英语共读:Mark Zuckerberg finally gets his Harvard degree



Mark Zuckerberg finally gets his Harvard degree

阅读难度:★★★☆☆ (社会)

Words: about 280; Time: 4.5 minutes

英语共读:Mark Zuckerberg finally gets his Harvard degree


Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, one of the richest people in the world, features in a long list of university dropouts who became millionaires after founding technology companies — Bill Gates and Steve Jobs among them.

But 12 years after leaving Harvard to work on Facebook full time, he has returned to pick up an honorary degree.

Zuckerberg founded what was then called “The Facebook” in his college in 2004. The service was at first limited only to Harvard students before spreading to other Ivy League universities (常青藤大学).

He was asked to deliver a speech given to graduating students. After receiving the honor he posted a photo of him with his parents Edward and Karen Zuckerberg.

英语共读:Mark Zuckerberg finally gets his Harvard degree

During his speech, Mr Zuckerberg praised students for finishing “something I never could”.

“If I get through this speech, it'll be the first time I will have actually finished something at Harvard,” he said.

Even after the company moved its headquarters to California, Zuckerberg continued to be enrolled (登记) at Harvard until he dropped out in November 2005.

His honorary degree comes 12 years later, a little quicker than it took Bill Gates, another famous Harvard dropout to get his. Bill Gates, the world's richest person, dropped out of Harvard in 1975, which was the same year he co-founded Microsoft. Mr Gates received his own honorary degree from Harvard back in 2007.

英语共读:Mark Zuckerberg finally gets his Harvard degree

Earlier before Zuckerberg came back to Harvard, Forbes magazine named Facebook the world's fourth most valuable brand. Zuckerberg is the world's fifth-richest person, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. In 2010, Time magazine named Zuckerberg Person of the Year and Vanity Fair magazine listed him among its “top 100 most influential people of the information age”.

From: www.independent.co.uk




英语共读:Mark Zuckerberg finally gets his Harvard degree


英语共读:Mark Zuckerberg finally gets his Harvard degree



