113-1 聽老友記練口語 Chandler saw Rachel’s boobies

[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is there with her boyfriend Roger, talking to Rachel and Monica.]

113-1 聽老友記練口語 Chandler saw Rachel’s boobies

Phoebe: Oh, honey, honey, tell them the story about your patient who thinks things are, like, other things. Y'know? Like, the phone rings and she takes a shower. 親愛的,告訴他們你的病人如何把事想成另一件事 例如電話響時她就去洗澡

Roger: That's pretty much it. 差不多是那樣

Phoebe: Oops!

Roger: But you tell it really well, sweetie. 但你說得很好

Phoebe: Thanks. Okay, now go away so we can talk about you. 謝謝 快走開我們才能談你

Roger: Okay. I'll miss you. 好吧,我會想念你的

Phoebe: Isn't he great? 他很不錯吧

Rachel: He's so cute! And he seems to like you so much. 他好帥,也好像很喜歡你

Phoebe: I know, I know. So sweet... and so complicated. And for a shrink, he's not too shrinky, y'know? 我知道,他人很好 而且很複雜 作為一個心理醫生,他不是很害羞,你知道嗎?

Monica: So, you think you'll do it on his couch? 他會在沙發上做嗎?

Phoebe: Oh, I don't know, I don't know. I think that's a little weird, y'know? Vinyl. 我不知道…有點奇怪 聚乙稀做的

Rachel: Okaaay. (To the guys, on the couch) Any of you guys want anything else? 大家還想要別的嗎?

Chandler: Oh, yes, could I have one of those. (Points) 要,我要…

Rachel: No, I'm sorry, we're all out of those. Anybody else? 抱歉,賣完了,其他人呢?

Chandler: Okay.

Roger: Did I, uh, did I miss something? 我是否錯過某事?

Chandler: No, she's still upset because I saw her boobies. 她很生氣因為我看見她的胸脯

Ross: You what? Wh what were you doing seeing her boobies? 你看她的胸脯幹嗎?

Chandler: It was an accident. Not like I was across the street with a telescope and a box of donuts. 那是意外 和拿著望遠鏡和甜甜圈過街的感覺不同

Rachel: Okay, okay, could we change the subject, please? 能改變話題嗎?


Yeah, 'cause hello, these are not her boobies, these are her breasts. 沒錯,因為那不是她的胸脯 而是她的胸部

Rachel: Okay, Pheebs, I was hoping for more of a change. 菲比,我要的不只是改變字眼

Chandler: Y'know, I don't know why you're so embarrassed, they were very nice boobies. 我不知你如此介意 你的胸脯很好看

Rachel: Nice? They were nice. I mean, that's it? I mean, mittens are nice. 好看? 就這樣? 手套也很好看

Chandler: Okaaay, (Gestures) rock, hard place, me. 我…左右為難

Roger: You're so funny! He's really funny! I wouldn't wanna be there when when the laughter stops. 你真逗 他真的很逗 他不笑的時候 我也不想待在這兒

Chandler: Whoah whoah, back up there, Sparky. What'd you mean by that? 等等 那是什麼意思?

Roger: Oh, just seems as though that maybe you have intimacy issues. Y'know, that you use your humour as a way of keeping people at a distance. 你似乎有親密上的問題 你用你的幽默和人保持距離

Chandler: Huh.

Roger: I mean hey! I just met you, I don't know you from Adam. ...Only child, right? Parents divorced before you hit puberty. 我才剛認識你 我對你毫無所知 獨子? 父母在你青春期前離婚?

Chandler: Uhhuh, how did you know that? 你怎會知道?

Roger: It's textbook. 你很典型

(Joey enters with his dad)

113-1 聽老友記練口語 Chandler saw Rachel’s boobies

Joey: Hey you guys. Hey, you all know my dad, right? 各位 喬伊 你們都認識我爸吧?

All: Hey! Hey, Mr. Trib!

Monica: Hey, how long are you in the city? 打算在紐約待多久?

Mr. Tribbiani: Just for a coupla days. I got a job midtown. I figure I'm better off staying with the kid than hauling拖拽 my ass back and forth on the ferry渡船. (Sees Roger) I don't know this one. 幾天

我在中城工作 我想和兒子同住 比來回坐渡輪好 我沒見過他

Phoebe: Oh, this is my friend Roger. 他是我朋友羅傑

Roger: Hi.

Mr. Tribbiani: Hey, hey. Good to meet you, Roger.

Roger: You too, sir.

Mr. Tribbiani: (To Phoebe) What happened to the, uh, puppet guy? 玩布偶的那個怎麼了?


Dad, dad. (Shakes his head)

Mr. Tribbiani: Oh, 'scuse me. So Ross, uh, how's the wife? (Ross whines and lays his head on Chandler's shoulder) Off there too, uh? Uh, Chandler, quick, say something funny! 抱歉,羅斯,你的太太呢? 兩人出局了? 錢德,說點好笑的

(Chandler stays stonefaced)

