



Everyone was charmed with her fine singing.每個人都為她的優美歌聲而陶醉。

Necessary steps must be taken now.現在必須採取必要的措施。

The equipment of this refinery is made in China.這個煉油廠的設備是國產的。


One of her suitcases was stolen when she was touring the city.她在這個城市旅行時,她其中的一個手提箱被偷了。

Your presence is requested.請光臨。

Any consideration given to him will be greatly appreciated.如蒙相助,不勝感激。


He signed to us with his hand:“The lesson is over.You are dismissed.”﹙A.daudet﹚他向我們揮了揮手說:“課上完了。你們可以走了。”

You have been told many times not to touch the exhibits.已經多次告訴你們別觸摸這些展品。

This book is intended for beginners of English.And I hope it will prove useful to teachers of English, too.此書是為英語初學者寫的。但我希望它對英語教師也有用處。

Enough has been said about the difficulties.困難已經說得夠多的了。


The tree in front of our house was struck by lightning.我們屋前的那棵樹為雷電所擊。

We were all shocked by the news of his sudden death.他突然去世的消息使我們為之震驚。


He rose to speak, and was listened to with enthusiasm by the great crowd present.(Jespersen)【第二分句用被動語態,可避免更換主語而使整個句子緊湊。】 他站起來發言,在場的廣大群眾熱情地聽著。

Here are crucial issues which have not been fully understood.【從句和主句主語一致】這些重大問題還沒有完全為人們所理解。

Helen was sent to the school by her parents when she was nine.海倫9歲時被父母送到這所學校。


His room was empty, the bed had not been slept in; the window was open, and the bird had flown.他的屋子空蕩蕩,床沒人睡過;窗子開著,鳥兒已經飛走了。

As soon as we arrived, we were cheered and surrounded by the inhabitants of the town who had come out to welcome us.我們一到達,城裡出來歡迎我們的居民包圍著我們,向我們歡呼。

His proposal was warmly supported by the students who were present at the meeting.他的建議得到了到會的學生們的熱情支持。


Most of alloy steels can be welded, provided special electrodes are used.如果使用專門焊條,大多數合金鋼是可焊的。

The report was confirmed yesterday.該報道昨天得到了證實。