
OpenPilot是一个集合自适应巡航控制(Adaptive Cruise Control ,ACC)和车道保持辅助(Lane Keeping Assist,LKA)的系统。和其他ACC和LKA系统一样,openpilot要求驾驶员保持警惕,并时刻注意周围环境和本车情况。注意:为保证openpilot地安全运行,驾驶员保持警惕是必要条件,但不是充分条件。




OpenPilot Safety

openpilot is an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Lane Keeping Assist (LKA) system. Like other ACC and LKA systems, openpilot requires the driver to be alert and to pay attention at all times. We repeat, driver alertness is necessary, but not sufficient, for openpilot to be used safely.

In order to enforce driver alertness, openpilot includes a driver monitoring feature that alerts the driver when distracted.

However, even with an attentive driver, we must make further efforts for the system to be safe. We have designed openpilot with two other safety considerations.

The driver must always be capable to immediately retake manual control of the vehicle, by stepping on either pedal or by pressing the cancel button.The vehicle must not alter its trajectory too quickly for the driver to safely react. This means that while the system is engaged, the actuators are constrained to operate within reasonable limits.
