
伴隨各行各業數字化轉型、業務雲化,WAN Edge(廣域網邊緣)市場正在發生巨大變化。日前,全球權威IT研究與顧問諮詢機構Gartner發佈《亞太地區廣域網邊緣基礎設施魔力象限報告》(以下簡稱《報告》),

深信服入選“備受矚目供應商”名錄,是國內唯二入選的廠商。《報告》中總結了亞太地區WAN Edge(廣域網邊緣)基礎設施的發展趨勢:

  • 雲連接和應用程序響應時間需求已經超越應用吞吐量和正常運行時間,成為WAN解決方案中最受關注的因素。(Cloud connectivity and application response times arereplacing throughput and uptime as the most important expectations out of a WAN solution)
  • 全新的操作功能(例如,全自動的遠程配置和故障排除等)使廣域網的部署得以自動化和簡化。(New operational capabilities, like fullyautomated remote provisioning and troubleshooting, easier implementation ofapplication forwarding rules, and segmentation, have automated and simplified WAN operations.)
  • 安全性是SD-WAN選擇中最重要的參數之一,導致很多客戶傾向於本土品牌的CPE設備。特別在中國,有特殊的國產化和安全合規性需求,比如防火牆能力的引入。(Security is one of the most important parameters in SD-WAN selection, currently mostly preferred native out of the customer premises equipment (CPE). In the case of China, there are additional demands, including dealing with the “Great Chinese Firewall.)
  • 成本優化是一個關鍵趨勢
    。亞太地區大多數經濟體正經歷長期持續的放緩,將導致企業削減包括網絡在內的基礎設施成本,而廣域網支出通常佔企業通信支出的35%以上。(Cost optimization is a key theme as the going gets tough for most economies in the region, which are suffering from a long ongoing slowdown of growth. Some sectors have an explicit objective to cut infrastructure costs, including the network. WAN is a significant part of the cost in telecom spending at enterprises — more than 35%.”)




高質量業務體驗、易部署易運維、安全防護三個層面打造核心競爭力,並將VPN組網、路由、交換、防火牆、流控、Wi-Fi、4G接入等功能 “ALL in ONE”,使用戶IT投入成本降低一半以上,並基於雲端易部署策略與集中可視化管理,降低實施成本與後期運維成本,有效降低優質組網的使用門檻。





Gartner, Asia/Pacific Context: ‘Magic Quadrant for WAN Edge Infrastructure’, Naresh Singh, Bjarne Munch, Evan Zeng, 2 April 2020. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

