter) But he's a literary agent, which means he's a broker of dreams in a world where most dreams don't come true.
(眾人笑) 他是一個文稿代理人, 這意味著,他在一個人們往往不會美夢成真的世界裡,扮演著夢想的經紀人。
181.And this is what we wanted him to capture -- what it means to have setbacks and then aspirations.

這就是我們想讓他展示的, 雖有缺點,但是之後充滿熱情。
182.And I said, "What's the most valuable thing you can give to a dreamer?"
183.And he said, "A belief in themselves."
184."But when I came to see you," I said, "I didn't believe in myself.
“但是當我來看你的時候,” 我說,“我並不相信自己。
185.I was at a wall."
186.He said, "I don't see the wall," and I'm telling you the same, Don't see the wall.
他說:“我看不見那道牆,” 我也要告訴你們: 別理會那道牆。
187.You may encounter one from time to time, but you've got to find a way to get over it, around it, or through it.
你可能會不停地碰壁, 但是你必須找到繞過去,躲過去,穿過去的方法。
188.But whatever you do, don't succumb to it.
189.Don't give in to the wall.
190.My home is not far from the Brooklyn Bridge, and during the year and a half I was on crutches, it became a sort of symbol to me.
我家就離布魯克林大橋不遠, 我一年半的時間裡一直拄拐, 它都成了我的一個標誌。
191.So one day near the end of my journey, I said, "Come on girls, let's take a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge."
一天,我回到家, 我說:“來吧,姑娘們,我們到布魯克林大橋上散步去。”
192.We set out on crutches.
193.I was on crutches, my wife was next to me, my girls were doing these rockstar poses up ahead.
我拄著拐,我妻子走在我身邊, 我女兒們在前面,一邊走一邊擺出搖滾明星的架勢。

194.And because walking was one of the first things I lost, I spent most of that year thinking about this most elemental of human acts.
因為我失去了行走的能力, 那一年我把大部分時間都花在了 對這件最基本人類活動的思考上。
195.Walking upright, we are told, is the threshold of what made us human.
我們知道,直立行走 標誌著我們是人類。
196.And yet, for the four million years humans have been walking upright, the act is essentially unchanged.
然而,在四百萬年裡,人類一直是直立行走, 這項活動沒有本質上的變化。
197.As my physical therapist likes to say, "Every step is a tragedy waiting to happen."
我的理療師喜歡這麼說: “一步一悲劇。”
198.You nearly fall with one leg, then you catch yourself with the other.
你的一條腿站不住了, 你就用另一條腿支撐自己。
199.And the biggest consequence of walking on crutches -- as I did for a year and a half -- is that you walk slower.
使用柺杖行走的最大弊病- 我拄拐一年半- 就是行走緩慢。
200.You hurry, you get where you're going, but you get there alone.
如果你走得太快, 率先到達目的地,但你到時你只有一個人。
201.You go slow, you get where you're going, but you get there with this community you built along the way.
你慢慢地走,同樣可以到達目的地, 但是你身邊有其他 與你同行的人為伴。
202.At the risk of admission, I was never nicer than the year I was on crutches.
可能大家不會相信,但是,我拄拐的那一年 是我對待他人最友善的一年。
203.200 years ago, a new type of pedestrian appeared in Paris.
兩百年前, 巴黎出現了一個新的人群。
204.He was called a "flaneur," one who wanders the arcades.

205.And it was the custom of those flaneurs to show they were men of leisure by taking turtles for walks and letting the reptile set the pace.
這些浪蕩子 喜歡給烏龜散步, 跟著這些爬行動物的步調走, 以此為樂。
206.And I just love this ode to slow moving.
207.And it's become my own motto for my girls.
208.Take a walk with a turtle.
209.Behold the world in pause.
210.And this idea of pausing may be the single biggest lesson I took from my journey.
而這一舉停頓, 可能是我在旅程中學到的最為重要的一課。
211.There's a quote from Moses on the side of the Liberty Bell, and it comes from a passage in the book of Leviticus, that every seven years you should let the land lay fallow.
在自由鐘上 刻著一句摩西的名言, 它出自《聖經》中《利未記》裡的一段話, 他說,每隔七年,你須要讓土地休耕。
212.And every seven sets of seven years, the land gets an extra year of rest during which time all families are reunited and people surrounded with the ones they love.
每過七七四十九年, 土地又休耕一年, 此時,所有家庭相聚在一起, 人人都與他們所愛的人團聚。
213.That 50th year is called the jubilee year, and it's the origin of that term.
這第五十年被稱作“禧年”, 這就是這個名稱的由來。
214.And though I'm shy of 50, it captures my own experience.
儘管我還不想那麼快到五十歲, 但這一年是我活得最精彩的一年。
215.My lost year was my jubilee year.
216.By laying fallow, I planted the seeds for a healthier future and was reunited with the ones I love.
通過休耕, 我為更為健康的未來孕育了希望的種子, 並與我所愛的人們團聚在一起。

