

Sang PhanToo difficult, likely 0 percent for Vietnam. China has more than 60 years to develop her economy, although they have some conficts with their neighbors but generally, this conflict or war didnt affect so much to them. They also open economy ahead Vietnam 10 years ( 1979 and 1986). Vietnam loosed gold time to develop economy ( from 80s of 20 century) when it was dragged to war with neighbors. In some big cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou, It already was the developed city same like any big cities from developed country. The Vietnamese education is copied from Chinese education. You maybe dont know but except subject like History…We studied same as these things Chinese were studied. China has big country, It mean they have big market, big resource, big human resources. It is reason why they has big company like Alibaba, Tecent, Huawei..even when these company dont invest in oversea. Dont mention to Vietnam was embargoed by US and Western until 1995 and China until 1991. From my observation, In the next 30 years, Vietnam will overcome Thailand, Philipines, Malay about GDP size, But China, I dont believe, except WW3 happen.






David WeiserNo. China is significantly ahead of Vietnam in terms of economic development. It has a GDP per capita about four times that of Vietnam, and economic growth rates are very similar, though I’m pretty sure Vietnam’s are a bit higher. China is likely going to reach developed status before.


Edmund TaBy the sheer size difference, I’d say yes.It is important to remember also that “developed nation” also has a people/cultural aspect, and is not only about infrastructure and economics. Education, gender issues all need to be considered too…


Zhang Dayuunder extreme circumstances, like a hot war between us and china extreme.vienam is doing good work. it just that china is too big, the economic implication of that is huge.


Kev BughMore importantly, will Vietnam become a developed country before they experience population crisis ? Vietnam’s birth rate is bellow replacement level and its average population is aging. This is now the best time to improve the country’s economy before it’s too late. The main obstacle is China. Due to larger population, production cost and labor wage are cheaper than Vietnam, which makes it hard for Vietnam to compete with the price. However, as China’s labor wage is getting more expensive, Vietnam will get the chance to compete in price. Let’s just hope it will happen sooner before it’s too late.




Siddhartha SahasrabuddheIt depends on your definition of developed. Countries that are considered developed still have huge amounts of farmland with poor people barely scraping by living there, i.e the United States. I do not believe that Vietnam will develop before China due the large difference in economic output between the two.


DalongIt will be.In dream.



