英語筆記,每日一句:I have a feeling that

I have a feeling that...:我有感覺……

英語筆記,每日一句:I have a feeling that


這個句型可用來表示對尚未表面化的事情有預感,含義與 "I feel..." 相同。只不過該句後面只能接從句。

eg :

  • I have a feeling that you're a little late.
  • 我感覺你們有點來遲了。
  • I have a feeling that we have taken a wrong road, but I may not be correct.
  • 我覺得我們已走錯了路,但我可能不對。
  • I have a feeling that I'm forgetting something but I don't know exactly what.
  • 我覺得好像忘記了什麼,但想不起來到底是什麼。
  • I have a feeling that they did Flint said.
  • 我知道,他們會那樣做的。

  • 情景對話:

    A:It's awfully quiet around here.這附近好安靜啊。

    B:Yeah. There's nobody in sight.是啊,不見半個人影。

    A:I have a feeling that we're not supposed to be in here.我有個感覺,我們不該待在這裡。

    B:I think you're right. Let's go.我也這麼想。走吧!

