














2005年联合国“国际小额信贷年”首次提出普惠金融 (Financial Inclusion)的概念,它是指让每一位有金融需求的人都能够及时、方便、有尊严地以适当的价格获得高质量的金融服务。随后,普惠金融的概念受到各国际组织和世界各国的普遍关注,内容不断丰富完善。近年来,亚洲普惠金融发展总体已达到或赶超世界水平。与此同时,亚洲经济体之间还存在着严重的不平衡现象。进一步发展普惠金融,使亚洲各个地区和群体都能获得良好的金融产品和服务,对于实现金融资源有效配置和推动均衡、可持续发展至关重要,尤其是在艰难时期。








Opening and Moderating Remarks by Secretary General Mr. Li Baodong at the Roundtable on Ecosystem Building and Digital Development of Financial Inclusion in Asia

(July 2, 2020)

His Excellency Mr. Zhou Xiaochuan,

His Excellency Mr. Tian Guoli,

Professor Muhammad Yunus,

His Excellency Mr. Byadran Lkhagvasuren,

His Excellency Mr. Mihály Patai,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good afternoon! Thank you for participating in the Roundtable on Ecosystem Building and Digital Development of financial inclusion in Asia.

We are delighted to be joined by Vice Chairman of Boao Forum for Asia, Mr. Zhou Xiaochuan, and Mr. Tian Guoli, Chairman of Asian Financial Cooperation Association and China Construction Bank, Nobel prize laureate, Professor Muhammad Yunus from the Grameen Bank, Mr. Mihály Patai, Deputy Governer of Magyar Nemzeti Bank and Mr. Byadran Lkhagvasuren, Governer of Bank of Mongolia. I would also like to extend my warm welcome to the senior representatives of international organizations and govern agencies, including the IFC, the People’s Bank of China and Financial Supervisory Service of Korea, and those from renowned global business groups such as the Ant Group, Visa, from academia and media as well as the Boao Forum members from the financial sector. I want to thank the co-organizer of this event Asian Financial Corporation Association and our partner Institute of Digital Finance of Peking University for their contribution and support.

The term “financial inclusion” was first proposed by the United Nations in 2005 “International Year of Microcredit” , referring to a state in which all people with financial needs have access to a full suite of quality financial services, provided at affordable prices, in a convenient manner, and with dignity for the clients. The concept has since attracted widespread attention from organizations and countries around the world and hence been continuously developed and refined. Thanks to remarkable progress in recent years, the development of financial inclusion in Asia is now on par with or above the world average. At the same time, there are still significant disparities among Asian economies. To improve financial inclusion to ensure better access to and usage of financial products and services by all social groups across countries in Asia is crucial to efficient allocation of financial resources and achievement of a balanced and sustainable development, particularly in times of hardships.

The sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 at the beginning of this year has taking unprecedented tolls on people’s lives and global economy. The prolonged interruption in consumption and production has resulted in severe economic contraction and massive job losses worldwide. While the pandemic is still ranging in some parts of the world, it is encouraging to see that many Asian and European countries have started to reopen their economy and big progress being made in developing vaccine and drugs for the virus.

To face the worst economic downtown since the Second World War, governments need to prop up micro-, small and medium -sized enterprises which play a significant role in all economies and support the disadvantaged groups in order to accumulate growth, reduce unemployment, and alleviate social tension. So in this process, it is crucial to ensure that financial inclusion is further improved to facilitate their contribution to the economy.

With a view to facilitating discussions and exchanges regarding financial inclusion, the Boao Forum Asia and Asian Financial Cooperation Association has jointly produced a flagship report entitled "Asian Financial Development Report on Financial Inclusion". The report concludes that a coordinated approach, team work is crucial for promoting financial inclusion, all stakeholders to work together in concerted manner, in formulating supportive policies, stepping up financial and digital infrastructures, encouraging innovative and consumer-centric products and services and improving consumer protection and education. Digital technology can play a significant role in making financial services more inclusive, adaptive, and tailored to consumer needs. Asian countries benefit from their rich experiences in financial inclusion and are at the frontier of adopting digital innovation.

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, strengthening dialogue and cooperation for the development of Asia is the mission of the Boao Forum for Asia. We hope that today's discussion can help identify some options for Asian countries to overcome their current difficulties and to achieve a more inclusive, balanced, and sustainable development together.

Next, I would like to invite Mr. Chen Kewen, Secretary General of the AFCA, our co-organizer, to deliver his welcome remarks.

