


In his works, Tang Huawei's whole creation thought originates from Chinese calligraphy. The plastic lines, ups and downs, are swaying and rippling as the rhythm of dance and expressing its internal passion, power and harmony, which the movement of vital energy is running through. Meanwhile, he also magically changes from flowing lines into emotional, even fascinating color, which makes up exuberant vitality and visual landscape, so as to let us experience the buddhist mood and meditative state of oriental spirit of the fruitful life image.


豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《疊(2020-1-7)》 / 布面油彩 / 50cm×50cm / 2020年

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《疊(2020-1-8)》 / 布面油彩 / 50cm×50cm / 2020年

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《疊(2020-1-8)》 局部

迪特·榮特 | 藝術批評家、策展人,德國波恩國家美術館前館長



Dieter Ronte

critic and curator,former director of Kunstmeum Bonn,Germany

Tang Huawei’s art is not a supplement or extension towards existing traditional images, but an original of image style for art itself. It’s an extension of the world objects, but not an immediate description of natural objects or outward world. These images actually tells the truth of inner heart, emotion, art and egoism.

Excerpt from Tang Huawei and His Linear Abstraction

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《疊(2020-1-9)》 / 布面油彩 / 50cm×50cm / 2020年

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《勢(2020-1-10)》 / 布面油彩 / 80cm×60cm / 2020年

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《姿(2020-1-11)》 / 布面油彩 / 70cm×50cm / 2020年

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《姿(2020-1-11)》 局部

貝婭特·海芬夏特 | 博士、策展人、德國科布倫茨路德維希博物館館長



Beate Reifenscheid

PhD, curator and director of Ludiwig Museum in Koblenz, Germany

Tang Huawei develops some kind of extremely abstract painting technique. These lines, that are dynamic, dense, seemingly rambling, blend in with the background and a series of exquisite images that flying on a fancy space. The width and depth of the artworks make the viewers immerse in it rapidly. His works, which consist of ball of strings and strong colors just like Pop art, show the reflection towards the unrepeatable and disappearing paradise of the past.

Excerpt from Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《態(2019-1-5)》 / 布面油彩 / 100cm×80cm / 2019年

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《生長(2018-12-8)》 / 布面油彩 / 100cm×80cm / 2018年

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉


夏可君 | 哲學博士、策展人



Xia Kejun | The curator and PhD

A good artist must find a way to dissolve oil paints. No more than an already rigidified industrial material, oil paint can be dissolved with spirit. It may be easier to adopt visual construction or shape modeling, but only with individual’s spirit and blood, the paints can be reinvigorated and spiritualized, and thus enchanted with charming air. It requires artists to persistently study on paints, in years of lonely and relentless works. As the poet Rilke described Cezanne "lonely but strong," Chinese artist Tang Huawei has been "lonely and tenacious" for years, to awaken the soul of nature with his unique artistic language.

Excerpt from Tang Huawei’s New Painting: Drawing the Spiritual Portrait of Nature

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《一念(2019-1-6)》 / 布面油彩 / 100cm×80cm / 2019年

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《澈(2018-12-16)》 / 布面油彩 / 80cm×65cm / 2018年

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《舞(2018-12-29)》 / 布面油彩 / 150cm×100cm / 2018年

楊小彥 | 博士、策展人、批評家



Yang Xiaoyan | The curator,critic and PhD

Tang Huawei selected an imported artistic form, instead of traditional ink and wash. But in his statement, in his works and even in his way of writing, obviously showed is the traditional element, which proves that Chinese tradition has been significantly influencing the young artist’s creation. He observes the current in the way of traditional thinking, and reflects on tradition with the observation of the current. The two-way thinking laid the foundation of his artistic practice, enabling him to stay in a floating state, as if he is the gene floating all around and looking for the possibility of variation.

Excerpt from Poetry in Heart Without Ego—Reflections upon Tang Huawei’s Artworks

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《肌理(2019-8-1)》 / 布面丙烯 / 40cm×40cm / 2019年

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉


豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《肌理(2019-8-9)》 / 布面丙烯 / 40cm×40cm / 2019年

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《肌理(2019-8-7)》 / 布面丙烯 / 40cm×40cm / 2019年

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《肌理(2019-8-7)》 局部

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《肌理(2019-8-8)》 / 布面丙烯 / 40cm×40cm / 2019年


豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《生長(局部01)》 / 不鏽鋼雕塑 / 1000cm×700cm×260cm / 2020

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《生長(局部02)》 / 不鏽鋼雕塑 / 尺寸可變 / 2020

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《生長(局部03)》 / 不鏽鋼雕塑 / 尺寸可變 / 2020

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《湧動》 / 不鏽鋼雕塑 / 150cm×140cm×60cm / 2020

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《環 03》 / 不鏽鋼雕塑 / 33cm×28cm×45cm / 2019年

豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉

《環 04》 / 不鏽鋼雕塑 / 25cm×18cm×35cm / 2019年





豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉


豐實與空靈 | 唐華偉



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