









In the city of Jinan there stands a gallery of statues, each one representing a significant cultural figure. From the world-renowned thinker Confucius to the hero of the Three Dynasties period Zhuge Liang, some of the most brilliant minds in Shandong history are represented here.


However, there was one in particular that caught my eye: An elderly gentleman in simple robes. Yet it was not the man himself that I first noticed. Crouched at his feet was the statue of a fox. The otherwise tarnished bronze had been buffed to a brilliant gold around it’s snarling face and it glinted eerily in the near twilight.


The man was Pu Songling and his tales of fox spirits, demons and ghosts have intrigued, if not haunted, the imaginations of Chinese people for over three hundred years.


In the west we are no strangers to tales of the macabre. Many of us remember vividly the first time we read the works of Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley or Edgar Allan Poe, so I was intrigued to find out how the works of the master of the Chinese ghost story would differ from the gothic horror and psychological thrillers that have dominated the market in Europe and America since the Victorian era.


Superficially, the first difference a reader will notice upon cracking open the spine of “Strange Tales from the Liaozhai Studio”(Pu Songling’s most celebrated work, also translated as “Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio”)is the length of the stories.



The book is not a novel like “Dracula” or “Frankenstein“. It is an anthology of hundreds of short stories. These stories can range from a few lines to a dozen pages or so. This Brevity gives the stories a great sense of immediacy.


They do not begin with a rambling description of a dilapidated castle whose walls echo with the screams of a thousand lost souls. Many of the stories begin by simply telling you who the main character is and where the story is set.


The next thing of note is the way the supernatural is presented. Once I delved deeper into the stories themselves one thing that really struck me was the blurring of the line between the mortal world and the spirit realm.


In the world of “Strange Tales” these otherworldly beings are inexorably linked with the lives of mortals. They interact with, punish or reward, and in many cases marry and have children with human beings. Our human protagonists even, on rare occasions, are granted access to the world beyond to meet deceased relatives.



The ghosts and spirits also display a great diversity in their attitudes. Most cannot be described as wholly wicked or wholly benevolent. In fact, much of the misfortune that they bring to people is motivated largely by revenge. In “Painted Skin” (one of the most famous of the tales) the evil spirit does not exact her terrible revenge until she has been jilted by the protagonist.


As with many great works of literature “Strange Tales” is not merely a collection of stories, but rather a window through which to view the society of the time.


One of the greatest tragedies in the life of Pu Songling was the fact that he repeatedly failed the imperial examinations of the Qing Dynasty. This is a repeated theme throughout the book. For many of the stories that conclude happily, the ‘happy ending’ is often linked to passing the imperial examinations and scholarly diligence is shown as a virtue which is to be celebrated and rewarded.



I feel it is these more personal elements of the book that have allowed it to endure. In today’s largely secular world the supernatural aspects of his writing may not have the same impact that they once would have had. We no longer fear that our fates rely on the whims of the immortals and we no longer fear the ghost lurking in the dark.


However, the characters he created do still have messages for us today about human behaviour and the life of Pu Songling is an inspiring tale of achievement in spite of adversity. Although he himself never did attain the position in the imperial court that he dreamed of, his experiences did help him to create “Strange Tales”.


His hard work did not lead to the exact result he wanted, but it did lead him to a different kind of success. I hope you enjoy reading his work as much as I did. Don’t have nightmares!





