


무더운더위속에전남-북경작가들의국제미술교류전이열리게된것을뜻깊게생각하고축하합니다.이번교류전이개최되기까지많은노력을해주신중국의관계자들께감사의말씀을전합니다.특히정치적상황등어려운여건에도좋은작품을출품해주신화가들께도감사의말씀을전합니다.이번교류전은양국의수준높은작품을소개하고국제적인네트워크를강화시키고화가들간문화예술기관들과의활발한교류도활발히진행되는기회가될것이라생각합니다.이번국제교류전을계기로양국의문화예술발전과전시행사가지속적으로발전하기를바랍니다. 끝으로이번전시회를찾아주신내빈들께고개숙여진심으로감사의인사를드립니다. 감사합니다.


한국화 구상회장



韓國畫 具象會長




Culture heritage is the common wealth of mankind and its value is immeasurable. Art is our common pursuit and the beauty of this lies in the never endless infinite spirit and the constant innovation. Both culture and arts need to be communicated and developed together. China and South Korea, facing each other across the Yellow sea, interact with each other. Despite the lack of language, there is a strong resemblance between facial expressions and cultural camaraderie. Due to the early influence of western culture, Korea has its unique cultural life and artistic concept. It is the tenacity, perseverance, and endurance emanating from Korean that has been embedded in its national personality and vital signs. It has brought widespread and lasting effect in the application of artistic concepts and artistic materials. Only after China's reform and opening up in the 1980s, western culture and art have only begun to enter people's lives in a formal way. The collision of spirit and mind, the change in life and environment and the entanglement of material desire and life has brought up unprecedented prosperity and unbridled of the artistic vision and expression of today’s artist. It has also brought up richness and diversity in the renewal of artistic concept and the tempering of artistic language. Nowadays, with the rapid development of information, diverse cultures blend and collide with each other.Therefore, it is inevitable for us to enhance mutual understanding and exchanges. May the exchange of culture and art become the driving force for us to build relationships. Let’s hold our hands to build a foundation of friendship for loving and peace.

By Bai Yefu

Fine Arts International Union

策展人:尹一權(韓) 白野夫(中)














陳劼 《可以和也許》 60X40cm 布面丙烯 2013

許國良 《四方山寫生創作之一》 60X42cm 紙本水墨 2018

劉高瞻 《691往事之一》 80X100cm 布面油彩 2018

張雁楓 《秋聲漸近》 50X50cm 2015

許英輝 《有魚之一》 6.4X2.4m 宣紙焦墨 2018

劉玉表 《肖像No:07》 40X30cm 布面油彩 2016

梁屹 《追雲》 135X70cm 水墨宣紙 2017

李偉 《萬花筒》 影像 2016

李春光 《生命》 60X80cm 綜合材料 2008

潘柬芝 《石獅子系列019》 138x69cm 紙本設色 2017

白野夫 《等等靈魂》 92X75cm 水墨.丙烯.宣紙 2017

王愷 《存在書寫201601》 110X80cm 綜合材料 2016

王紅衛 《狀態之二》 80X90cm 布面油彩 2015

尹一權 《色桃-10》 130X75cm 三合皮物料 2016

程全盛 《同春》 36X53cm 紙本水墨 2017

沈加根 《照見五蘊皆空》 68X68cm 綜合材料 2017

彭文斌 《故鄉》 68X68cm 紙本水墨 2017

何慶源 《冥思之境 17-04-002》 布面油畫

夏鵬程 《時速007》 180X300cm 布面丙烯 2016

胡又笨 《發光石》 2.6X1.3X1.3m 網、L燈 2018


具萬採 《Girl and bird》 45.5X53cm Oil painting on canvas

金起範 《Eternal Revolutionist》 41.5X40.5cm Wood block on coloring 2017

金永一 《Geranium with vase》 45X53cm Oil on canvas 2017

柳在雄 《山茱萸》 32X67cm Oil on canvas 2017

樸秉洛 《假日》 45X53cm Ink on Korean paper

樸智賢 《숨바꼭질》 15X15cmX20pcs Acrylic color on the wooden sculpture, object 2016

樸昌洙 《Gwanak Mountain》 79X33cm Ink on Korean paper

樸洪秀 《Yi Jing sound - sanjo》 45X45cm Sumug painting, Mixing technique 2018

徐京蘭 《Girl and bird》 53X45.5cm Oil painting on canvas

梁洪吉 《People and nature》 38X45cm Korean paper

嚴基準 《If and somewhere_CA6》 53.4X33cm Oil on canvas 2015

魏聖萬 《솔(Green Tree) 》 Korean paper on coloring

魏振守 《Scent》 Ø40cm×2pcs Gold Powder on the traditional Korean paper coloring

李善馥 《월야 月夜》 30X55cm Traditional Korean paper coloring

張容燻 《맞물림》 60X10cmX3ea Zipper,Acrylic color on the wooden sculpture

鄭明敦 《기다림(Wait)》 33X132cm Traditional Korean paper coloring

曺圭哲 《Wild grass》 140X190cm D-drawing 2017

趙善芽《blue leaves》 40X110cm Paper on drawing 2017

千詠祿 《Good morning Yangnim!》 42X29cm Handmade Korean paper

韓東勳 《Let‘s be together》 72.7X60.6cm Oil on canvas 2018