



<table><tbody>成就名稱成就描述成就分數Into the FireComplete Mission 1.10赴湯蹈火完成第一關。Argent MoonComplete Mission 2.10銀月號
完成第二關。GlasslandsComplete Mission 3.10玻璃大陸完成第三關。Roots of the EarthComplete Mission 4.10地球的根完成第四關。Stolen GauntletComplete Mission 5.10被偷的拳套完成第五關。
EscapeComplete Mission 6.10逃離完成第六關。Together AgainComplete Mission 7.10再次團聚完成第七關。SwordsComplete Mission 8.10正義之劍完成第八關。Old BonesComplete Mission 9.10
老傢伙完成第九關。BreakthroughComplete Mission 10.10突破完成第十關。StormboundComplete Mission 11.10風暴來臨完成第十一關。Civil WarComplete Mission 12.10內戰完成第十二關。
ReclamationComplete Mission 13.10歸復完成第十三關。A New DawnComplete Mission 14.10新黎明完成第十四關。SentinelsComplete Mission 15.10哨兵完成第十五關。LegacyComplete every Mission of the game on Normal difficulty.
10傳奇正常難度完成遊戲每個任務。Heroes RiseComplete every Mission of the game on Heroic difficulty.40英雄的崛起英雄難度完成遊戲每個任務。Forging a LegendComplete every Mission of the game on Legendary difficulty.60鑄造傳奇傳奇難度完成遊戲每個任務。Lone WolfComplete every Mission of the game on Legendary difficulty, by yourself.100
獨狼獨自在傳奇難度下完成遊戲每個任務。My RulesComplete any Mission on Heroic with 3+ Skulls active.20規矩我來定開啟三個骷髏英雄難度下完成任何任務。One for AllComplete any co-op Mission on Heroic difficulty.10全體出動英雄難度下合作完成任何任務。All for OneComplete every co-op Mission on Heroic difficulty.40
全部完成英雄難度下合作完成所有任務。Conspiracy TheoryFind and claim one piece of Intel.10陰謀論找到一個情報物品。Hunt the TruthFind and claim all Intel.40追尋真相找到所有情報物品。GravediggerFind and claim a Skull.10掘墓人找到一個骷髏。
GravelordFind and claim all Skulls.40墓王找到所有骷髏。Your Team is Your WeaponCommand your team of Spartans in Osiris.10團隊就是武器死神小隊任務中發命令給小隊成員。Enemy of my EnemyHelp the Elite General charge the hill in Osiris on Heroic difficulty.10敵人的敵人死神小隊任務中英雄難度下幫助精英將軍衝鋒山頭。
I Thought I'd Lost YouEscape the Hunters in the lab and fight them in the hangar in Blue Team.10我以為失去你了藍隊任務中在實驗室從獵人的攻擊中逃脫並在停機坪戰鬥。On My MarkSimultaneously Assassinate two Elites in Blue Team co-op.10聽我發令藍隊任務中合作模式下同時刺殺兩個精英。Going the DistanceComplete Glassed without entering a vehicle.10長途跋涉不使用載具完成“玻璃大陸”關卡。Shoot from the Hip
Complete Glassed co-op without any players using Smart-Link.10腰間掃射合作模式下所有玩家不使用智能瞄準完成“玻璃大陸”關卡。Waiting on YouKill an enemy that's had its armor repaired in Unconfirmed.10等著你呢在“未確認”關卡部分幹掉一個剛修復了護甲的敵人。MaverickTeam up in a vehicle to kill 30 enemies in Unconfirmed co-op.10標新立異在“未確認”關卡部分合作模式下都乘坐車輛幹掉 30 個敵人。Savior
Keep 6 miners alive at the elevator in Evacuation on Heroic difficulty.10救星在“撤離”關卡部分英雄難度下使 6 名礦工存活。Fire DrillFinish Evacuation within 18:00 without dying on Heroic difficulty.10火警演習英雄難度下不死並且 18 分鐘內完成“撤離”關卡部分。Take a HikeTraverse the canyon in Reunion without a Phaeton on Heroic difficulty.10遠足去在“團聚”關卡部分英雄難度下不使用幻影戰機穿過山谷。No Witnesses
