



1. close ADJ&ADV

(1)ADJ:亲密的;严密的;接近的▲My younger brother and I are very close. 我和弟弟很亲。▲Please pay close attention to where they will set out. 请密切注意他们的动向。▲Our new house is close to the school. 我们的新房子离学校很近。

(2)ADV:接近地;紧挨着▲Mother held Tom close and pressed her cheek to his.妈妈紧紧地抱着汤姆,并把脸颊贴在他的脸上。







They live close to the museum. 他们住在靠近博物馆的地方。



They watched him closely in case he should escape.他们严密监视他,唯恐他会逃脱。

注意:固定短语close to有“接近;几乎;大概;差不多”的意思。▲She was close to tears. 她几乎要哭出来了。)

2. burst out 突然发生,突然……起来▲The war burst out in December when people were expecting Christmas. 战争爆发于12月,那时人们正期待着圣诞节的到来。▲When I was fixing my eyes on the picture, they burst out laughing. 当我正注视着那幅画时,他们突然大笑起来。


burst into 突然迸发(尤指开始唱歌、哭、笑等),闯入▲Hardly had she heard the news about the death of Michael Jackson when she burst into tears / burst out crying. 她一听到迈克尔·杰克逊去世的消息,就失声痛哭起来。▲He burst into the room without knocking at the door. 他没敲门就闯入了房间。

注意:表示“突然……起来”时,burst out为“动词+副词”结构,后面跟动名词作宾语;而burst into为“动词+介词”结构,后接名词作宾语。一定要牢记,不要混淆。

3. knock...over (开车)撞伤,撞死,撞倒;打翻;撞翻▲The bad man knocked over the old man with the black car. 那个坏人用这辆黑色汽车把老人撞伤了。▲He knocked over the chair close to my desk. 他把紧挨着我桌子的那把椅子撞翻了。▲Who knocked that bottle over? 谁把那个瓶子打翻了?


knock into 撞到……上;把……敲进……

knock at / on 敲(门等)

4. lose interest in 对……失去兴趣▲If the class is too boring, students will lose interest in learning. 如果课堂太乏味,学生们会失去学习的兴趣。▲By that time I had lost all interest in the idea. 那时我已对此想法完全失去了兴趣。


take / have (an) interest in 对……感兴趣 ▲Why do you have an interest in stamps? 你为什么对邮票感兴趣?

show interest in 对……表现出兴趣 ▲However, fewer and fewer people show interest in voting. 然而,越来越少的人对投票感兴趣。

be interested in 对……感兴趣 ▲I think you may be interested in our new product. 我想你或许对我们的新产品感兴趣。

hold one’s interest (in) 使某人保持(对……的)兴趣

place of interest 名胜

5. from time to time(=occasionally)偶尔,有时,间或▲They burst out laughing in the classroom from time to time. 他们在教室里偶尔会突然大笑起来。▲Man may destroy the balance of nature, but from time to time nature takes a terrible revenge for it. 人类可以破坏自然的平衡,但自然会不时地施行可怕的报复。



at all times 总是;永远

all the time 一直,始终

at a time 每一次,逐一

at one time 曾经,一度

on time 准时,按时

in no time 立刻,马上

at times 偶尔,有时

in time 及时;迟早

at no time 决不

ahead of time 提前


from side to side 从一边到另一边

from hand to hand 从一人之手到他人之手

from door to door 挨家挨户

from head to foot 从头至脚,全身

from beginning to end 从头至尾

from morning to night 从早到晚

6. go through

(1)经历;经受(多指痛苦的事情)▲The country has gone through too many wars.这个国家经历了太多的战争。

(2)仔细检查;审查▲I start a new day by going through my e-mails from time to time. 我早上时不时查阅我的电子邮件来开始新的一天。

