
Have you ever noticed that good people often aren’t well respected? They help others out, they’re patient, they don’t hold grudges, but for some reason they constantly feel upset and lonely.


Psychologists believe the reason for this is mistakes in the way such people behave. We has outlined their reasoning for you with the help of some illustrations.


Needless self-sacrifice



You suppress your own needs for the sake of peace, but the world simply doesn’t notice. And when people offend you, you feel uncomfortable before the guilty party. This approach will inevitably mean that people will upset you over and over again.


  • Don’t be afraid to tell the world about what you don’t like. It might not cost people anything to meet you halfway. On the other hand, your needless self-sacrifice will not be noticed by anyone at all. 不要害怕告訴別人你真正喜歡的是什麼。讓別人來滿足下你的意願,這對於別人來說,不會他們付出什麼就能辦得到。別外,你那不必要的自我犧牲根本沒有人會在意。

A lack of self-respect



You don’t seem to feel it when people bump into you, or you close your eyes to these little uncomfortable moments. But someone who is rude by nature won’t love or respect you for that. So why are you putting up with it?


  • If someone behaves in a way that suggests they don’t give a damn about you, it means they really don’t. Don’t look for excuses for rude people. Respect yourself. 一個人對你的傷害是有心還是無意,相信你能看出來的。不要自己就為那些天生粗魯的人找藉口。從今天起,建立自尊。

Being dependent on the approval of others



People who have a pathological need for approval from others subconsciously give out signals that there’s something wrong with them. And people who others think have something wrong with them are usually avoided by virtually everyone.


  • Stop waiting for praise. You don’t need to be told you’re a good person to actually be one. And don’t be scared of criticism. People will criticize you at various times for virtually anything you do, for one reason or another. Your opinion of yourself should always rank as the most important. 不要等著別人的點讚了吧。你不需要用別人的嘴來證明你是一個好人。不要害怕批評。無論你做任何事,總會有批評的聲音存在。你對自己的評價才是最重要的。

Searching for the source of problems only within yourself



You automatically believe people are right, except when it comes to yourself. You put the responsibility for what’s going on around you on yourself. No one’s going to thank you for this. But taking advantage of you and making your life even harder might be easier for others under such circumstances.


  • Searching for those who are in the wrong is a thankless task. Torturing yourself will bring you neither love nor pity from others. It’s better to focus your efforts on finding a solution to the problem. 要分清誰對誰錯,是一件費心不討好的事情。折磨你自己也不會得到任何同情和憐憫。最好的辦法是找出解決問題的方法。




Emphasizing your virtues and begging for respect is the basis for a dependent relationship. In trying to convince those around you that you’re a good person, you’ll end up getting only rejection. Even if you really are a good person.


  • You can show you’re worth something only by genuinely believing that you are yourself. When you know your own value, you don’t need to prove it to anyone. 只有先自己相信自己,才能向別人證明你的價值。而當你意識到自己的價值所在,你也沒必要向所有人證明。

A fear of rejection



You don’t want to upset anyone even if it comes at the price of making you unhappy. You pretend everything’s ok to prevent others from worrying that you’re not satisfied. And the result is that you’re very often not satisfied.


  • Don’t be afraid to say "no." Even the nicest people in the world may try to use you if you allow them to. Help others only when you want to help them. 別害怕說“不”。即使這世界上你最信任的那個人,也會讓你傷心的。

Being deaf to your own interests



You’ve become accustomed to adjusting to other people’s needs and find it difficult to understand what your own desires really are. You don’t decide for yourself what you do, and instead you take others’ wishes for your own. This is akin to an inability to make decisions and to a taste of helplessness, and it’s far from the true definition of kindness.


  • Learn to listen to your own desires, and don’t be afraid of offending others. The chances are your fears don’t really have a basis in reality, and it’s always possible to find a compromise. 學著傾聽自己的內心,不要害怕得罪別人。你的擔心和害怕可能都毫無意義,總會找到一種折中的辦法。

Not setting a limit on what’s acceptable



You forgive others because it’s easier to do so than to stand up for yourself. When other people show disrespect toward you, you find an excuse for them in your mind.


  • You need to determine what you consider to be the limits of acceptable behavior. And then don’t let others overstep these boundaries in relation to you. People who allow everything are not respected. 你需要給自己的承受能力畫一條線。在你與他人的關係中,不要讓別人越過這條線。你太隨便,反而得到他人的尊重。

A fear of loneliness



You’re turning your relationship into a cult, sacrificing yourself. And what’s more, you feel comfortable doing so. This may be why bullies, narcissists, and egoists gravitate toward you: because you allow yourself to be used.


  • You don’t need to choose between your relationship and your own feelings of self-worth.If you’re having to make that choice, then something’s gone wrong. Be brave, and don’t be afraid of change. Think of being alone as being free rather than as loneliness, and then you won’t be alone for long. 你沒有必要在一段關係的好壞和自我價值中做選擇。如果你這麼做了,很可能會犯錯。勇敢些,不要害怕改變。把一個人看成是一種自由,而不孤單,而且,最終你也不會一個人太久。

Believing that respect needs to be earned



You don’t accept the fact that respect doesn’t have to be the result of actions or behavior. You don’t feel comfortable when your relationship with someone is one of equals because you’re firmly convinced that respect has to be earned. You feel that a person has value only if they’ve given something back.


  • You don’t need to "buy" love or respect. Learn to simply love and be loved unconditionally, as easily as breathing. 你不要奢求“買”來的愛或尊重。學會簡單地愛與被愛。真正的愛與尊重應該像呼吸一樣自然。

