

一般店員會問:What can I do for you? 或者 Can I help you find something?

我一般就是 I'm just looking around. 呵呵,如果你確實在找東西,比如要個小號的襯衫,那就是Yes, Do you have this shirt in a smaller size?或者 Where are your blue jeans 這類。


Can I try this shoe on in a seven? / Can I get this in a size six?


I don't know what my size is, can you take my measurement?


但句型很簡單: Where can I find xxx? / Do you sell XX here?

* 問試衣間在哪裡: Where are your fitting rooms? 試過後覺得不合適需要小號,I think I need a smaller size.

* 問是否能刷卡 Can I pay by credit card.

* 確認衣服是不是打折: It's on sale, right?

* 問店什麼時候開門,什麼時候關門: What time do you open in the morning? / What time do you close?

* 最後補一個......最初學者....購物必問句: How much is it?

衣服單詞:gloves - 手套,boots - 靴子,socks - 襪子,jeans - 仔褲,jacket - 夾克,skirt - 短裙,hat - 帽子,shoes - 鞋,belt - 皮帶,shirt - 襯衫 ,boxers - 男士短褲

其他(換錢,問路等..... 繼續補充中)


Do you exchange foreign currency? / Can I cash my traveler's checks here?

What is your exchange rate for the Chinese yuan?

The exchange rate is 0.0009 cents for one yuan.

I would like to exchange 500 yuan please.

問路 --- 其實問了後,特麻煩的很多好心人會帶著你走,特複雜的,你沒聽懂的話....也沒關係.....有個大概方向,然後一路問下去就好了,呵呵。

Excuse me, Do you know where the post office is?

Excuse me, I am looking for the post office, do you know how to get there?


Turn right after you pass McDonalds.

When you see a church on your left hand side, turn right on the next street.

Go down the street, turn left on Williams street, and it will be right around the corner from the gas station.

It's pretty far from here, Go on Williams Street for about 2 miles, you'll see it next to a school.