

1、一般現在時:常與表示程度或頻度的詞連用,如:often(經常) , usually(通常,一般) , sometimes(有時) , always(總是,一直) , never(從不),表示經常性或習慣性的動作,表示現在的特徵或狀態,表示普遍真理。用動詞原形表示,第三人稱單數後,動詞要在詞尾加s(或es,或變y為i再加es)。如:I often get up at 7:00.

He often gets up at 7:30.

2、現在進行時:表示現在或現在這一階段正在進行的動作。用am / is / are 加 動詞ing形式表示,如: What are you doing? I am reading a book. What is he doing? He is singing.

3、一般將來時:常與表示將來的時間連用,如:tomorrow , next week , next year 等,表示將要發生的動作或情況。用 am/ is/ are 加 going to形式表示,如:What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to ride a horse. 用will 加動詞原形表示,如:What will you do next Sunday? I will go shopping. 用am/ is/ are 加動詞ing 形式表示,如:What are you doing tomorrow? I’m going bowling.

4、一般過去時:經常與表示過去的時間連用, 如: yesterday, last night等, 表示過去某時發生的動作或情況。動詞要用動詞的過去式。如:

Who was first? Ken was first.

Where were you yesterday? I was at home.

What did you do yesterday? I went to school.


1、單音節詞:比較級加er, 最高級加est. 如:tall---taller---- the tallest,

He is taller than his brother. Tom is the tallest in his class.

2、多音節詞和部分雙音節詞:比較級加more, 最高級加 the most. 如:

interesting----more interesting---the most interesting,

Music is interesting subject. P.E. is more interesting than music..

Science is the most interesting subject.

仿寫一段話 (要求至少五句話):

1. About me 介紹自己

My name is Peter. I am 12 years old. I like art. I like playing football. I have to walk the dog every day.

2. My family 我的家庭

I have a happy family. My mother is a teacher. She is 36 years old. She likes singing. My father is a vet. He is 36 years old. He likes playing football. I’m a girl. I’m 13 years old. I like singing. We often play games together. I love them very much.

3. My pet 我的寵物

I have a dog. It is Wang Wang. It’s white. It has two big ears. We always play games together. I like it very much.

4. My friend 我的朋友

I have a good friend. His name is Peter. He is 12 years old. He likes art. He likes playing football and walking the dog .

5. My favorite我最喜愛的 ... (如:sports運動, subject學科, chores家務,fruit水果, color顏色, teacher 老師等)

I like sports very much. Badminton is my favorite sport. I often play badminton with my friend after school. We play badminton on the playground. And I can play it very well.


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