少儿英语课堂——小猪佩奇Mr Dinosaur Is Lost ,内含知识讲解


看视频学英语,今天我们和 Peppa Pig佩奇一家一起来学习英语表达!

乔治不小心弄丢了他的恐龙玩偶,跟着视频和图文讲解,来当一回detective 大侦探,帮帮George.

(1) George, what is the matter? 乔治,出什么事情了?

George, have you lost Mr. Dinosaur? 乔治,你是不是把恐龙先生弄丢了?

视频中,George 在哭,Mummy Pig用句型what is the matter? 来询问发生了什么事情。Daddy Pig 从George 的表现推测并询问,have/has done 用现在完成时询问,表达发生的事情对现在造成的影响。

少儿英语课堂——小猪佩奇Mr Dinosaur Is Lost ,内含知识讲解

(2) What is a detective? 什么是侦探?

A detective is a very important person who is good at finding things.


Daddy Pig 和Peppa Pig 的这个对话,让我们简单了解侦探,并知道这份工作的工作内容。后面视频中Peppa Pig 也以 I'm good at finding things 擅长找东西为由当上了小侦探,be good at 擅长,如 I'm good at swimming.


少儿英语课堂——小猪佩奇Mr Dinosaur Is Lost ,内含知识讲解

(3) The detective could try and guess where Mr. Dinosaur might be.


Daddy Pig 见 Peppa Pig 没有获得有用信息,给她提了一个小建议,could try and guess 可以尝试着猜猜看,where it might be 它可能在哪里。我们学习过表示猜测的情态动词还有 must, can, could, may, might等。

少儿英语课堂——小猪佩奇Mr Dinosaur Is Lost ,内含知识讲解

(4) George always has Mr. Dinosaur with him in the bath.


George always has Mr. Dinosaur in his bed at night.


以上2个句子是Peppa Pig对于恐龙先生位置的猜测理由,always 总是,in the bath, in his bed 2个位置表达。

少儿英语课堂——小猪佩奇Mr Dinosaur Is Lost ,内含知识讲解

(5) Maybe we should try the garden. 也许我们应该去花园里找一找。

小侦探找了很久还是没有找到恐龙先生,Mummy Pig 提了一个建议,should 应该,如We should go to bed early in the evening.

故事最后,George 找到了Mr. Dinosaur,大家都很开心。

少儿英语课堂——小猪佩奇Mr Dinosaur Is Lost ,内含知识讲解




少儿英语课堂——小猪佩奇Mr Dinosaur Is Lost ,内含知识讲解

