
日前,《Nature》雜誌在線發表了美國生態健康聯盟Kevin J. Olival研究員和Peter Daszak研究員的一項病毒學重要研究成果,研究組利用創建的龐大數據庫,分析了動物攜帶多種病毒傳人的可能性。該研究識別了影響病毒能否由動物傳播給人類的重要因素,並給出最有可能對人類健康構成新威脅的地理位置,以及哺乳動物物種的圖譜。


哺乳動物的基因組可被逆轉錄病毒感染,而且病毒可在不同物種間轉移,例如分別由黑猩猩和白眉猴傳染給人的免疫缺陷病毒HIV-1和HIV-2。通常,前病毒(provirus)可以整合到宿主生殖細胞系的基因組,成為內源性逆轉錄病毒(endogenous retrovir-us,ERVs),並伴隨宿主垂直傳播和進化。已有的研究證實,靈長類的基因組內有相似的ERVs殘跡序列,且這些殘跡序列位於相似的基因座,因而有學者認為ERVs可以直接反映人同其它靈長類的近親關係(Griffiths,2001;Villesenet al·,2004)。另外,研究還發現ERVs可以調節宿主基因組的結構,在外界刺激下活化併產生成熟的感染性病毒顆粒,因此可能是某些外源性逆轉錄病毒(exogenous retrovirus)的祖先(Liu&Soper,2009)。



Kevin J. Olival稱以上結果將能協助全球病毒發現項目去識別新型人畜共患病毒,並評估它們對人類健康的潛在威脅。


Host and viral traits predict zoonotic spillover from mammals


The majority of human emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic, with viruses that originate in wild mammals of particular concern (for example, HIV, Ebola and SARS). Understanding patterns of viral diversity in wildlife and determinants of successful cross-species transmission, or spillover, are therefore key goals for pandemic surveillance programs. However, few analytical tools exist to identify which host species are likely to harbour the next human virus, or which viruses can cross species boundaries. Here we conduct a comprehensive analysis of mammalian host–virus relationships and show that both the total number of viruses that infect a given species and the proportion likely to be zoonotic are predictable. After controlling for research effort, the proportion of zoonotic viruses per species is predicted by phylogenetic relatedness to humans, host taxonomy and human population within a species range—which may reflect human–wildlife contact. We demonstrate that bats harbour a significantly higher proportion of zoonotic viruses than all other mammalian orders. We also identify the taxa and geographic regions with the largest estimated number of ‘missing viruses’ and ‘missing zoonoses’ and therefore of highest value for future surveillance. We then show that phylogenetic host breadth and other viral traits are significant predictors of zoonotic potential, providing a novel framework to assess if a newly discovered mammalian virus could infect people.