
如今已經走過了10個年頭的比特幣,從最初的1萬個比特幣只能買一塊披薩,再到如今1萬美元都買不到一個的比特幣,這正好應了那句老話:“今天你對我愛搭不理, 明天我讓你高攀不起”。比特幣的成長從不缺少打壓政府的圍剿、銀行的歧視和機構投資者不屑等等,這往往也導致比特幣的價格時常出現大跌的漲幅度。然而,即使比特幣在大跌的情況,最終依然也保持著一定的平衡點,比特幣的萬萬歷歷充滿著現實和泡沫,從中也有無數的人與比特幣擦肩而過,也有人從比特幣得到了計其數的富豪。



· 官方網址:

· 充值提現: 依據區塊速度

· 服務費用: 根據平臺費率表

· 身份認證:護照認證、身份證


· 貨幣: 法幣交易

【英文版】Coinsfarm a succeed trading channel on every generations

Gone through of 10 years bitcoin, we can buy one piece of pizza from the first 10,000 bitcoin, but now we can't even spend 10,000 US dollar to buy one bitcoin. This is precisely the old saying: " today, you don't care for me ; tomorrow, I'll let you get another eye sight from me." The growth of bitcoin has never lack of pressure on government, bank discrimination or disregard of institutional investors, this has often led to bitcoin prices falling sharply. However, even bitcoin falls, it will eventually maintain a certain balance point. Bitcoin's extremely experience in full of reality and bubbles. From there, there are countless people passing by bitcoin, yet some people also get counted rich from bitcoin.


The advanced technology and digital assets have entered this era, peoples have created more wealth in an easier way. There are many trading platforms in various countries such as Coinsfarm trading platform are one of them. Coinsfarm is from United States, the design of the platform with blockchain technology guarantees the security, stability, smoothness and transparency transaction of the platform. Coinsfarm allowing users to easily conduct transactions and use of application services while the assets are under their own control. At present, Coinsfarm platform already has a large number of users in various countries, because Coinsfarm platform has lower fees charged by other trading platforms, withdrawals are more efficient and professional customer services has become all users preferred platform.

• Official Website:

• Cash withdrawal: according to block speed

• Service Fees: According to Platform Rate Table

• Identity Certification: Passport Certification, ID Card

• Cryptocurrency on list: BTC, ETH, ETC, LTC, XRP, DASH

• Trade by: Currency transactions

