在昆外籍人士,這份防疫指南請收好!Public Prevention Notes

在昆外籍人士,這份防疫指南請收好!Public Prevention Notes

The pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus is a newly-found disease from which the public should strengthen prevention. In order to help foreigners understand and master the relevant knowledge of prevention, National Immigration Administration has compiled and translated this guide according to the Public Prevention Notes provided by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.


I. Reduce outdoor activities as much as possible

1. Avoid visiting areas where the disease is prevalent.

2. It is recommended to make less visits to relatives and friends and dining together during the epidemic prevention and control, and stay at home as much as possible.

3. Try to avoid visits to crowded public areas, especially places of poor ventilation, such as public bathrooms, hot springs, cinemas, internet bars, Karaokes, shopping malls, bus/train stations, airports, ferry terminals and exhibition centers, etc.


1. 避免去疾病正在流行的地區。

2. 建議疫情防控期間減少走親訪友和聚餐,儘量在家休息。

3. 減少到人員密集的公共場所活動,尤其是空氣流動性差的地方,例如公共浴池、溫泉、影院、網吧、KTV、商場、車站、機場、碼頭、展覽館等。

II. Personal Protection and Hand Hygiene

1. It is recommended that a mask shall be worn when going out. A surgical or N95 mask shall be worn when visiting public areas, hospitals or taking public transportation.

2. Keep your hands sanitized. Try to avoid touching public objects and parts in public areas. After returning from public areas, covering your cough, using the restroom, and before meals, please wash your hands with soap or liquid soap under running water, or use alcoholic hand sanitizer. Avoid touching your mouth, nose or eyes when you are unsure whether your hands are clean or not. Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow when sneeze or cough.


1. 建議外出佩戴口罩。外出前往公共場所、就醫和乘坐公共交通工具時,佩戴醫用外科口罩或N95口罩。

2. 保持手衛生。減少接觸公共場所的公共物品和部位;從公共場所返回、咳嗽手捂之後、飯前便後,用洗手液或香皂流水洗手,或者使用含酒精成分的免洗洗手液;不確定手是否清潔時,避免用手接觸口鼻眼;打噴嚏或咳嗽時,用衣肘遮住口鼻。

在昆外籍人士,这份防疫指南请收好!Public Prevention Notes

III. Health Monitoring and Seeking Medical Attention

1. Monitor the health conditions of your family members and yourself. Measure your temperatures when you feel like having a fever. If you have kid(s) at home, touch the kid’s forehead in the morning and at night. Measure the kid’s temperature in case of fever.

2. Wear a mask and seek medical attention at nearby hospitals in case of suspicious symptoms. Go to medical institution in a timely manner in case of the suspicious symptoms relating to the pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus are found. Such symptoms include fever, cough, pharyngalgia, chest distress, dyspnea, mildly poor appetite, feebleness, mild lethargy, nausea, diarrhea, headache, palpitation, conjunctivitis, mildly sore limb or back muscles, etc. Try to avoid taking metro, bus and other public transportation and visiting crowded areas. Tell the doctor your travel and residence history in epidemic areas, and who you met after you got the disease. Cooperate with your doctor on the relevant queries.


1. 主動做好個人與家庭成員的健康監測,自覺發熱時要主動測量體溫。家中有小孩的,要早晚摸小孩的額頭,如有發熱要為其測量體溫。

2. 若出現可疑症狀,應主動戴上口罩及時就近就醫。若出現新型冠狀病毒感染可疑症狀(包括髮熱、咳嗽、咽痛、胸悶、呼吸困難、輕度納差、乏力、精神稍差、噁心嘔吐、腹瀉、頭痛、心慌、結膜炎、輕度四肢或腰背部肌肉痠痛等),應根據病情,及時到醫療機構就診。並儘量避免乘坐地鐵、公共汽車等交通工具,避免前往人群密集的場所。就診時應主動告訴醫生自己的相關疾病流行地區的旅行居住史,以及發病後接觸過什麼人,配合醫生開展相關調查。

在昆外籍人士,这份防疫指南请收好!Public Prevention Notes

IV. Keep Good Hygiene and Health Habits

1. Frequently open the windows of your house for better ventilation.

2. Do not share towels with your family members. Keep your home and tableware clean. Sun-cure your clothes and quilts often.

3. Do not spit. Wrap your oral and nasal secretion with tissue and throw it in a covered dustbin.

4. Balance your nutrition and exercise moderately.

5. Do not touch, buy or eat wild animals (gamey). Try to avoid visiting markets that sell live animals.

6. Prepare thermometer, surgical or N95 masks, domestic disinfectant and other supplies at home.


1. 居室勤開窗,經常通風。

2. 家庭成員不共用毛巾,保持家居、餐具清潔,勤曬衣被。

3. 不隨地吐痰,口鼻分泌物用紙巾包好,棄置於有蓋垃圾箱內。

4. 注意營養,適度運動。

5. 不要接觸、購買和食用野生動物(即野味);儘量避免前往售賣活體動物的市場。

6. 家庭備置體溫計、醫用外科口罩或N95口罩、家用消毒用品等物資。

在昆外籍人士,这份防疫指南请收好!Public Prevention Notes

