
Africa’s Second Breast Milk Bank Saves Lives in Nairobi






1)A hospital in Kenya has set up a breast milk bank to help save the lives of newborn babies.


2)The project is a first of its kind for East Africa and only the second on the African continent. Organizers say it is providing donated milk to babies in need.


3)The milk bank was set up at Nairobi's Pumwani Maternity Hospital. It opened in March.

这家母乳银行在东非肯尼亚首都内罗毕的Pumwani 妇产医院成立,今年(2019年)三月开始营业。



Nairobi:英[naɪˈrəʊbi] 美[ˌnaɪˈroʊbi] 内罗毕,是东非国家肯尼亚的首都,也是东非地区最大的城市,非洲最大的城市之一,一座国际化大都市。人口约350万。年平均气温17.7℃ 。内罗毕于1899年建城,一开始是乌干达铁路的补给站,负责肯尼亚南方城市蒙巴萨和乌干达之间的补给。内罗毕还是非洲最领先、最时尚、最现代化的城市之一。

4)Mary Auma is a mother who recently visited the hospital.

Mary Auma是一位近期去过这家医院的妈妈。

5)Auma’s baby was born a month early. Auma herself has been sick and has not been able to breastfeed her baby. The WHO says babies born early have a greater chance of survival when given breast milk instead of formula.

Mary Auma的孩子早产了一个月;她自己生着病,不能亲自给孩子哺乳;世界卫生组织说:早产儿如果喝母乳而不是配方奶粉,存活的机率会更大。

6)Auma says she would rather go to the hospital milk bank than use baby formula sold in the store. Auma said the bank has helped feed her baby while she recovers from her sickness.

Mary Auma说:她宁愿去医院的母乳银行也不愿意给孩子吃商店里卖的配方奶粉。Mary Auma说在生病恢复期间,母乳银行帮她给孩子喂母乳。

7)Kenya’s Ministry of Health launched the milk bank plan in partnership with PATH, a U.S.-based nonprofit health organization. The project's goal is to address the problem of newborn deaths. Currently, Nairobi leads the country in the number of newborn deaths.


8)In addition to assisting mothers who cannot breastfeed, the milk bank also helps feed babies who were born too early and those with low birth weights.


9)Fifty-eight babies have been helped by the milk bank so far. Hospital workers say the mothers are leaving with healthier newborns. "Though the project is still very young, we have noted that the neonatal mortality rate is going down," said Keziah Njau, the head nurse at the hospital.

到目前为止,这家母乳银行已经帮助了58个孩子。医院工作人员说:这些妈妈出院时带着健健康康的宝宝回家了。这家医院的护士长Keziah Njau说:“虽然这个项目尚在初期阶段,但是我们已经看到新生儿夭折率正在降低。”

neonatal:英 [ˌniːəʊˈneɪtl] 美 [ˌniːoʊˈneɪtl] adj. connected with a child that has just been born 新生儿的

10)Officials in Kenya say they hope to set up other milk banks across the country in the future.