(3)(指法律、法案等)被正式通过或接受▲The bill went through two months later. 两个月之后,该法案被正式通过。

(4)通过(考试)▲He went through the driving test and bought a new car last year. 去年他通过了驾驶考试,并购买了一辆新车。


go after 追求

go ahead 开始;进行

go by (时光)逝去;过去

go down 下降;减少;倒下;落下

go out 熄灭;停止运转;过时

go over 仔细检查;复习

go up 上升;增长

go on 发生;继续

7. large / small amounts of 大量的/少量的▲Large amounts of money were spent on the injured old man who was knocked over by a car. 花了大量的钱来医治这位被车撞伤的老人。


a large / good / great amount of 大量的

a small amount of 少量的

in large / small amounts 大/少量地


a number of / quite a few +可数名词复数

many a(n) / more than one +可数名词单数

a large amount of / a great deal of +不可数名词

a lot of / lots of / plenty of / a quantity of / quantities of +可数名词复数/不可数名词

注意:amount(s) of前可以用large,small,great等修饰,接不可数名词,其后谓语根据amount的单复数而定,而a quantity / quantities of后接可数或不可数名词,其后谓语根据quantity的单复数而定。(就主谓一致而言,看amount与quantity的单复数;就后接成分而言,前者只接不可数名词,后者接可数、不可数名词皆可)


He was a large amount of money while I have a large number of books. 他有许多钱,而我有许多书。

8. count V

(1)数,点……的数目▲Don’t forget to count your large amounts of change in your pocket. 不要忘记数一数你口袋里大量的零钱。

(2)很重要,很有价值▲First impressions really do count. 第一印象确实很重要。▲His promises don’t count for much. 他的承诺并无多大价值。


count on / upon 指望,依靠

count in / out 把/不把……算在内


常见的表示“依靠,依赖”的短语还有:depend on / rely on / draw on.

而且这几个短语常用于固定句式:count on / depend on / rely on / draw on it that...,表示“指望/依赖……”。▲You can count on it that he is very smart.你就相信吧,他非常聪明的。

9. make up 和解;弥补;构成,组成;编造,虚构;化妆▲They two finally made up after two months’ time without even a single word. 两个月互不理睬之后他们两个人终于重归于好了。▲They made up their inexperience by careful preparation for each lesson. 他们每节课都认真准备,以弥补自己经验的不足。▲Make up sentences with the words given. 用所给的词语造句。▲Is she telling the truth, or making it all up? 她说的是事实,还是纯属虚构?▲The girl made up her face carefully before going to meet James. 这位姑娘在与詹姆斯会面之前,精心打扮了一番。

注意:表示“弥补,补偿”时,make up可以直接加宾语,也可以与for连用后再加宾语。▲His intelligence made up for his lack of personal charm. 他的智慧弥补了他的容貌缺陷。▲They’ll do all they can to make up the economic losses.他们要用尽一切力量弥补这些经济损失。)

10. regret VT&N:

(2)CN&UN:懊悔;悔恨;遗憾;惋惜▲(express one’s regret at / over 对……表示遗憾/惋惜/懊悔)The company expressed deep regret at the accident. 公司对此次事故深表遗憾。▲(with regret 遗憾地,懊悔地)▲(much to one’s regret 令某人非常遗憾的是)We think, much to our regret, that we will not be able to visit you next year. 让我们深感遗憾的是,我们认为明年不能去拜访你了。

11. keep in touch (with) (与……)保持联系;了解▲Let’s keep in touch. 让我们保持联络。▲I try to keep in touch with current events by reading the newspapers. 我通过读报纸来尽量了解时事。


(我们先)失去联系 lose touch (with) / be out of touch (with)

(再)取得联系 get in touch (with)

(然后一直)保持联系 stay / keep / be in touch (with)。

▲We’ve been out of touch with Roger for years now. 我们至今已有数年未与罗杰联系了。▲Now that my mother has a telephone, it’s much easier to get in touch with her. 因为我母亲有电话,所以与她联系方便多了。▲I regret having lost touch with most of my friends from college. 我很后悔与大学时期的大多数朋友都已经失去了联系。▲Wherever you go, keep in touch with me, please. 无论你去哪里,请与我保持联系。

注意:lose / get in touch (with)表示动作,不能与表示时间段的时间状语连用;stay / keep be in touch (with)与be out of touch (with)表示状态,可以与表示时间段的时间状语连用。


