
我是数字游民Yeye, 远程办公,环球慢旅行,坚持每周给你旅行|工作|生活干货,和故事零食。


36hours of Tbilisi

视频在文末/Scroll down for the video


How many days does it take to get to know a city?


How many hours does it take to shoot a city video with a stranger?

我和Paul在Mother of Georgia(第比利斯地标性建筑,也是城市光高点)认识,生日的那一天我爬上了顶端,正在一个人享受这城市的美好夜景和远处的教堂发出的淡黄色的光。

I met Paul at Mother of Georgia (the landmark of Tbilisi, also the view point of the city). On the day of my birthday, I climbed to the top and was enjoying the beautiful night view of the city and light yellow light of the church in the distance.


He and a group of friends rushed over and said:


"Oh, the river in this city really like what I saw in Peru."


"No, I have never seen this river in Peru."


So two people who have lived on the land of South America had a little chat.


Paul is also a digital nomad. He has a company and also makes videos. The themes are generally related with cities and humanities. He likes to stay in a city for at least a month and feel the city slowly. The two people’s travel concept is a hit.


We even decided to come to Tbilisi for similar reasons: Gotten the advice from our friends, and picked a day casually to buy a plane ticket and came over.


"I want to make a film for Tbilisi.Do you want to shot the video with me?"




So after asking the locals and other digital nomads and tourists who lived in the city, we spent six hours on the third day of acquaintance filming this film for Tbilisi.

原来,认识一座城,是这么“慢”而“迅速” 的过程。

It turns out that knowing a city is such a "slow" and "rapid" process.

而认识城里的这些人,也是那么轻而易举而有趣:我与Paul和其他几个数字游民以及旅者便顺其自然成了可以hang out(出去玩耍)的一群人。

It is also easy and fun to know these people in the city: I ,Paul and several other digital nomads and travelers have naturally become a group of people who can hang out.


I also hope that your journey, in this way, can slowly and deeply understand the inner and inner of the city and the lovely people in the city.


After all, the world is so vast, there are so many stories waiting for us to create.

