
本出版社的其他期刊(Nature→Nature Chem.→Nat. Commun.→Sci. Rep.; J. Am. Chem. Soc.→J. Org. Chem.→ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.→ACS Chem. Biol.; Adv. Mater. / Angew Chem. Int. Ed.→Adv. Funct. Mater.→ChemSusChem; Chem. Sci.→Chem Commun.→RSC Adv.)。


我曾有一篇文章,第一輪的審稿意見為一正一略負(Reviewer 1 and 3),編輯給予了修改的意見。第二輪審稿時,Reviewer 4的意見為“In contrary to Reviewer 2's report, here reviewer would very much like this submission to appear on Journal”,由此可見,編輯認為2號審稿人的意見不充分,因此在第一輪審稿時,就沒有將他的審稿意見發送給我,第二輪審稿自然也並未再次邀請他審稿。


Authors who feel that they have strong grounds for appealing a decision may contact the journal to request the opening of an appeal, after which they may upload a cogently argued rebuttal letter that addresses the referees’ and/or editor’s comments in a point-by-point manner. Decisions are reversed on appeal only if the editors are convinced that the original decision was made in error or critical new information or data has been added.

7. 作者修改(Revision)。

除了直接接收和拒稿以外,作者都需根據審稿人的意見,撰寫回覆信(Point-by-Point Response to Reviewers' Comments),並附上修改後的文章,通過投稿系統以修改稿的形式投出,等待編輯的進一步裁決。回覆信的寫法將在以後的文章進行分享。


