【English 感冒


I went down病倒 with the flu.

kept coughing

have a runny nose

feeling dizzy頭暈目眩

My muscle ache肌肉痠痛

feeling weak渾身乏力

lucky dog 幸運兒

top dog 大佬

I am dog tired累成狗

Work like a dog 拼命工作

A dog's breakfast搞砸,一團糟

a doggie bag打包袋


open-hearted坦率真摯 joy and grace歡樂和感恩

lacks in depth, but it balances in detail.缺乏深度,但細節不錯

a lot to like 有看點


立即馬上就要,I need it yesterday!

叫停,保留自己的意見,Let's agree to disagree,shall we?

有疑慮,再斟酌下,Have second thoughts about

走神了,心不在焉,he's out to lunch

還沒睡呀?Still up?

完蛋了!I'm screwed!

別提了!Don't get me started.

真的假的?Shut the front door! / fridge!


Black eye = 捱打後發青的眼圈



pale: 蒼白的,生病而蒼白

dark skin:黑人暗色皮膚

tan:美黑 , 日光浴深色皮膚

dark eyes:黑眼睛

Black sheep = 害群之馬,沒出息,不良份子

Black gold = 原油


Do you want to go for a walk? Would you like to tell me what happened?

I can't imagine what it's like, but I want to listen.

How do you see覺得 yourself getting through this?