
presume 推測,假定,假設 From the way they talked, I ~d them to be married

prevail 流行,盛行 This custom still ~s among members of the older generation

prey 被捕食的動物,捕獲物 The lion seized its ~ and ate it

prick 一刺,一紮 The boy burst the balloon with a ~ of the needle

proceed (尤指停頓或打斷後)繼續進行 The train ~ed at the same speed as before

proclaim 宣告,宣佈,聲明 ~ war

propose提議,建議 When she was very ill ,her lawyer has ~d to her that she might like to make a will

prosper 興旺,繁榮,昌盛,成功 His farm ~ed through good management

provoke 挑動,激起,導致 He tried to ~ them into fighting

radiate(光,熱等)輻射,發射 The sun ~s light and heat

radical 根本的,基本的a ~ error

humiliate v.使羞辱,使丟臉[同]disgrace

lapse n.失誤;(時間的)流逝 vi.逐漸下降;終止

laptop n.小型計算機

perplex 使困惑,使茫然 The question ~ed him

persecute 虐待,殘害,迫害 ~ animals

perspective 透視畫法,透視圖 a lesson in drawing class on ~

pessimistic 悲觀的 I am ~ about my chances of getting the job

petition 請願,請願書 get up a ~

pierce 刺入,刺穿,穿透 The thorn ~d his heel

pilot 飛行員,駕駛員

pin 大頭針,別針

pinch 捏,擰,夾 I ~ed myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming

plausible 論點等貌似有理的 a ~ excuse

plead 懇求,請求 His parents ~ed that he should be given one more chance

pledge 保證,誓言,誓約 fulfill one’s ~

plot 小塊土地 a vegetable ~

plug 塞子,栓 He wears rubber ~s in his ears when he swims

plunge 猛地投入或插入 He ran to the edge of the swimming pool and ~d in

pocket 衣袋,口袋,袋子 a change ~

polish 擦光,擦亮 Polish your shoes with a brush

poll 民意測驗 A recent ~ shows a change in public opinion

layman n.俗人,外行,門外漢

random胡亂的,任意的,隨意的,a ~talk

range 排,行,一系列 a ~ of buildings

rank排,行,列 the ~s of great pines

rate 比率,率 Velocity is the ~ of change of distance with respect to time

reap 收割,收穫 ~ the rice in the field

rear 後部,後邊,背部a garden at the ~ of the house

recall 回憶,回想I ~ seeing a poster on his wall

reciprocal 相互的,交互的 ~ respect

reckon 計算,數 ~ the days till Christmas

hurl vt.猛投,力擲;大聲叫罵

hurricane n.颶風 ;十二級風

hypocrisy n.偽善,虛偽

ideology n.意識形態,(政治或社會的)思想意識

infrastructure n.基礎結構,基礎設施

inhale v.吸入(氣體等),吸(煙)

juvenile n.少年 a.青少年的,適合青少年的;幼稚的

kin n.家族,親屬 a.親屬關係的

reclaim 使改過,改造 ~ former criminals

recognize認出,識別 Dogs ~ people by their smell

recollect 回憶,想起 I am trying to ~ a forgotten address

recommend 推薦,稱讚 He ~ed me for the post of headmaster

reconcile 使和解,使和好After each fight they ate soon ~d

recover 追回,重新得到The police ~ed stolen watch

recruit 招募(新兵)招收(新成員)try to ~300 men in two days

rectify糾正,改正,矯正 ~ the mistakes in a bill

refer 提到,談到 Does the remark ~ to me

refine 提煉~ crude oil into various petroleum products

pump 泵 fill a bucket from the ~

pursue 追趕,追隨,追求 He felt their eyes pursuing him

puzzle 難題,智力玩具,迷,迷惑 jigsaw ~

quality 質量,品級 merchandise of ~

quantity 數量,量 an increase in ~

quench 消除,平息,壓制,撲滅 ~ hatred

queue一隊人,一行列車 from a ~

quit 停止,放棄 It hasn’t ~ raining yet

peculiar 奇怪的,古怪的 He has always been a little ~

peel 削皮,剝皮 peel potatoes

penetrate 穿透,滲入 The nail ~d the wood at least two inches

perceive 感知,感覺,覺察 He was only able to ~ light and color ;he could not see properly

perfect 完美的,理想的 a ~ couple

perform 做,執行,完成~ an experiment

perfume 香水,香料,香氣She loves French ~(s)

