


China is a great country. China主語 is 聯繫動詞 a great country 為表語。


The rain stopped. stop為不及物動詞,不能帶賓語。


The boy bought a book.


My parent gave me

a new watch on my birthday.

He told me to have a good rest.




1. 主語 + 謂語

Li Ming works very hard.

李明學習很努力。(Li Ming是主語; works是謂語。)

The accident happened yesterday afternoon.

事故是昨天下午發生的。(The accident是主語; happened是謂語 )

Spring is coming.

春天就要來了。(Spring是主語; is coming是謂語。)

2. 主語 + 謂語 + 賓語

Li Lei always helps me when I have difficulties.

當我遇到困難時,李雷總能給我幫助。(Li Lei是主語, helps是謂語,me是賓語。 )

She plans to travel in the coming May Day.

她打算在即將到來的“五一”外出旅遊。(She是主語, plans是謂語,to travel是賓語。)

I don’t know what I should do next.

我不知道下一步該幹什麼。(I是主語; don’t know是謂語, what I should do next是賓語。)

3. 主語 + 系動詞 + 表語

This kind of food tastes delicious.

這種食物吃起來很可口。(This kind of food是主語, tastes是系動詞, delicious是表語。)

He looked worried just now.

剛才他看上去有些焦急。(He是主語, looked是系動詞, worried是表語。)

4. 主語 + 謂語 + 雙賓語

Her father bought her a dictionary as a birthday present.

她爸爸給她買了一本詞典作為生日禮物。(Her father是主語, bought是謂語, her是間接賓語, a dictionary是直接賓語。)

The old man always tells the children stories about the heroes in the Long March.

老人經常給孩子們講述長征途中那些英雄的故事。(The old man是主語,tells是謂語, the children是間接賓語,stories about the heroes是直接賓語。)


Her father bought a dictionary for her as a birthday present.

(Her father是主語, bought是謂語, a dictionary是直接賓語 her是間接賓語。)

The old man always tells stories about the heroes to the children in the Long March.

(The old man是主語,tells是謂語, stories about the heroes是直接賓語,children是間接賓語。)

5. 主語 + 謂語+ 賓語 + 賓語補足語

You should keep the room clean and tidy.

你應該讓屋子保持乾淨整潔。(You是主語, should keep是謂語,the room是賓語,clean and tidy是賓語補足語。)

We made him our monitor.

我們選他當班長。(We是主語,made是謂語,him是賓語,our monitor是賓語補足語。)

His father told him not to play in the street.

他父親告訴他不要在街上玩。(His father是主語,told是謂語, him是賓語, not to play是賓語補足語。 )


