
原标题:Israel's Elbit Systems gets $103 million electronic warfare contract

报道:Tova Cohen

编辑:Steven Scheer


TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Israeli defense contractor Elbit Systems said on Sunday it won a contract worth about $103 million to supply electronic warfare (EW) suites for an air force of an Asian country.

特拉维夫(路透社)- 以色列国防承包商埃尔比特系统公司周日表示,其赢得了一项价值约1.03亿美元的合同,为某亚洲国家的空军提供电子战套件。

The contract will be carried out over three years and includes long-term integrated logistic support. Elbit did not name the Asian country.


Under the contract, Elbit Systems will fit the customer’s helicopters with complete EW suites, including countermeasure systems.


“Demand for combat-proven EW systems is getting stronger as the electro-magnetic spectrum becomes increasingly contested and the threat to aircraft gets more acute,” said Edgar Maimon, general manager of Elbit Systems EW.

埃尔比特系统公司电子战总经理埃德加·迈蒙(Edgar Maimon)表示:“随着电磁波谱竞争的日益激烈,对飞机的威胁越来越严重,对经过战斗力验证的电子战系统的需求越来越强。”

