




四、 保持公共場所內空氣流通。保證空調系統或排氣扇運轉正常,定期清洗空調濾網,加強開窗通風換氣。




Guide to Prevent Pneumonia Caused by the Novel Coronavirus in Public Places

The pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus is a new disease. The general public should better protect themselves against this epidemic. In order to help international friends to acquire relevant knowledge of prevention, Hubei Provincial Foreign Affairs Office has compiled and translated this guide into multiple languages according to the Public Prevention Guide provided by the National Health Commission. The following is the Guide to Prevent Pneumonia Caused by the Novel Coronavirus in Public Places. The guide applies to public places like shopping malls, restaurants, cinemas, Karaokes, internet bars, public bathrooms, gymnasiums, exhibition centers, bus/train/metro stations, and airports, etc.

I. Staff working in public places should monitor their health conditions. Stay home if one develops suspicious symptoms relating to the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus. Such symptoms include fever, cough, pharyngalgia, chest distress, dyspnea, mildly poor appetite, fatigue, mild lethargy, nausea, diarrhea, headache, palpitation, conjunctivitis, and mildly sore limb or back muscles, etc.

II. Staff working in public places should ask those with suspicious symptoms relating to the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus to leave.

III. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and facilities in public places regularly.

IV. Keep public places well-ventilated. Ensure the proper functioning of the air conditioners or extractor fans. Clean the filters of the air conditioners regularly and open windows frequently for better ventilation.

V. Prepare enough liquid soap in the restroom. Ensure water supply facilities like the taps function well.

VI. Keep the environment clean and dispose of the waste in a timely manner.

VII. People in areas where the disease is prevalent should avoid visiting public places, especially crowded places or those with poor ventilation.

