10 缝纫修补|Sewing and Alterations

10 缝纫修补| Sewing and Alterations

高频率的实用句Useful Sentences

☆ This shirt is really tight.这件衬衣太紧了

☆ The dress needed to be taken in a little bit.这件连衣裙需要改小一点

☆ My favorite shirt is ripped.我最爱的衬衫破掉了。

☆ Please fix the zipper on the jacket for me.请帮我修理夹克上的拉链

☆ Would you please replace the buttons for me?可以帮我换钮扣吗?

☆ The jeans are too baggy.这条牛仔裤太松垮了。

☆ My leather coat has a stained collar.我皮衣的领子上有污点

☆ I want to shorten the pants.我要把裤子改短。

☆ Where did you put the needle and thread?你把针线放在哪里了?

☆ The shirt sleeves are too long,这件衬衫的袖子太长了。

10 缝纫修补|Sewing and Alterations


alteration的中文翻译为“更改”,这里指的是服装上的缝制与修补。修补的项目有: cutting(剪)、 sewing(缝纫)、 lengthen(加长)、 shorten(缩短)及button(钮扣)、zipper(拉链)的replace(更换)或fix(修理)等。有些服饰是需要专业的 alteration,这些服饰的种类有很多,如bridal(新娘礼服)、 couture(时装)、 custom(量身订做)、 costume(戏服)、 leather and suede(皮革)等


button的中文翻译为“钮扣”,是服饰上所附的一个小配件,能将两个不同的部分连接在一起。button的形状通常是 round(圆形)。button分为 natural material(天然材质)及 synthetic material(人造材质)两种。天然材质有:wood(木制)、 metal(金属)、 porcelain(陶瓷)及 seashell(贝壳)等。而人造材质有: plastic(塑料)及acrylic(亚克力)等。

10 缝纫修补|Sewing and Alterations



fix是动词,最常见的解释是“修理;固定;安装;安排”。例: My watch has stopped。It needs fixing. (我的表停了,需要修理了,) My father fixed a pole in the ground(我爸爸把一根竿子固定在地上,) Paul fixed a shelf to the wall.(保罗把一个架子装在墙上。)you want to see my boss, I can fix it.(如果你要见我的老板的话,我来安排一下。)fix常用的短语有fix sth in one s mind(牢记某事)、 fix sth on sth/sb(凝视某物/某人)。


put当及物动词用,后面可以直接加宾语,最常见的意思有“放;安置”。例: Please put the box on the ground(请把箱子放在地上。) Put your hands on your knees.(把你的双手放在你的双膝上,)常见的短语有put….away,表示“收好”,例: Put the cups away(把杯子收好。) put sth aside表示“忽视;不理睬”,例: They decided to put aside their differences(他们决定把彼此的分歧放到一边。)

10 缝纫修补|Sewing and Alterations

其实老外都这样说 Conversation

A: May I help you? 有什么需要我为您服务的吗?

B: Yes. I want to shorten these pants.我想把这条裤子改

B: Can you also fix the zipper on this jacket? 可以把这件夹克的拉链也修理一下吗?

A. I'm afraid I have to replace it with a new one.ls that ok? 这可能要换一条新的拉链,不知道这样可以吗?

B: sure. Can you also clean the stains on the collar of the jacket? 可以的,那可否顺便清理夹克领子上的污渍呢?

A: No. You'll have to take it to the dry cleaners。 恐怕不行。你要送去干洗店才行

B: Where is the nearest one? 最近的一家干洗店在哪里?

A: There's one on the corner. Anything else? 就在街角,还有其他需求吗?

B: I think that's all. Thank you 这样就可以了,谢谢你!

10 缝纫修补|Sewing and Alterations