217.Come the one year anniversary of my journey, I went to see my surgeon, Dr. John Healey -- and by the way, Healey, great name for a doctor.
康復一年之後, 我去探望為我動手術的約翰. 希裡醫生。 話說回來,“希裡”這個名字還挺適合醫生的。
218.He's the president of the International Society of Limb Salvage, which is the least euphemistic term I've ever heard.
他是國際保肢協會主席。 這是我聽過最直白的稱謂。
219.And I said, "Dr. Healey, if my daughters come to you one day and say, 'What should I learn from my daddy's story?' what would you tell them?"
我說:“希裡醫生,如果某天我女兒們來找你, 說:‘我們可以從爸爸的故事裡學到什麼?’ 你會怎麼回答?”
220.He said, "I would tell them what I know, and that is everybody dies, but not everybody lives.
他說:“我會告訴她們, 每個人終一死, 但並不是每個人都能活下來。
221.I want you to live."
222.I wrote a letter to my girls that appears at the end of my book, "The Council of Dads,"
我給女兒們寫了一封信, 這封信被收錄在《爸爸軍團》的結尾部分。
223.and I listed these lessons, a few of which you've heard here today: Approach the cow, pack your flipflops, don't see the wall, live the questions,
我在信中列出了這些道理, 大家今天已經聽過了: 接近奶牛,打包拖鞋, 無視牆壁, 勤問問題,
224.harvest miracles.
225.As I looked at this list -- to me it was sort of like a psalm book of living -- I realized, we may have done it for our girls, but it really changed us.
我看著這張單子-感覺它就像一本充滿至理名言的《詩篇》(出自《聖經》)- 我意識到,這原本是對我女兒們說的, 而它卻著實改變了我們。
226.And that is, the secret of the Council of Dads, is that my wife and I did this in an attempt to help our daughters, but it really changed us.
我和我妻子 組建爸爸軍團的初衷 是為了幫助我們女兒的成長, 而這卻改變了我們。

227.So I stand here today as you see now, walking without crutches or a cane.
今天我站在這裡, 你們可以看到,我並沒有拄拐。
228.And last week I had my 18-month scans.
229.And as you all know, anybody with cancer has to get follow-up scans.
大家知道, 得過癌症都人都要接受複查掃描。
230.In my case it's quarterly.
231.And all the collective minds in this room, I dare say, can never find a solution for scan-xiety.
我感說,在座的各位, 沒有誰能抑制住掃描時的緊張情緒。
232.As I was going there, I was wondering, what would I say depending on what happened here.
去做掃描的路上,我一直在想, 掃描的結果決定我要說的話。
233.I got good news that day, and I stand here today cancer-free, walking without aid and hobbling forward.
那天,我得到了好消息, 今天,我早已擺脫了癌症,站在這裡, 無需拄拐, 走路不會一瘸一拐。
234.And I just want to mention briefly in passing -- I'm past my time limit -- but I just want to briefly mention in passing that one of the nice things that can come out of a conference like this
我只想簡短地提一下-我的時間過了- 我最後簡短地說一下 在這樣的會議可以產生很多積極作用,
235.is, at a similar meeting, back in the spring, Anne Wojcicki heard about our story and very quickly -- in a span of three weeks -- put the full resources of 23andMe,
有一個類似的會議, 發生在春天, 安妮·沃西基(谷歌創始人布林之妻)聽了我們的故事, 就馬上-在短短三週時間裡- 就將23andMe公司的所有資源,
236.and we announced an initiative in July to get to decode the genome of anybody, a living person with a heart tissue, bone sarcoma.
我們在七月宣佈啟動 為每個 長了心臟組織肉瘤的人 破譯基因組。
237.And she told me last night, in the three months since we've done it, we've gotten 300 people who've contributed to this program.

她昨晚告訴我,在這三個月裡, 我們這個項目得到了三百個人的幫助。
238.And the epidemiologists here will tell you, that's half the number of people who get the disease in one year in the United States.
在場的流行病學家可以證實, 這相當於美國一年裡 患該病人數的一半。
239.So if you go to 23andMe, or if you go to councilofdads.com, you can click on a link.
如果你去上23andMe 或councilofdads.com,你可以點擊一個鏈接。
240.And we encourage anybody to join this effort.
241.But I'll just close what I've been talking about by leaving you with this message: May you find an excuse to reach out to some long-lost pal,
但是,在結束前, 我想告訴大家: 如果有機會,你可以聯繫一下某個久違的老友,
242.or to that college roommate, or to some person you may have turned away from.
大學時的室友, 或是某個你曾拒絕幫助的人。
243.May you find a mud puddle to jump in someplace, or find a way to get over, around, or through any wall that stands between you and one of your dreams.
你也可以找一個泥窪跳進去, 或是想辦法避開,繞過,或者穿越 任何一座攔在你與夢想之間的牆壁。
244.And every now and then, find a friend, find a turtle, and take a long, slow walk.
偶爾, 找個朋友,找只小龜, 閒庭信步一番。
245.Thank you very much.



