

“I’ve Read over 10,000 Admissions Essays. Here’s A Formula to Write a Good One”

除了那些刻板的“自恋”形象,对于Personal Essay,听到最多的问题是:我不知道应该写什么。所以我写这篇文章,是为了告诉大家一个很好的三步“公式”,可以帮助还在为Personal Essay挣扎的所有人。

跟众多的文书材料相比,最能引起招生官兴趣阅读的就是Personal Essay(个人陈述),在写文书的时候,很多同学写的非常的跌宕起伏,充满戏剧性(悲惨的人生故事或者是生病的遭遇等等),但这一切都不是能进入一所梦想大学的先决条件。下面我要说的话请记好,一篇成功的个人陈述,并不是写的多么有剧情,而是用很多将你的生活和所学,细小的巧妙地联系起来,表达你对世界,知识与学业领域内的好奇心与探索和追求。


The Formula

Ergo, my formula goes like this:

1,Talk in detail about a skill you developed through an interest or hobby.


2,Show how you used (or are currently using) that skill in a surprising context.


3,Briefly connect this to how you might use this skill in an academic context (college or graduate school).


Done? Bravo! You’ve just written an essay that is 17x more interesting than the majority of your peers, and you didn’t have to solve world hunger. Here’s an example:


“Example 1”1. Sophia spent years becoming a better defender on her soccer team. She started lifting weights and learned how to contain her opponents to trap them in the corner.2. This informed her ability to listen and position herself more carefully during a difficult political science debate.3. She likes preparing for confrontation, and is thus considering a career in cyber security.

This is an essay I’d love to read. See how even this one paragraph essay tells us SO MUCH about Sophia, and she didn’t have to resort to hyperbole or #humblebrag? Here’s another one:


“Example 2”1. Parker played Dungeons and Dragons throughout high school and college, but gave it up (and kept it secret) when he started his high-profile investment banking job.2. However, when a difficult boss began to offer vague demands, Parker remembered how many difficult Dungeon Masters he had played with over the years and surprised his cohort by asking the boss for clarification.3. He isn’t afraid to ask for help, but wants to attend business school to learn leadership techniques of his own.

Yes, please — Admit! See how these incredibly ‘normal’ (i.e. ‘boring’) people have interesting stories to tell? It’s all about making small, surprising connections. And I think this formula does a good job of helping students avoid cliches because it forces them to surprise themselves.


The Follow Through

I could talk for days about the do’s and don’ts of essay writing. But I’ve used this formula successfully with several of my friends and clients, and I’m genuinely curious to know if anyone out there going through this process finds this kind of exercise helpful. Thanks and good luck!

