07.22 外貿出口英語培訓15-如何在國外展會期間充分開拓出口市場


Paul: Hello!


Tara: Paul?


Paul:Tara darling. How are you?


Tara: I'm fine. How are you?


Paul: Oh fine, fine, Quite good rooms in this hotel


Tara: I see!


Paul: Hold on, Tara. there's someone at the door ... Oh thank you very much! ... Sorry darling. It was the hotel porter with a note. Eve Sorrell is waiting for me in reception.

等一下,塔拉。 有人在門口...哦非常感謝你! ...對不起親愛的。 是酒店的門童送來一張紙條。 夏娃正在接待處等我呢。

Tara: Oh, in that case don't let me keep you


Paul: I'll phone you back later.


Tara: No. it's all right. I'm having dinner with father. Have a good time. Paul. Bye.

不用,沒關係。 我和父親一起吃晚飯。 玩得開心。 保羅。 再見。

Paul: Tara? Tara! Oh no...

塔拉? 塔拉,哦,不要這樣...

Paul: Hello, Eve


Eve: Hi. Paul. Listen, I've contacted Bill Cornell. He runs a string of motor cycle shops in the capital.

嗨。 保羅。 聽著,我已經聯繫了比爾.康乃爾。 他在首都經營摩托車連鎖商店。

Paul: What did he say?


Eve: Well, I told him about your project and he said he liked it. I think we should go and see him.

嗯,我告訴他你的項目,他說他很感興趣。 我想我們應該去看看他。

Paul: When?


Eve: Well now. if it's all right.


Paul: That's fine. Now look we'll have to pick a sample bike from the warehouse to show MR. Cornell. and I need some publicity brochures. And you know he might like to...

好啊。 瞧,我們還得不從倉庫挑選一輛樣車給康奈爾先生展示。 同時,我需要一些宣傳樣本。 你知道他可能會需要..

Bill: Hmm! Very impressive, very impressive indeed.

嗯! 非常令人印象深刻,確實非常令人印象深刻

Paul: Thank you.


Bill: Yes. But what's your model range?

是的。 但是你們有什麼系列車型?

Paul: Well, we've got two basic mdels at the moment. of which this one is the latest. The colours can vary. but that'll depend on the amount ordered.

嗯,我們現在有兩個基本型號。 其中這一個是最新的。 顏色可以不同。 但這將取決於訂購的數量。

Bill:And the price?


Paul: Well, that also depends on the amount ordered. We'd have to take labour and factory expansion costs into consideration. However, we worked out an estimate at the moment of 100Euros each.

嗯,這也取決於訂購的數量。 我們必須考慮勞動力和工廠擴建成本。 然而,我們制定出一個預計價格,目前每臺100歐元。

Bill:That's reasonable, And what's your capacity? I mean how many bikes could you supply?

這是合理的,你們的生產能力怎樣? 我的意思是你可以提供多少輛車

Paul: Well, again that depend on what demand we have for export. At the moment we cater for a very good home market. But we have the space and the finance to expand to cover an export market. But you know it's a bit early to say more than that.

嗯,這又取決於我們出口的需求。 目前,我們滿足一個非常好的國內市場。 但是,我們有足夠的空間和資金擴大到出口市場。 但是你知道現在說這些有點兒早

Bill: That's fair enough. Look, I'm willing to give your bikes a try. I'll take your four sample bike at, say, a hundred Euros each.

這是公平的。 瞧,我願意推銷一下你們的車。 我會按每臺100歐元買這四個樣車

Paul: It's a deal.


Eve: I'll arrange the detail. Paul.


Paul: Well, now here's the name of my bank in Zana, The formal invoice will be sent from Jayal Motors within two weeks.


Eve: Once the invoices have been received and Bill has paid. I'll arrange the transporation.

收到發票並收到付款後。 我會安排運輸。

Bill: Oh, that sound fine.


Eve: Paul. there'll be some storage costs and agent's fees, but they don't amount to much on four bikes.

保羅。 會有一些存儲費用和代理費用,但是,四輛自行車沒有多少錢。

Paul:Oh.don't worry about that, Eve, I'm prepared to take a small loss on this deal if it'll lead to bigger ones.


Bill: Let's hope it does. I'm sure I'll be seeing you again. Paul. In my opinion your bikes are going to really make it.

我們希望能成功。 我相信我們會再見。 保羅。 在我看來,你的車真的能行

Paul:Well. thanks very much, Bill. Very pleased to have met you ...

好的。比爾, 非常感謝。 很高興見到你

Eve. I'm sure you understand. Paul, that we can't sign a contract until you have definite orders.

保羅,我相信你明白。 我們直到你有明確的訂單了才能簽訂合同

Paul: Well, we'll just have to hope those orders come. Waiter! Two coffees please.

嗯,我們只需要盼望這些訂單來了。 服務員! 請來兩杯咖啡

Carl: Hello, you two.


Paul:Hi Carl.


Carl:Sorry. I'm late, I got held up at the Embassy. Sorry to spoil the meal,Eve, Look Paul. I've been looking through some papers, and the Chinese are promoting their new range of smaller bikes,

抱歉。 我遲到了,我在大使館耽誤了。 給吃飯掃興了,對不起夏娃,瞧,保羅。 我一直在閱讀一些文件,中國人正在推廣他們的新系列的輕便車

Paul: Oh. dear. The Chinese.


Carl:Yes. and they're going to be hard competitors, so Jayal Motors have got to be able to act quickly.

是。 他們可將是強大的競爭對手啊,所以,賈亞爾摩托必須迅速採取行動。

Paul: Yes. I can see that.


Carl: And unfortunately, Fortesquieu has no favourites.Right Eve?

不幸的是, Fortesquieu先生沒有優勢,對吧,夏娃。

Eve:I'm afraid so.


Paul: Well, I'd better get back to Zana as soon as possible and get the things moving.


Carl: I'll keep you in touch with developments here but don't forget to phone because we need to be in touch all the time...
