
作 者|BingChan

排 版|拾 叁




今年五月份,笔者参加了参加贵阳大数据博览会,除了领略了迷人醉人的贵州风光外,更是有幸得以结识瑞士区块链基金会CEO兼ZiChain CFO安德鲁古宁(Andrei Gunin)先生。安德鲁先生是俄罗斯人,拥有西北大学MBA学位,幽默风趣,风度翩翩,酷似电影明星范迪塞尔,还有幸福的家庭和可爱的儿子。平时除了繁忙的环球公务,也不忘陪家人休闲,在风景如画的俄罗斯和瑞士两边跑。咦,好像是现实版的霸道总裁呢?如此完美的人设,当然抑制不住采访的冲动啦!







Bingchan:You used to say that blockchain was isolated to some degree as an isolated eccentric technology. Nobody knew its future development. You also said that such a technology will be applied in all business fields to boom economy so people need to embrace it. But now there is a very gloomy phenomenon that due to investment failure, many people hold a very negative attitude towards blockchain, so how to adjust such attitude?

Andrei: 最近,区块链技术变成了一个争议性话题。半数专家认为区块链被过高估计,而另外一些人认为区块链是未来许多行业的刚需,尤其是金融科技领域。定下支持哪边的论调其实很难,但是区块链作用论被大多数学界,初创企业及大公司和政府机构所支持。

Andrei: Blockchain technology lately has been a very controversial topic. Half of the experts claim that it is overrated, others think that it is the future of many fields, especially the future of fintech industry. To take side of those that were mentioned first is quite hard, while the second point of view has been supported by multiple researches, start-up successes, and interest from huge corporations and governments.



According to UBS, the biggest financial holding of Switzerland, blockchain technology will create additional economic value of $300 to $400 billion by year 2027; there are two very close but different issues- blockchain as a technology and crypt currencies as assets based on it. The current bear market on crypto markets has nothing to do with the blockchain technology but rather with a huge inflow of price speculations. The blockchain technology continues to develop every day and it seems that it is just a few years away from mass adoption.


These year is a rise of blockchain implementation in corporate life, simultaneously the crypto currencies remain mostly isolated from financial industry. With the development of usual infrastructure for conducting with crypto assets, with the rise of liquidity – we are sure it will become just an ordinary asset class. We from our side are developing infrastructure solutions based on cutting edge technologies and our experience in finance to make digital finance familiar and user-friendly to retail and institutional investors.


Bingchan: 在区块链里面,不见得非得去相信第三方,接收端的人你不认识,但你知道可以和他进行互动,这种信任是了不起的。区块链构建了信任社会,但是在这种信任社会中,您觉得会不会同时存在着一些危机?

Bingchan:Trust is very important in blockchain and you do not need to trust to third party and you do not know the receiver but you can interact with him. Trust is a marvelous thing and we could regard that blockchain has established a trust society, but from your point of view, are there also challenges?


Andrei:really disruptive. It brings efficiency to lots of processes. Distributed layer technology first of all brings efficiency to the operational processes. Blockchain as a technological solution for data storage-allows you to remove unnecessary links in many processes, the main function of which is the verification of provided data. In many business processes, such as international trade, real estate operations and blockchain allows two counterparties to make transactions directly with each other based on data recorded in distributed registries. This data is impossible to falsify, delete and is easy to track. So here, first of all, it is about the possibility of conducting transactions without involving a third party and reducing the costs and time. Main advantage is not about trust- it is about removing a possibility to cheat. You can trust everybody if you operate on a decentralized blockchain.


Bingchan:你在瑞士和俄罗斯都有工作事务,而我们也非常想知道这两个国家在对待区块链技术的态度上有何异同? 而且就整体的投资大环境而言,您觉得他们的主要区别在哪里?

Bingchan:You work in between Russia and Switzerland and we are very curious that what are the differences and similarities for those two countries? As for the overall investment environment? How do you regard the differences between those two countries?


Andrei: Gradually the implementation of blockchain takes place on a government level: multiple projects are created with the goal to reduce corruption or to simplify the process of funds allocation. Another indicator of government’s interest is acceptance of early legislative initiatives. Leaders in this area are Japan and Switzerland. Swiss banks open accounts for companies that work with cryptos and in some regions, for example in Zug,bitcoins are accepted even when paying for municipal services. Crypto currencies in Switzerland are taxed on federal level. By the way, in the beginning of July Swiss exchange SIX announced that it is launching a crypto exchange called Digital Exchange. It will be monitored by financial regulators, and will be working in accordance with traditional banking scheme - token holders will be able to store, buy and sell crypto currencies. All operations will take place on blockchain.



Discussion of legislative projects, which could regulate the crypto market also takes place in Russia: in January 2018 the ministry of finance published the first version of «digital financial assets» law. Despite the fact that crypt currencies transactions in Russia country are not illegal, they are not legal either. One solution would be the implementation of Swiss model in the area of crypto regulation. It is not as strict as Chinese regulating model, and not as cautious as Japanese, but at the same time it is quite rational and is convenient for all market players. According to this model, payment for products and services will be possible with certain controls from the government. Another approach is not to allow the use of crypt currencies for payments but recognize them as financial investment assets. Multiple researches, expert opinions, inflow of market players and interest to crypt currencies and blockchain technology in absolutely different countries proves that to turn a blind eye to the developments in this field is simply impossible. And the sooner this will get recognized, the better it will be for everyone, including the countries which will endorse the new reality.



Bingchan:I remember that you said that China was a special country, different from other places in the world and I really want to know that deep in your heart, what are the special features of China?

Andrei: 中国真的是个很特别的国家。许多城市和地区(深圳,中关村以及其他地区)都分外关注科技,让人十分惊喜。许多年轻有潜力的工作者都在研发创新科技,而高质量的区块链研究实验室,孵化器及会议不仅数量繁多,质量也高得令人叹服;很多高精尖人群加入到这个领域,让中国走在世界前沿。

Andrei: China from all countries which we have visited recently is really special. Many cities such as Shenzhen, Zhongguancun and other areas are amazing in terms of their technological focus. A huge number of young and talented people working on breakthrough technologies. Blockchain research and development laboratories, incubators and conferences that not only amaze with the quantity but also attract the highest caliber of competent people involved in this industry

