
要知道在一個盛產 控球后衛的頂級籃球聯盟中,一個黃種人控衛,可以在那裡征戰9年,簽過千萬美元合同,本身就是一個巨大的成功。上個賽季結束後,林書豪並沒有找到下家,而是將自己的計劃提前幾年,加入了中國的CBA籃球聯賽。最近,林書豪在一次球隊集訓的間隙接受了媒體的短暫採訪,他表示,這幾年的傷病沒有機會可以真正的打球,這次來到CBA可以有機會當先發控球后衛,帶領一支球隊贏得比賽是他從小的夢想。在過去的6輪比賽中,林得到場均26分6個籃板6.3次助攻,讓北京隊成為了奪冠熱門球隊。小編也希望林書豪在這裡可以成為領軍人物,實現兒時的夢!





1、0:30 He said his childhood dream was to play point guard and lead a team, and he gets to do that in China.


2、The worst part about lin not getting an NBA contract is that he is more than good enough to get one.


3、Just like Bruce Lee, when he left Hollywood for Hong kong.


4、This video is honest and keeping it real. Lin will do fine. He ll be looking for another crack at the NBA come springtime when some one needs a backup PG.


5、J Lin tries too hard, I think he needs to go to China and just have fun. To me, he's already a legend.


6、He will be fine in China. If the season ends there and there are teams needing a solid backup pg for pick n roll, then the best guess is he will get another shot at NBA come playoff time next year.


7、Well if there is one door close to you, there must be another open. Wish Jeremy Lin all the best in BJ ~


8、He will be back in the NBA is my prediction.


9、JLin is far from done but he needs to get back his physical strength and the CBA would be a great want to play while allowing old injury to heal. Not to mention the entire NBA had an agenda against him and did everything to push him out. Unless Lin gets another starting contract I doubt he's returning.


10、You were good in the NBA. Your gonna be a SUPER STAR in China!!


11、How good is he? Compare his stats with other point guards in the NBA. There's your answer!


12、There's gotta be an NBA team that could start him. Forget this bench BS but there are so many teams where Lin would be useful.


13、I wish I was a free agent. I'd picked any team I want to go to.


14、The Raptors have made a mistake of letting him go, they won't win with their starters now to go through the whole season.


15、NBA didn't appreciate his play. Yes, he did get injured a bit but when healthy, he was as good as some starter and a good backup of. He definitely still have value but that's life..


16、Chinese basketball desperately needs Lin. The native Chinese players don't believe in themselves (for a variety of reasons not just on the court) and thus don't compete with the swagger and ferocity needed to play the game the right way. Now here comes Jeremy Lin who is the best at setting a good example of rugged focused professional baskeball intensity and at inspiring teammates to play to their full potential even when they don't believe in themselves. Even as an NBA player, Lin has been quietly encouraging the stars of the CBA to train harder and focus better on the court. China basketball president Yao Ming has lamented that Chinese basketball is in need of major change, and Jeremy Lin is the only guy that can get that change started.


17、We love lin in TORONTO, it was a office decision not the Fans ..


18、Lin is going to Marbury 2.0 but better


19、he will have a massive impact on the new generation of bball kids in china.


20、However, I don't agree it's a mistake for Lin to choose China instead of Europe's league. He'll able to play his style and receive the respect he deserves. For his age, I don't see the point for him to come back to NBA afterwards.


21、For me it's more fascinating following Jeremy's progress the last few games in CBA than following the current NBA season.





