

靈格風:Do.You.Speak.English(Lesson_24.3)| 智學英文

Which of these two is cheaper?

The black one is.

The red one's much dearer.

I think it's the cheapest of all.

And which is the dearest?

The green and yellow one is the dearest.

Does Poland produce much coal?

Yes, we produce more coal than China, France, Japan and India.

Also more than Germany?

No, one third less than Germany, and less than the United States.

And which country produces most coal in Europe?

The Soviet Union does.

You produce more tractors now than before the war, don't you?

We didn't produce any before the war.

And after the war?

We produced more than 2.500 tractors in 1949.

Did you produce more in 1955?

Yes, we did.

We produced more than 8.000 then.

And when did you produce most tractors?

In 1956.

The production then was more than 8.500.

That's more than three times as many as in 1949.


The production fell a little in 1957.

What is the figure for that year?

Nearly 7.000.

Has the production risen again since 1957?

Yes, it has.

Her dress is certainly more elegant than mine, isn't it?

No, it isn't.

Hers is just more expensive than yours.

But it's not so expensive as Martha's, is it?

No, it isn't.

Martha's is the most expensive of all.

And yet it certainly isn't the most elegant.

No, yours is as elegant as hers.

How many methods may I use?

You can use three methods.

Which is the best?

The direct method is the best.

Why do you call it the best?

Is it the simplest?

No, it isn't the simplest, but it's the fastest.

And the other two methods?

The so-called natural method is not so good as the direct one, but it's still better than the mechanical one.

Which one of the other two is safer?

Both are quite safe.

And which is more often used?

The mechanical one was more often used before and the natural one is more often used now.

Excuse me.

How far is it from here to the lake?

It's about twenty miles this way, but it's farther that way.

Which road should I take to get there?

You may take any of these three.

Which is the best?

I'm afraid all our roads are bad now because of rain.

This one's bad, but that one's even worse, and the third one's the worst of all.