立足亚洲 面向世界

传递论坛最新动态 促进亚洲深度合作

全球重要对话的传达者 亚洲共同发展的瞭望者















2005年联合国“国际小额信贷年”首次提出普惠金融 (Financial Inclusion)的概念,它是指让每一位有金融需求的人都能够及时、方便、有尊严地以适当的价格获得高质量的金融服务。随后,普惠金融的概念受到各国际组织和世界各国的普遍关注,内容不断丰富完善。近年来,亚洲普惠金融发展总体已达到或赶超世界水平。与此同时,亚洲经济体之间还存在着严重的不平衡现象。进一步发展普惠金融,使亚洲各个地区和群体都能获得良好的金融产品和服务,对于实现金融资源有效配置和推动均衡、可持续发展至关重要,尤其是在艰难时期。







Opening and Moderating Remarks by Secretary General Mr. Li Baodong at the Roundtable on Ecosystem Building and Digital Development of Financial Inclusion in Asia

(July 2, 2020)

His Excellency Mr. Zhou Xiaochuan,

His Excellency Mr. Tian Guoli,

Professor Muhammad Yunus,

His Excellency Mr. Byadran Lkhagvasuren,

His Excellency Mr. Mihály Patai,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good afternoon! Thank you for participating in the Roundtable on Ecosystem Building and Digital Development of financial inclusion in Asia.

We are delighted to be joined by Vice Chairman of Boao Forum for Asia, Mr. Zhou Xiaochuan, and Mr. Tian Guoli, Chairman of Asian Financial Cooperation Association and China Construction Bank, Nobel prize laureate, Professor Muhammad Yunus from the Grameen Bank, Mr. Mihály Patai, Deputy Governer of Magyar Nemzeti Bank and Mr. Byadran Lkhagvasuren, Governer of Bank of Mongolia. I would also like to extend my warm welcome to the senior representatives of international organizations and govern agencies, including the IFC, the People’s Bank of China and Financial Supervisory Service of Korea, and those from renowned global business groups such as the Ant Group, Visa, from academia and media as well as the Boao Forum members from the financial sector. I want to thank the co-organizer of this event Asian Financial Corporation Association and our partner Institute of Digital Finance of Peking University for their contribution and support.

The term “financial inclusion” was first proposed by the United Nations in 2005 “International Year of Microcredit” , referring to a state in which all people with financial needs have access to a full suite of quality financial services, provided at affordable prices, in a convenient manner, and with dignity for the clients. The concept has since attracted widespread attention from organizations and countries around the world and hence been continuously developed and refined. Thanks to remarkable progress in recent years, the development of financial inclusion in Asia is now on par with or above the world average. At the same time, there are still significant disparities among Asian economies. To improve financial inclusion to ensure better access to and usage of financial products and services by all social groups across countries in Asia is crucial to efficient allocation of financial resources and achievement of a balanced and sustainable development, particularly in times of hardships.

The sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 at the beginning of this year has taking unprecedented tolls on people’s lives and global economy. The prolonged interruption in consumption and production has resulted in severe economic contraction and massive job losses worldwide. While the pandemic is still ranging in some parts of the world, it is encouraging to see that many Asian and European countries have started to reopen their economy and big progress being made in developing vaccine and drugs for the virus.

To face the worst economic downtown since the Second World War, governments need to prop up micro-, small and medium -sized enterprises which play a significant role in all economies and support the disadvantaged groups in order to accumulate growth, reduce unemployment, and alleviate social tension. So in this process, it is crucial to ensure that financial inclusion is further improved to facilitate their contribution to the economy.

With a view to facilitating discussions and exchanges regarding financial inclusion, the Boao Forum Asia and Asian Financial Cooperation Association has jointly produced a flagship report entitled "Asian Financial Development Report on Financial Inclusion". The report concludes that a coordinated approach, team work is crucial for promoting financial inclusion, all stakeholders to work together in concerted manner, in formulating supportive policies, stepping up financial and digital infrastructures, encouraging innovative and consumer-centric products and services and improving consumer protection and education. Digital technology can play a significant role in making financial services more inclusive, adaptive, and tailored to consumer needs. Asian countries benefit from their rich experiences in financial inclusion and are at the frontier of adopting digital innovation.

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, strengthening dialogue and cooperation for the development of Asia is the mission of the Boao Forum for Asia. We hope that today's discussion can help identify some options for Asian countries to overcome their current difficulties and to achieve a more inclusive, balanced, and sustainable development together.

Next, I would like to invite Mr. Chen Kewen, Secretary General of the AFCA, our co-organizer, to deliver his welcome remarks.


立足亚洲 面向世界

传递论坛最新动态 促进亚洲深度合作

全球重要对话的传达者 亚洲共同发展的瞭望者