hop v.人單足跳;跳上(車等)n.蹦跳;短程飛行

hound n.獵狗;卑鄙的人 vt.用獵狗追,追逐

housing n.住房,住房供給;(外、閥)殼,防護罩

hover vi. 盤旋;徘徊

howl n.怒吼,嗥叫 vi.(風等)怒吼,咆哮

huddle vi.擠作一團;蜷縮vt.聚集n.擠在一起的人

quiver 顫抖,抖動 ~ with cold

quote引用,引述,援引 She ~d several verses to us

rack 架子,支架,擱架 a clothes ~

reform 改革,改良 He spend years trying to ~ the world

refresh 使恢復活力,使振作精神 Sleep ~es the body

refute駁斥,駁倒 The argument cannot be d at the moments

regenerate 使恢復,使復興,再生The human body can ~ hair, nails, etc

regulate管理,控制,為……制訂規章 The policeman ~d traffic at the intersection

reign 為王,統治In England ,the sovereign ~s but does not rule

reinforce 增援,加強 They hope to ~ their domination in these countries

rejoice 使感到高興,使充滿喜悅 The whole nation ~ over the victory

relate 講述,敘述 She ~d the experience of a Chinese girl in the United States

relay 接力傳送,傳遞 ~ a message

release 排放,釋出 ~ a bomb from an aircraft

relevant 有關的,切題的I don’t think his remarks are ~ to our discussions

relieve 緩解,減輕,解除He smoked frequently to ~ nervous tension

rescue 營救,救援,搭救 ~ hostages held by the terrorists

resent 怨恨 ~ those unfair comments

reserve 保留,儲備 We’ll the ticket for you till tomorrow noon

resign 辭職,引退 He ~ed from his post

resolve 決定,打定注意要 Have you ~d where to go next?

resort 求助,憑藉,訴諸 ~ to sb for help

reverse 相反的,顛倒的,倒退的a ~ dictionary

revise 修訂,校訂 ~ a dictionary

revive 甦醒,復甦 He is dead and never will ~

ridiculous 可笑的,荒唐的,荒謬的 In this department of English girls outnumber boys in a ~ ratio

rigid 剛性的,堅硬的 a ~ piece of plastic

ripe 成熟的,時機成熟的 a ~ cluster of grapes

rot 腐爛,腐壞,腐朽,腐敗,腐化Meat may ~ if it is not refrigerated

roundabout 繞道的,繞圈子的,不直接的 The car has to take a ~ course to avoid the flood

scan 細看,審視 ~ the doctor’s face for a sign of hope

scare 驚嚇,恐懼 The thunder ~d the children

scatter 撒,撒播~ corn for the chickens

schedule 時間表,進度表 a fight ~

scheme 計劃,方案 He suggested several ~s to increase sales

scold 責罵,訓斥 Dad ~ed me for coming home late

scorn 輕蔑,鄙視 He ~s lying

scrap 碎片,零屑 ~s of bread

scrape 刮,擦 ~one’s chin

remark 評論,議論 (on, upon) It would be rude to ~ upon her appearance

remedy 治療,治療法,藥品 a folk ~

spectacle 景象,奇觀,壯觀,場面 The burning house was a terrible ~

squeeze 榨,擠 ~ juice from oranges

stern 嚴厲的,苛刻的 a ~ punishment

stimulate 刺激,促使 ~ economic growth

ignore 不顧,不理,忽視:He who ignores history is doomed to repeat it

illuminate 照明,照亮,解釋,啟發,啟迪:The room was poorly illuminated by one candle

illustrate (用圖或例子)說明,闡明:A complicated rule can be illustrated by a simple example

immerse 使浸沒:He immersed himself in the pool

shift 轉移,移動 Don’t try to ~the blame onto me

shrewd 機靈的,敏銳的,精明的 a ~ guess

synchronize使同步,使結合,使協調 Their steps ~d

taboo 禁忌,忌諱Movies producers attempted to break down all the ~s

tackle 用具,裝備 shaving ~

transient 短暫的,轉瞬即逝的 ~ happiness

simulate 假裝,冒充 use tricks to ~ illness

sketch 素描,速寫 make a ~ of a face in pencil

slack 不緊的,不嚴的 a ~ soft rope

slender 苗條的,修長的,細長的She is ~ and has long dark hair

edible可以吃的,可食用的:edible oil

elaborate精心計劃(或製作)的,詳盡的:an elaborate plot

elevate舉起,提高,抬起:elevate the living standards of the people

fascinate強烈的吸引,迷住,使神魂顛倒:be fascinated with history

emigrate移居外國(或外地區):emigrate from Canada to Australia

emit發出,散發(光,熱,電度,聲音,液體,氣味等),發射電子:The chimney emitted a cloud of smoke

endeavor (為達到某一目的而)努力,嘗試:How much he endeavored, goal stayed unattained

compulsory 必須做的,義務的 a compulsory subject

conceal 隱藏,隱瞞,隱蔽 He concealed his disappointment from his friends.