Destroy the Phantom at the Covenant camp in Reunion on Heroic difficulty.10沒有目擊者在“團聚”關卡部分英雄難度下在星盟營地摧毀魅影運兵船。No Knock RaidDestroy 10 walls or floors in Swords of Sanghelios.10破門而入在“精英之劍”關卡破壞 10 面牆壁或者地板。Preying MantisComplete Swords of Sanghelios co-op with both Mantises on Heroic difficulty.10螳螂捕食者英雄難度下合作完成“精英之劍”關卡部分並讓兩臺螳螂號都存活。Kraken Lackin'
Complete Enemy Lines without destroying a Kraken turret.10沒了 Kraken 怎麼行不摧毀 Kraken 的炮臺下完成“敵人戰線”關卡。Emergency Boarding ProceduresEscape the doomed Kraken by jumping onto a Phaeton piloted by a Spartan.10緊急登艦逃離被摧毀的 Kraken,跳到一架斯巴達駕駛的幻影戰機上。Death from AboveKill a Grunt and smash a grate with a Ground Pound in Battle of Sunaion.10從天而降在 Sunaion 的戰鬥中用砸地能力幹掉一個野豬獸並砸壞一個箱子。Worms Don't Surf
Knock two Hunters into the ocean during the Battle of Sunaion.10不會衝浪的蟲子在 Sunaion 的戰鬥中把兩個獵人打下海。Tank Still Beats EverythingFinish the 13th mission without losing the Scorpion on Legendary difficulty.10坦克最高傳奇難度下不丟失天蠍號坦克完成“歸復”任務。Rolling ThunderOperate four different vehicles at once in Mission 13 on Heroic difficulty.10驚雷滾滾英雄難度下“歸復”任務中同時操縱四種不同的載具。HarbingerComplete The Breaking on Legendary difficulty without the entire fireteam dying.
10先兆傳奇難度下沒有全小隊陣亡完成“突破”任務。Prison BreakSimultaneously kill two Wardens in The Breaking on Heroic difficulty.10越獄英雄難度下“突破”任務中同時幹掉兩個守衛者。Icy CoolGround Pound an exterior power core in Guardians on Heroic difficulty.10透心涼英雄難度下“守護者”任務中用砸地能力擊毀一個外部能量核心。Double StuffSimultaneously destroy 2 cores in Guardians on Heroic difficulty.
10雙管齊下英雄難度下“守護者”任務中同時摧毀 2 個能量核心。Cry HavocComplete 3 Warzone matchmade games.10為戰爭哭泣完成三場戰區任務。Bringing in the Big GunsCall in a REQ that costs 5 Energy or more.10來點好武器戰區模式中召喚消耗 5 點或更多能量的武器或載具。Go for the GoldOpen a Gold REQ Pack10
金閃閃打開一個金牌招募卡包Top of the Food ChainKill a Warzone Legendary Boss.30食物鏈頂端戰區模式幹掉一個傳奇等級的 AI 單位。WarlordWin a match on the three original Warzone maps.20戰爭之王首發三張戰區模式地圖上都獲勝一場遊戲。Castle CrasherComplete 5 Stronghold matchmade games.20城堡毀滅者
完成 5 場要塞守衛模式遊戲。Off to the RacesComplete 5 Breakout matchmade games.20比賽開始,進場完成 5 場爆發模式遊戲。Flag MongerComplete 5 Capture the Flag matchmade games.20旗販子完成 5 場奪旗模式遊戲。Spartan DecimationComplete 5 Slayer matchmade games.20斯巴達屠殺完成 5 場殺戮之王模式遊戲。
Valor RecognizedQualify for a Competitive Skill Rating.20榮譽認證得到競技技巧評級。Your StyleChange your Spartan's gear in the Spartan Hub.10你的風格在斯巴達信息站更換裝備。Raise Your BannerChange your Emblem in the Spartan ID card.10立起旗幟在斯巴達卡片上更換徽章。Make Your Mark
Change your Service Tag in the Spartan ID card.10報上編號在斯巴達卡片上更換服役編號。GamemasterCreate and save a Custom Game Type in War Games.10遊戲大師創建並保存一個自定義遊戲模式。BenchwarmerSpectate a game.10板凳王觀看一場遊戲。/<tbody>/<table>

