Continuous Self Development 持续的自我发展

Continuous Self Development is where individuals commit themselves to improving their knowledge and understanding throughout their careers.

Continuous Self Development 持续的自我发展

It's not enough to rely on your business to facilitate the development required to keep up with the pace of modern-day sales.

Seek to add new skills, techniques, and alternative methodologies to your sales repertoire. You might not need to call on them every day, but at least you'll be prepared when the winds change.

Familiarize yourself with the latest sales research and studies. Follow credible sales blogs . Listen to your audience.Pursue 360-degree feedback at least once a year.

Stop focusing on what an incredible sales professional you are. It doesn't make you any better. Instead, become a critical thinker. Challenge your own belief system.

Why do you do the things the way you do? How did you come about that knowledge/information? How could you "sharpen the saw" this week? Continuous self-reflection is a great way to develop your skills.