conceive 構想出,設想 conceive an idea

restore 恢復,修復,康復 The temple has been ~d out of all recognition

restrain 抑制,遏止 ~ one’s anger

resume 重新開始,繼續 When I quit golf, I ~d writing

rouse 驚起 The boat ~d wild ducks to flight

row 吵鬧,爭吵 What’s all this ~ about?

rub 擦,摩擦 He rubbed his eyes

rust 鏽,鐵鏽 Iron gathers ~easily

ruthless 無情的,殘忍的,冷酷的 a~ enemy

sack 麻袋,紙袋,塑料袋 a ~of cement

sacred 神聖的the ~ name of God

sacrifice 獻祭,供奉 a law banning the ~ of animals

salute 敬禮,祝賀 ~ one’s superior officer

retain 保留,保持 ~the right to reply

reveal 揭示,揭露 I promise never to ~ his secret

revenge 報仇,復仇Man may destroy the balance of nature ,but ,from time to time, nature takes a terrible ~

concentrate 集中,專心 concentrate one’s attention

condemn 譴責 We all condemn cruelty to children.

condense (使)壓縮,(使)凝結,使簡潔 condense a speech to half

confer 商談,商議 confer with sb. Over (on, about, concerning) sth.

confess 坦白,供認,承認,懺悔 confess one’s crime

formulate規劃(制度等),構想出(計劃方法等)formulate a policy

gallop (馬等的)飛跑,疾馳:The horse did a fine gallop during the race

gamble賭博:gamble at cards

gasp 喘氣,喘息:speak between gasps

gear齒輪,傳動裝置,(排)檔:interlock cogs and gears

generalize 歸納,概括:I don’t think you can generalize about what voters will do

aaccelerate 加速,增速 accelerate one’s steps

thread 線,線狀物 cotton ~

thrill 使非常興奮,使非常激動 It’s a sight that never fails to ~ me

thrive 興旺發達,繁榮 His business is thriving

abuse 濫用 abuse one's authority(office)

temper 心情,脾氣 be in a good~

tempt 引誘,誘惑 Nothing could ~ me to do such a thing

strain 拉緊,繃緊 If you ~ the elastic any more, it will break

strap 帶,皮帶 silks ~s

stream 小河,溪流 on the banks of a ~

stress壓力,緊張 Not all of us can cope with the ~es of modern life

stretch 伸直,伸長 He yawned and ~ed himself

stride闊步前進,大踏步走He strode to the platform

strike 打擊,撞 A stone struck me on the head

string 細繩,線,帶 She took the parcel and started to undo the string

strip 剝去,除去 The wind stripped the tree of all its leaves

access 接近(或進入)的機會 have regular and immediate access to the President

tip 末端,尖端 the tips of the fingers

toast 烤麵包,吐司 two slices of ~】

token 表示,標誌,象徵He did that as a ~ of good faith

torture 拷打,拷問 ~ a confession from a prisoner

accommodate 使適應,使符合一致 accommodate oneself to changed circumstances

unfold 展開,打開 ~ a newspaper

uniform 制服;不變的,相同的,均勻,統一的 a ~ temperature

unify 使成一體,統一 become a unified nation

update 更新,使現代化 ~a textbook

upgrade 提高,使升級,改善 ~ products and services

uphold 舉起,高舉 He upheld his clenched hand

upright 挺直的,垂直的 an ~ seat

adhere 黏附,附著 Paste is used to make one surface adhere to another.

adjacent 臨近的,毗鄰的(to) a city and its adjacent suburbs

adjoin 貼近,與...毗鄰 His house adjoins the lake.

thrust 推,刺,戳,插,擠He was ~ into power

tick (鐘聲等發出的)滴答聲

tilt 使傾斜,使傾倒 Tilt your head back so that I can look down your throat

toss 扔,拋,擲 The children tossed the ball to each other

tough 堅韌的,牢固的 Some plastic are as ~ as metal

tow 拖,拉,牽引 tow a damaged ship into port

abstract 抽象的 A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.

absurd 荒謬的,荒唐的 The idea that number 14 brings bad luck is absurd.

