「4-飛行員必懂知識」IFR 飛行計劃

「4-飛行員必懂知識」IFR 飛行計劃


IFR flight plan : IFR飛行計劃

IFR :儀表飛行規則 instrument flight rules ,是完全或者部分地按照航行駕駛儀表,判定航空器飛行狀態及其位置的飛行。必須按照IFR飛行:IMC(低於目視氣象條件);雲層、雲裳目視氣象條件;夜間飛行;高度6000m以上;必須具有姿態指引、高度指示、位置判斷和時鐘等設備。

VFR :目視飛行規則 visual flight rules,指在可見天地線和地標的條件下,能夠判明航空器飛行狀態和目視判定方位的飛行。目視飛行機長對航空器間隔、距離及安全高度負責。

As specified in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 91, no person may operate an aircraft in controlled airspace under IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) unless that person has filed an IFR flight plan. Flight plans may be submitted to the nearest Flight Service Station (FSS) or air traffic control tower (ATCT) either in person, by telephone (1-800-WX-BRIEF), or by radio if no other means are available. Pilots should file IFR flight plans at least 30 minutes prior to estimated time of departure to preclude possible delay in receiving a departure clearance from ATC.

美國聯邦法規(14 CFR)第91部分第14款的規定,除非該人已提交IFR飛行計劃,否則任何人都不得根據IFR(《儀表飛行規則》)在受控空域內操作飛機。 可以親自,通過電話(1-800-WX-BRIEF)或通過無線電(如果沒有其他方法)將飛行計劃提交到最近的飛行服務站(FSS)或空中交通管制塔臺(ATCT)。 飛行員應該在預計起飛時間至少30分鐘之前提交IFR飛行計劃,以免延遲收到ATC的離場許可。


IFR flight plans may be filed from the air under various conditions, including:


1. A flight outside controlled airspace before proceeding into IFR conditions in controlled airspace.

2. A visual flight rules (VFR) flight expecting IFR weather conditions en route in controlled airspace.



In either of these situations, the flight plan may be filed with the nearest FSS or directly with the air route traffic control center (ARTCC). A pilot who files with the FSS submits the information normally entered during preflight filing, except for “point of departure,” together with present position and altitude. FSS then relays this information to the ARTCC. The ARTCC then clears the pilot from present position or from a specified navigation fix.

在這兩種情況下,都可以向最近的FSS或直接向空中交通管制中心(ARTCC)提交飛行計劃。 向FSS歸檔的飛行員提交飛行前歸檔中通常輸入的信息(“出發點”除外)以及當前位置和高度。 然後,FSS將這些信息中繼到ARTCC。 然後,ARTCC從當前位置或指定的導航定位清除飛行員。


IFR experience can be gained through night flying which also promotes both instrument proficiency and confidence. The progression from flying at night under clear, moonlit conditions to flying at night without moonlight, natural horizon, or familiar landmarks teaches a pilot to trust the aircraft instruments with minimal dependence upon what can be seen outside the aircraft. It is a pilot’s decision to proceed with an IFR flight or to wait for more acceptable weather conditions.

通過夜間飛行可以獲得IFR經驗,這也可以提高儀器的熟練度和信心。 從在晴朗,月光下的夜晚飛行到沒有月光,自然地平線或熟悉的地標的夜晚飛行的過程,使飛行員可以信任飛機儀器,而對飛機外部的看到卻很少。 繼續進行IFR飛行或等待更可接受的天氣條件,這由飛行員決定。

