03.04 agree是同意,disagree是不同意,那 agree to disagree是啥意思



agree to disagree

什么意思?看看 Urban Dictionary 的解释:

agree是同意,disagree是不同意,那 agree to disagree是啥意思

当双方都认为自己是对的,再争下去没有意义,他们就会说agree to disagree,来结束争论。


agree是同意,disagree是不同意,那 agree to disagree是啥意思


01.Look... 瞧;听着;听我说

  • Look, I don't think we should go to that restaurant because the food is not good.听着,我认为我们不应该去那家餐馆,因为那里的食物不好吃。
  • Look, Tiff, I understand. But if that happened, then nothing would be open on the weekends. 听着,Tiff,我明白,但是如果那样的话,周末就没有店会开着了。

02. Listen... 听着;听我讲;大家注意

  • Listen, Winter, I don't think people should work on the weekends because everyone needs to rest. 听着,Winter,我认为人们不应该在周末工作,因为每个人都需要休息。
  • Listen, I think if that happened everyone would be happy but then realize how bad it would be. 大家听我讲,我想如果那样的话,每个人都会很高兴,但随后我们会意识到这会有多糟糕。

03.Here's what I think... 我是这样想的...

  • Here's what I think about people who wear their hats backward. I think it defeats the purpose of the hat to block the sun.我是这样看待那些帽子反戴的人的。我认为这样做背离了帽子用来遮阳的目的。
  • Here is what I think on the subject of homework. I think homework should only be given four days a week. So, then the child can have rest.对于家庭作业,我是这样想的。我认为家庭作业一周只需要布置四天的,这样孩子就可以好好休息了。

04. Here's how I see... 我是这么想的/这么看的...

  • Well, Winter, here's how I see it, people buy more chocolate candies than vanilla.好吧,Winter, 我是这么看的,我觉得买巧克力糖果的人比买香草糖果的多。
  • Here is how I see this situation. I think people prefer vanilla-scented things but like to eat chocolate more.对于这种情况,我是这么想的。我认为人们更喜欢香草味的东西,但更喜欢吃巧克力。
agree是同意,disagree是不同意,那 agree to disagree是啥意思