uproar 騷亂,騷動The public ~ over unclear-radiation hazards continues to mount

utilize 利用 ~ solar energy

utter 發出(聲音等),說,吐露 ~ the truth

vacant 未被佔用的 a ~ seat in a bus

vague 含糊的,不明確的,模糊的 a ~ answer

slip 滑倒,滑落,滑行 She ~ed on the wet stones and fell

slit 切開,撕開 ~ the envelope open

slope 傾斜,有坡度 The ground ~s down sharply at this point

sly 狡猾的,偷偷的 a ~answer

smash 打碎,打破,摧毀 The ball ~ed the window

snatch 奪得,一把抓住 The thief ~ed her handbag and ran off

immune免除的,豁免的:Nobody is immune from criticism

impact 衝擊,撞擊:the impact of light on the eye

impair 削弱,減少:The output of produce was impaired by the bad weather

impartial 公正的,無偏見的:A judge should be impartial

implement 工具,器具,用具:new types of farm implements

sting刺,螫,叮 A bee stung him on the neck

stir 使微動,移動 A breeze ~red my hair

stitch 一針,針腳 Make your ~es closer together

sue 控告,起訴 ~ sb for slander

summary 總結,概要 This book has a ~ at the end of each chapter

superb 極好的,一流的,傑出的 ~ science and engineering

superficial 表面的 a ~resemblance

superfluous過多的,剩餘的,多餘的a ~remark

supervise 監督,管理,指導 ~ sb’s every move

vanish 突然消失,逐漸消散 With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit

veil 面紗,面罩 Jewish women wore ~s in token of reverence and submission

ventilate 使通風,使空氣流通 ~ a room

venture 冒險,冒險行動,投機行動take a ~ in oil

uncover 揭開,揭露 ~ a dish of food

underestimate 低估 ~ the difficulties of the task

reassure v.使安心,使放心;使消除疑慮

recede v.退去;縮進;收回,撤回 [反]approach

recipient n.a person who receives sth 收到者

reckless a.不注意的,大意的,鹵莽的,不顧後果的

rectangle n.[數]矩形, 長方形

recur v.(尤指不好的事)一再發生;重現

portray v.描寫,描述;畫(人物、景象等)

prone a.(to)易於…的,很可能…的;俯臥的

prophet n.預言家;先知;提倡者

undergo 經歷,遭受,忍受 ~ much suffering

underlie 位於……之下 Many facts ~ my decision

undermine 在……下挖 ~ a wall

accord 使符合,相一致(with) His violent action do not accord with his peaceful words.

account 記述,敘述 give a brief account of what has happened

address 演說 a television address

ultimate 最後的,最終的 The war ended for us in ~ victory

unanimous 全體一致的,一致同意的 They are ~ in asking for a rise in pay

undertake 著手做, 從事 ~ an attack

undesirable 不合意的,不受歡迎的 The drug has ~ side effects

uneasy 心神不寧的,不安寧的 be ~uneasy about the future

virtue 美德,德行 Among her many ~s are loyalty ,courage, and truthfulness

visible 看得見的,可見的 a ship barely ~ on the horizon

vision 視力,視覺 ~ care

substitute 代替者,代替物 He is the doctor’s ~ during holidays times

subtle 微妙的,巧妙的 His whole attitude has undergone a ~ change

subtract 減,減去 Subtract 4 from 10 you get 6

succession 連續,一系列 a ~ of debates

suck 吸,A large mosquito was sucking blood from the back of her hand

vital 有生命力的 The heart is a ~ organ

vivid 鮮豔的 the ~ green of leaves in spring

void 空的 a ~ space

wedge 楔子,三角木 Please put a ~ in the door so that it will stay open

weed 雜草,野草My garden is running to ~s

weep 哭泣,流淚 ~ for one’s failure

weigh 稱……重量,稱~ oneself on the scales

Xerox 靜電覆印(法),靜電覆印件,靜電覆印機

Make me a ~ of this report.

yield 生產,產生,帶來 This orchard ~s apples and pears.

zeal 熱心,熱忱,熱情 a man of ~

zigzag之字形的,彎曲的 a ~ road

wander 漫步,徘徊 He ~ed home

ward 病房 a 4-bed ~

warrant 授權,批准,正當理由,根據 He had no ~ for his action

waterproof 不透水的,防水的 ~ material

whisper 低語,耳語,輕聲說 ~ to sb

vicious 邪惡的,惡毒的,兇殘的 lead a ~ life

volunteer 志願者,自願參加者 Are there any ~s for a swim?

audit v.審計;查帳;核對;旁聽

vibrate 使震動,使擺動 His heavy footsteps upstairs made the old house ~

weld 焊接,煅接 It takes speed to ~ steel at this heat

whirl 旋轉,急轉 The couples ~ed round the dance floor

audio n./a.音頻(響)(的);聲音(的),聽覺(的)

auditorium n.觀眾席,聽眾席;會堂,禮堂

stab 刺,戳,猛的一擊,突發的一陣 a ~ of anxiety

stack整齊的一疊 a ~ of bills

stain 玷汙,汙染 His shirt was ~ed with blood

stale 食品等不新鮮的,走味的 These old peanuts taste ~

stall 牛舍

startle 驚嚇,使吃驚 The horse ~s easily

starve 使捱餓,餓死 Many live in luxury while others are starving

addict v.使沉溺;使上癮 n.沉溺於不良嗜好的人

advent n.(重要事件等的)到來,來臨

affluent a. 富裕的,富足的

stock 原料,備料,庫存,現貨 Rags are used as a ~ for making paper

stoop 俯身,彎腰She ~ed to pick up her fan

statistics 統計,統計資料 The recent ~ on marriage are interesting

steer 掌舵,駕駛 ~ a car through the entrance

authentic a.真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的,有根據的

awe n.敬畏,驚懼vt.使敬畏,使驚懼

bait n.餌,引誘物 vt.用餌引誘;招惹,捉弄

balcony n.陽臺;(電影院等的)樓廳,樓座

ballet n.芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞劇;芭蕾舞團

bizarre adj.異乎尋常的,稀奇古怪的

stubborn 頑固的,倔強的 The ~ boy refused to listen to his parents’advice

stuff 原料,材料,物品,東西 He has got all the ~ ready for building his new house

subject 題目,主題 the ~ for a debate

submerge 浸沒,淹沒,湮沒 The stream overflowed and ~d the farmland

submit 屈服,服從,投降 ~ to foreign pressure

anguish n.(尤指心靈上的)極度痛苦,煩惱

antique a.古式的,過時的 n.有價值的古物,古董

appall v.使膽寒,使驚駭 (a. appalling)

wrap 包,裹 ~ oneself in a blanket

wreck 失事,遇難 a train ~

wrench 扳手 He is a ~ .

ballot n.(不記名)投票;投票總數;投票權 vi.投票

barbecue n.烤肉用的臺架;烤肉野餐 vt.在臺架上烤肉

barren a.貧瘠的;不育的;(植物)不結果的;無用的

belly n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一樣)鼓起的部分,膛

benign a.(病)良性的,(氣候)良好的,仁慈的,和藹的

beverage n.(水,酒等之外的)飲料

bin n.(貯藏食物等用的)箱子

wrinkle 皺,皺紋 He will wore the ~s of anxiety on his forehead.

write 寫,寫字,寫信,寫作 She ~s to me every other week.

album n. 唱片;集郵冊,相冊

storm 風暴,暴風雨,暴風雪 A ~ arose

straightforward 一直向前的,直接的 a ~ business transaction

subordinate 下級的 In the army ,captains are ~ to majors

substance 物質,實質 the ~ of pre-school education

air-conditioning n.空調設備,空調系統

stationary 固定的,靜止的,非流動的 ~ troops

amiable a.和藹可親的,友善的,親切的

amid prep.在…中間,在…之中,被…圍繞

auction n./vt.拍賣

blueprint n.藍圖,設計圖,計劃 vt.製成藍圖,計劃

ego n.自我,自負,利已主義;(心理學)自我意識

eligible a.有條件被選中的;(尤指婚姻等)合適(意)的

endow vt.資助,捐贈;(with)給予,賦予

escalate v.(使)逐步增長(或發展),(使)逐步升級

escort vt.護送(衛);陪同 n.警衛,護送者;儀仗兵

evade vt.逃避,迴避;避開,躲避

arrogant a.傲慢的,自大的

artery n.動脈;幹線,要道

aspire vi.(to,after)渴望,追求,有志於

assassinate vt.暗殺,行刺;中傷

waken 醒來,睡醒He wakened when the alarm sounded

virtual 實際上的,事實上的 the ~ manager of the business

weary 疲倦的,疲勞的 a ~ look

vigor 體力,精力,活力 in the ~ of manhood

violate 違反,違背 ~ the traffic regulations

zone 地帶,分佈帶 a danger ~

abdomen n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分)

abound vi.大量存在;(in,with)充滿,富於

acclaim v.向…歡呼,公認 n.歡呼,喝彩,稱讚

accountant n.會計人員,會計師

aisle n.(教堂、教室、戲院等裡的)過道,通道

supplement增補,補充 a ~ to wages

suppress壓制,鎮壓 ~human rights

supreme最高的,至上的 a ~ ruler

surpass超過,優於,強於,勝過 ~ advanced world

surplus過剩,剩餘 a teacher ~

survey調查~ population growth in the southern provinces

vain 徒勞的,無效的 ~ efforts

valid 有根據的 a ~ excuse

value 價值 I was offered 50 pounds for my old car but its ~ is much higher

asset n.(pl.)資產(產);有用的資源;優點,益處

blackmail n.訛詐,敲詐,勒索;脅迫,恫嚇

blade n. 刀刃,刀片;槳葉,槳片;草葉,葉片

blouse n.女襯衣,短上衣,寬闊的罩衫

foster vt. 照管;培養;促進

bruise n.青腫,挫傷;傷痕vt.打青;挫傷

bully n.恃強欺弱者,小流氓 vt.威脅,欺侮

bureaucracy n.官僚主義,官僚機構;(非民選的)委任官員

burglar n.(入室行竊的)盜賊

cape n.海角,岬;披肩,短披風

carbohydrate n.碳水化合物; 糖類;(plural)澱粉質或糖類

celebrity n.名人,名流;著名,名聲,名望

Christ n.基督,救世主,耶穌

clergy n.[總稱]牧師,神職人員

coalition n.結合體,同盟;結合,聯合

costume n. 戲裝;泳裝;服裝

cosy/cozy a.暖和舒服的;舒適的 [反]uncomfortable

credentials n.(個人能力及信用的)證明書,證件

ebb vi.衰退,減退 n.處於低潮,處於衰退狀態

eccentric a.古怪的,怪癖的,異乎尋常的n.古怪的人

futile a.無效的,無用的,無希望的

gender n.(生理上的)性;(名詞、代詞等的)性

glamour n.魔力,魅力 vt.迷住

strenuous a.費力的,艱辛的;奮發的,努力的

strife n.爭吵;衝突,鬥爭;競爭

stroll n.&v.漫步;散步;遊蕩

gorgeous a.華麗的;燦爛的;美麗的;宜人的;棒的

graphic a.生動的,形象的;繪畫的,文字的,圖表的

layoff n.臨時解僱;關閉;停歇

lottery n.抽彩;碰運氣的事,難於算計的事

majesty n. stately, grand appearance; splendor 雄偉,壯麗,莊嚴majestic a.

manoeuvre/maneuver vi.熟練地進入

medieval a. 中世紀的

excel vi.(at,in)突出,擅長vt.勝過,優於

excerpt n.摘錄,節錄 vt.摘,引用

exile n.流放;被流放者 vt.流放,放逐,把…充軍

fairy adj.幻想中的,虛構的

feat n.功績,偉業,技藝

federation n.聯合會;結盟,聯合

fore ad.在前面 a.先前的;在前部的 n.前部

solitary a.(好)孤獨的;偏僻的;單一的,唯一的

solo n.獨奏 a. ad.單獨的(地);獨唱的(地)

spiral a.螺旋形的 n.螺旋,螺線 v.螺旋上升;盤旋

spouse n. a wife or husband 配偶

stagger vi.搖晃著移動;蹣跚 n.搖晃不穩的動作;蹣跚

stalk n.莖,梗vt.悄悄地跟蹤vi.高視闊步地走

staple n.主要產品;名產;纖維;主要成分,主食

statute n.成文法,法令,法規;章程,規則,條例

steak n.牛排;大塊肉(或魚)片

stereotype n.陳規,老套,模式化 vt.使定型,使模式化

formidable a. difficult to defeat or deal with 難對付的;可怕的

meditate v.認真思考,沉思;計劃,考慮

momentum n. 動量;動力;勢頭

monarch n.帝王,君主,最高統治者

motivate vt.促動;激勵,鼓勵,作為…的動機

nightmare n.惡夢;可怕的事物,無法擺脫的恐懼

optimum a.最適宜的 n.(生長繁殖的)最佳條件

option n.選擇(權);可選擇的事物(或人),選課

overturn n. 推翻

stun vt.使…失去知覺;使目瞪口呆,使吃驚

subsidy n.補助金;津貼費

suffice v.足夠,(食物)滿足

suite n.套間;一套傢俱;套,組,系列

summit n.頂,最高點;顛峰,高峰;最高級會議

superstition n.迷信,迷信的觀念習俗

oxide n. 氧化物

grim a.嚴酷的,令人害怕的;不愉快的,討厭的

grin n.vi. 露齒笑,咧嘴笑

grope vi.暗中摸,摸索;探索,搜尋vt.摸索

heave v.(用力)舉,提,拉;扔;拖;嘔吐n.舉起

herb n.藥草,(調味用的)香草,草本植物

hierarchy n.等級制度;統治集團,領導層

hike n.徒步旅行;增加vi.徒步旅行vt.提高

passerby n.過路人,路人

pilgrim n.最初的移民(P大寫,指1620由歐洲移居美國的清教徒)

plea n.(法律)抗辯;請求,懇求,託詞,口實

skull n.頭蓋骨,顱骨

slaughter n.屠殺,屠宰 vt.屠殺,宰殺

slot n.狹縫;空位vt.放入狹縫中;把…納入

sneak vi.偷偷地走,溜vt.偷偷地做(或拿、吃)

sneeze vi.打噴嚏,發噴嚏聲n.噴嚏

agitate 攪動(液體等) The machine agitated the mixture.

alarm 驚恐,憂慮 The bandits scattered in alarm.

sort 種類,類別 He is not the ~ of man to do such a cruel thing

sound 健康的,健全的,完好的 a ~body in a ~ mind

sour 酸的,酸味的 ~pickles

alert 警惕的,留神的 In our reading we should always be alert for new usages.

alien 外國的 adjust to an alien culture

allege 斷言,宣稱 The newspaper alleges the mayor's guilt.

allocate 分配,分派,把...撥給 allocate funds for new projects

sniff vi.嗅…味道;抽鼻涕;對嗤之以鼻,蔑視

soar vi.(指鳥等)高飛,翱翔;飛漲;高聳

sociable a.好交際的,友好的,合群的

solidarity n.團結;休慼相關

surge vi.(如浪潮般)洶湧;奔騰 n.(感情等的)洋溢

susceptible a.過敏的,敏感的;易動感情的,易受感動的

tangle n.糾纏;纏結;混亂 v.(使)纏繞;變亂

temperament n.氣質,性格,性情;資質

tropic n.迴歸線;[the T-s]熱帶地區

tumour/tumor n.(腫)瘤,腫塊

amateur (藝術,科學等的)業餘愛好者 an amateur golfer

ambition (對名利等的)強烈慾望,野心 His political ambitions still burn.

amend 修改,修訂 amend the spelling in sb.'s paper

administrate 掌管,料理...的事務 In many Japanese homes, the funds are administrated by the wife.

adolescent (尤指16歲以下的)青少年 a film aimed at adolescents

advance 使向前移動 advance a chessman

sector n.部門,部分;防禦地段,防區;扇形

seemingly ad. in appearance; apparently 表面上的,看起來的

segregate vt. separate or keep apart from others 分離,隔離

serial n.連本影片,連本電視節目 a.連續的

setback n.挫折;失效;復發;倒退

shabby a.簡陋的,破舊的;卑鄙的,不正當的

aggravate 加重,加劇,惡化 aggravate the declining economy

aggressive 侵犯的,侵略的 an aggressive weapon

allied 結盟的,有關聯的 allied nations

allowance 津貼,補貼,零用錢 a housing allowance

alter 改變,更改 alter an attitude

alternate 交替,輪流 Night and day alternate.

arouse 使......奮發 A man like Tom will be aroused. Don’t worry.

array 排列,隊形 The troops were formed in battle array.

articulate 發音清晰的,善於表達的 He is articulate about everything in the field of economics.

shatter n.碎片;粉碎 v.粉碎;使疲憊;使震駭

shove vt.亂推;亂塞 vi.用力推,擠 n.猛推

shuttle n.往返汽車/列車/飛機;穿梭 v.往返穿梭

adverse 不友好的,敵對的 She felt adverse to her husband's friends.

advocate 擁護,提倡,主張 advocate self-defence

aesthetic 美學的,藝術的,審美 an aesthetic theory

affliliate 使隸屬(或附屬)於,使成為會員 a government affiliated company

affirm 斷言,申明 affirm the truth of a statement

artificial 人工的,人造的,人為的 artificial price controls

ascend 登高,(漸漸)上升,升高 The airplane ascended into the cloud.

ascertain 查明,弄清,確定 I ascertained that he was dead.

ashamed 慚愧的,羞恥的 I am ashamed for being so stupid.

ashore 向岸,向陸地 He swam ashore.

aside 在旁邊 We stood aside to let her pass.

assault 攻擊,襲擊 We made an assault on the enemy fort.

assemble 集合,召集 assemble the members of Parliament for a special meeting.

assert 肯定地說(出),堅定地斷言 He asserted his innocence.

assess 估價,評價,評論 assess the present state of the economy

assign 分配,佈置(作業) The teacher assigned (us) a new lesson.

assimilate 吸收,消化 He is quick to assimilate new ideas.

rape n.強姦;破壞,蹂躪 vt.強姦;破壞,蹂躪

rash a.輕率的,魯莽的 [反]deliberate n.皮疹

guideline n.指導方針,指導原則,準則,標準

gut n.[pl.]膽量;內臟a.本能的vt.取出內臟

habitat n.(動物的)棲息地,(植物的)產地

harassment n.騷擾,擾亂;煩惱,煩亂

recycle vt./vi.重複利用(用過的物資),循環使用

redundant a.被解僱的;多餘的,過剩的

refugee n.(政治上的)避難者,難民

refund n.v. 退款;賠償

relish n.喜好,樂趣;美味;胃口 v.愛好,喜歡

remnant n.殘餘,剩餘;殘餘物,殘存部分

renaissance n.[the R-]文藝復興(時期);新生,復興

ritual a.宗教儀式的,典禮的 n.儀式,典禮;慣例

robust a.強健的,茁壯的;有力的 [反]feeble

salvation n.(尤指基督)救世,超度;拯救,解困

sanction v.同意(某事),批准,認可 n.批准,國際制裁

sane a.心智健全的,神志清醒的;明斷的,理智的

sarcastic a.諷刺的,嘲笑的,挖苦的

saturate vt.使溼透,浸透;使充滿,使飽和

repertoire n.全部劇目,保留劇目,全部技能

repression n.壓抑,壓制,鎮壓

retention n.保留;保持;記憶(力)

retort n.v.報復;反擊;反駁

boost n.促進,激勵;一抬;一推 vt.推動,增強

bowel n.腸;[pl.]內部,深處

retrieve vt.重新得到,取回;挽回,補救;檢索

retrospect v.n.回顧,回想,追溯[反]foresee

revelation n.揭示,透露,顯示;被揭示的真相,新發現

rigorous a.嚴格的,嚴厲的,嚴酷的(氣候條件)

riot n.暴(騷)亂;(色彩等)極度豐富vi.聚眾鬧事

rip v.猛撕開;扯開;被撕開;裂開

scandal n.醜事,醜聞;流言蜚語;反感,憤慨

scramble vi.(快速地)爬,攀登;互相爭奪,爭先

siege n.包圍,圍攻,圍困

sip v.小口地喝,抿,呷 n.一小口的量

sceptical/skeptical a.懷疑的

skim vt.撇去(液體表面)之漂浮物 vi.輕輕掠過

skip vi.略過,跳過 n.跳躍 vt.故意忽略;略過

texture n.(織物)質地;(材料)構造;結構;肌理

transcend vt. 超出,超越(理性等)的範圍

abolish 徹底廢除(法律、制度、習俗等)abolish old custo

prime 首要的,主要的 a matter of ~ importance

foul a.令人不快的;惡臭的;邪惡的 v.弄髒 n.(體育等)犯規

fridge n.(refrigerator的略語)冰箱

radiant a.(面容、目光)洋溢著幸福的,明亮照耀的

rap vt.急敲;突然厲聲說出;訓斥n.急敲(聲)

thermal 熱的,由熱造成的 ~burns

thirst 渴,口渴 The heat creates a ~ in me like I’ve never had before

trail 痕跡,足跡 a ~ of destruction left by the violence

tramp 步行,跋涉 He loves ~ing over the hills

transfer 轉移,調動 the company has transferred to an eastern location

fringe n.邊緣;(窗簾)緣飾;額前垂髮 vt.飾…的邊

fume n.(usu pl.)(濃烈或難聞的)煙,氣,汽

blur n.模糊不清的事物 vt.使模糊,使看不清楚

browse vi.隨意翻閱,瀏覽;(牛、羊等)吃草

primitive 原始的,上古的,早期的 a ~ forest

prior 在先的,在前的 Stop making public statements without their ~ approval here

privilege 特權,優惠,特免 In countries where there are still not many schools, education is a ~

probe 探索,探查,調查 ~ the roots of war

absolute 純粹的,完全的 have absolute trust in sb.

verge 邊,邊緣,邊沿 the ~ of a stream

verify 證明,證實Subsequent events verified my suspicions

vertical 垂直的,立式的 a ~ engine

veto 否決,否決權,否決權的行使 The rest of the committee could not accept the ~

accustom 使習慣於 accustom oneself to rising (to rise) early

acquaint 使認識,使瞭解

trash n.垃圾;拙劣的作品;渣滓,敗類vt.搗毀

toxic a.有毒的,因中毒引起的

amaze 使驚愕,使驚異 I am amazed that he should get the post.

breach n.違反,不履行;破裂 vt.衝破,攻破

briefcase n.手提箱,公事皮包

ambiguous 含糊不清的,模稜兩可的 an ambiguous answer

ozone n. 臭氧;清新的空氣

pact n.合同,條約,公約

trace 痕跡,蹤跡 The wound healed, leaving almost no ~ of a scar

track足跡,蹤跡~s in the snow

tragedy 悲劇 Hamlet is one of shakespeare’s best known tragedies

paperback n.平裝本,簡裝本

script n.劇本(原稿);手稿,原稿;筆跡,手跡

scrutiny n.周密的調查;仔細看;監視;選票複查

sculpture n.雕刻(術),雕塑(術);雕刻作品

tame 馴化的,馴服的,溫順的 ~animails

tan棕黃色,黃褐色 buy some shoes in tan

tax 稅(款)Half of his wages go in tax

abrupt 突然的,意外的 an abrupt departure

acute 尖銳的,敏銳的 an acute thinker

versatile 多才多藝的 a ~ man

versus 訴訟,競賽等中以……為對手 The match tonight is China ~ Japan

blunt 鈍的 The sun was blazing down and the heat was oppressive.

blush (因害羞、激動、窘困)臉紅 blush with(或for) joy

abide 遵循(…by);容忍 The one thing she cannot abide is lying.

delight 高興,快樂:To the teacher’s great delight , all his students passed the examination.

deliver 投遞,傳送,運輸:deliver the mail

demonstrate 論證,證明 :demonstrate a philosophical principle


